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  • DWBS


    The war still rages on whether or not the revenant does in fact wears pants... to address another mystery of Doom, is the Doomguy right-handed or left-handed? Evidence for his being a righty include the Doom title screen, the shotgun, and the plasma rifle, while southpaw evidence includes the Doom 2 tital screen, the fist, the pistol, and the super shotgun, which the Doomguy appears to fire with two left hands (?!?).

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    I've come to the conclusion that the Doomguy in ambidexterous. I mean, one guy who can wipe out the entire hordes of hell... There has to be some serious coordination there.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Just because the revenant model is not wearing pants does not mean he is bare assed in the game.

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    The Doom sprite graphics are just digitised bluescreen photos of the models that id software built. So if the revenant model lacks pants, so do the revenant sprites.

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    He's left-handed because he punches with his left hand. I would think that more people would know that ambidexterious people have a notable lack of coordination in their hands.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    From my point of view, the Doom spacemarine is neither right or left handed. I believe that the army taught him to use both of his hands any way he wants to use them, whether it be punching somebody or blowing someone's guts buy pulling the trigger of a BFG. And forget about the revenant's pants already!! Jeez!!! He is a worhty opponent to fight, and doesnt deserve to be made fun of! -Laters. EUGENE E. SLOUPSKY

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    "He's left-handed because he punches with his left hand." In boxing you are trained to use both hands in fights. Just because you punch with one hand does not mean that that is the dominate hand.

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    Guest mancabus


    He's Ambidexterous. He shots with his right and punches with his left. I'm Ambidexterous and I can do that. (That doesnt mean I've shot anyone)

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    even if the revenant did have pants on, he still couldn't get L**D in a morgue

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    DemilinX is right. You usually punch with your left and keep your dominant (right) hand up near your face for defence. Then again, I doubt the Doom Marine is a professional kick-boxer...

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    Sure, boxers box with both hands, but this marine guy seems to be obsessed with using his left hand and only his left hand to punch all the time. He's probably left-handed. :-b

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