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  • Episode Oneage


    Brad Spencer has updated his Episode 1 Clones page with 2 more "unknown" wads: The Abandoned Base by Pablo Diccter and Lost Refinery by Jason Root. He also mentions that he want some help finding Episode 1-ish WADs.

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    I don't know where to get it from (I have it on a magazine CD), but there's a pretty cool Doom 1 WAD called Dinner that has a bunch of E1 style levels.

    NJ Doom 2 and Invasion 1 also have several E1 style levels in them.

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    Sorry, I meant NJ Doom 1. I don't know where you can get it either; originally it was on cdrom.com but it, along with several other old WADs, seems to have vanished recently.

    Also, NJ ZDoom basically is NJ Doom 2 only with a couple of different levels and enhancements to most of the others.

    Anyway, I thought of another set of E1 style levels, 1kill, which I _do_ know where to find, and here it is:


    Maybe someone should do this with E4 style levels too, that would be sweet :)

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    Woh, that came as a surprise, I didn't think anyone even really knew about NJDOOM.

    Actually I don't recomend searching for it too hard, its pretty poor, with many of the levels being "completed" only a few months after doom was released - they are very basic with no texture alignment and full of problems created by the limitations of earlier editors and the bugs in the early version of BSP - and the fact I was crap.

    NJZDOOM2 is an updated version of many of the levels from NJDOOM, not dramatically reworked, just tidied up a bit. I do better stuff these days, honest. The version of NJZDOOM which may be publically available somewhere is actually not the final version as the final version includes fixes for level 7 and full zdoom versions of the secret wolf levels with sliding rather than rising doors (A la Wolfenstein), but because of this CDROM.COM won't accept it.

    If you really want some of the old njdoom levels, they were originally uploaded to compuserve years ago and I think had names like dmnige.zip dmnjsoh.zip dmnjkd.zip and doomnj.zip (compuserve renamed them to fit in with their classification system). A shores of hell replacement episode was completed first, then knee deep, and the whole lot was packaged together with the inferno replacement just after doom2 was released (If memory serves). I don't know if they are still on compuserve, but believe me, I don't think it is worth the search.

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    Funny, I happen to make episode 1-ish levels. In fact, it was the whole premise of MY Doom TC! Maybe I'll put them on newstuff soon.

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    Enjay and UseMSK3d: Some of us DOOM freaks can't get enough of E1 style levels. Give us some links to download or perhaps a webpage were we can see some screenshots before an upcoming release?

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    Hi Brad,

    Sorry I took so long for this list. All should be available on CDROM com. Here goes:


    01Shit by Sean Birkel [Unfin vers of 01fava]
    1Killxtr by Angelo Jefferson
    Nukemine by Jason Hargreaves
    Opost21 by Scott Amspoker [D2 vers exists]
    Sophobos by Michael Lundy
    Return01 by Michael Kelsey
    T_dunn01 by Travers Dunne


    1killtng by Angelo Jefferson
    2Shadows by Sean Birkel [Also seen in MM2]
    Gkdm11 by Genesis Krzyzaniak [Compat with D1]
    Dchronix by Anthony Soto [Haha, just kidding]


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