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  • DWBS


    Since I\'ve gotten perhaps 9 or 10 good entries in our 10 Sectors Contest, I figured I would start posting screenshots to let you guys see what sort of stuff has been done so far. Think you can do better than this? Then why not enter? Remember that the first prize is a Voodoo 5 5500 AGP video card, so get those level editors smoking. Even if you don\'t win, if your level is one of the best 32 I receive (which doesn\'t seem like it would be all that hard really), you\'ll be included in the 10 Sectors megawad we compile, and then everyone will know just how leetass you are.

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    What kind of things we must add on the map?

    Did anyone said that 1 sector is the best way to win? Ans what is chance to win with a 2 sector.

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    Guest Fanatic


    Took me about 14 hours to complete, but my 10 sector level was just sent to Ling. You guys should enjoy the crap out of it! WOOO!!!

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    The ten sectors are there to be used, and levels that use less than ten sectors shouldn't be given special consideration over the 10-sector levels.

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    What could possibly be wrong with alkali now? Who is the neurotic, aur or 'anon user' I don't know.

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    Guest Jamman


    After reading all the statements below, I began to think, The person who own's that level in the screenshots must not have told the contest holder that he didn't want his level shown. I other words the person didn't mind people seeing his level. So we shouldn't moan about screenshots. If someone doesn't want to show the screenshots of his level, then he doesn't have to. Get it. Good. If not reread

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    Guest Anonymous User


    The "all of alkali in four sentences" thing was meant as a joke, not an attack. Jeez, lighten up Jon! :)

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    So anon user, who are you then? why is it people who flame or antagonise others don't reveal themselves? Is that fod?

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    Guest fod_vile


    In short Jon no it's not fod, I dont post anon (well not unless it's when this thing screws up) and I wouldn't comment on any aspect of wad making as I can't do it properly so cannot but respect those that can

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