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    The revenant wears pants.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    He don't wear pants. That's blood, genius! Eh. Hell with it, I'm off to burn down the malls. <FONT size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> unarmed and dangerous

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Fyrestorm's right, you need a PW inkorrekt skreen... oO that post right b'hind me's mine. :P <FONT size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">I'm Dust Bunny, dammit!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    The revenant wears BLOODY pants. The barons and hell knights, however, wear eather pants (how kinky) that go down all the way to their hooves. Oh, and the Mancubus wears a condom.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I think this is a reference to the thing on Old Man Murray where he was complaining about a Dikatina skeleton which was wearing a loincloth. Go check it out at http://www.oldmanmurray.com It's really funny.

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    he's wearing pants...even romero cleared this up at one time...

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    Guest DarkFang


    No way, thats blood on his legs. And besides, if he DID have pants on, thats some awfully small spandex! And who dosen't feel sorry for the Baron? If I looked like that, I'd be screwing meself some imps! But, uh, maybe I should just keep that to myself :) heh.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    The barons and hellknights don't wear pants j00 frads. It's like hair or something. Revenants suck cause their missiles can't make up their minds whether to be heat-seeking or regular rockets. WTF is that?

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    There was an equally large debate about this on Usenet a while back. I personally emailed id Software and the reply was affirmative in favor of pants. They are perhaps bloody pants, but they're pants nonetheless.

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    Guest Toke1215


    its 7:00 now, at 8:30 this morning there where only 13 messages!!! Then the dumbass people get on and talk about 3rd grade humar and passing gas.

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    Guest Mad Cow Disease


    It's 8:45, at 7:00 there was a bit of fun with a non-existant issue, then some jerkass who names himself after what he smokes himself stupid (or so my theory is, because he's definitely stupid) tries to ruin it for everyone, by, get this, questioning *their* intelligence!

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    Damnit, none of the monsters wear pants, what the hell is wrong with you people?! They're freaking demons they don't need to cover anything up, they're workers, like worker ants, so they don't have to reporduce. They just spend their days killing cocky marines for Romero's head on a stick.

    Now if that wasn't lame I dunno what is :D

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    I am the owner of revenant, and I can conclusively say that he does not wear pants. As for the doom monster, that's a different issue. He has metal armor, don't fuck with him.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Arnt they wearing shirts? So if they were wearing shirts - wouldnt they be wearing pants too? Or is whats under their shirt so much more disgusting than whats undertheir pants that ID had to cover it up?

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    Guest Roadskin


    i found out that that shirt type thing is battle gear and that red stuff is blood cos you can see his cock bone :)

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    When the head on the stick created the Heavens and Earth, he was short two brains, which he needed for the first two Arch-Viles, so he borrowed them from the first two Revenants. (The Arch-Viles especially needed the brains so they didn't set themselves on fire.) Anyway, to make a long story short, the head on a stick couldn't pay the Revenants back in time, and they evolved without brains. So, without the advantage of a brain, they ended up not knowing what their tattered pants were for, so they wore them as shirts. :-b

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    Guest Stealthy


    The revenant has clothes because its a skeleton of some human, amd humans usually waer clothes :)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Replying to the post about the rocket lanchers, the PC version was coded to include both homing and non-homing missles.

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