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  • Forever Doomed


    Saw over on NewDoom that BootMax.com has posted an article entitled Forever Doomed: Doom Resurrection which takes a look at Doom Legacy and JDoom, and talks about "NewDoom.com - The Planet Quake of the Doom Revolution." Heh.

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    Guest warlock


    whtever you do, don't change it! :)

    PQ is probably the most popular Quake. I think that's what upset people. By saying that NewDoom.com is the PQ of the Doom Revolution you're basically saying that it's the most popular one.

    And that just isn't right.

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    Planetquake is the most popular Quake news site simply because it's the ONLY Quake news site.

    There are things like Stomped and Blue's News, but they're not Quake only.

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    Guest warlock


    heh, yeah. I'm not claiming PQ is good or anything...
    I don't like the whole gamespy network anyways.

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    Guest MetOfDooM


    newdoom.com is better, but you also forget that I never said doomworld sucks, just it's "owner". When Mordeth and Andrew B take the reigns, I notice the class of this site goes WAY the hell up!

    Class GOOOOD!

    Yep. newdoom has a news problem, and yes, they are getting better, and with a site only 5 months old, it's amazing how far they've come, and I have to give Face UK, and Wmull a lot of credit.
    As for the forums, I give Doom_dude credit, a lot of it, for putting up with a lot of crap (some from yours truly), and ruling without a Nazi-like fist, like some other board admin, who was he?

    Dictatorship BAAAAAD!

    Finally figured out who "MetOfDooM" was. It's about time. :)


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    Guest Stinger


    Calling NewDoom the PQ of the doom revolution was aimed towards their organization and hard-work, not popularity. I personally just really like NewDoom. I personally like NewDoom more then DoomWorld. Just my personal choices. I'd like to thank those of you who are nicely explaining your side, and I would like those of you who are not to stop sending hatemail. Thank you.

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    Frankly I'm glad MetofDoom (George Fiffy aka King REoL if you still haven't figured that out) was banned a while back. Nazi dictatorship? Nigga please. You posted pictures that were disgusting and uncalled for, you are an idiot, you deserved to be banned.

    The war is over, and it's won on this side.

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    Newdoom's forums aren't run with a nazi-like fist? Hmm, so that's why every other thread is "closed", and you get banned if you talk about a subject that the moderators "don't like" is it?

    Yes, freedom of speech is truly available in Newdoom, unlike Doomworld, where we're allowed to talk about whatever we like, as long as we're not asking for warez and our soul aim isn't just to piss everyone off (like that King ReOL guy, maybe you know him MetofDoom?)

    Maybe we should start having polls whether to ban certain people. I know for a fact that you would still have been banned if there had of been one.

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    What a lot of bollocks everyone is speaking. You say REoL was banned for posting blood and guts, but I think it's a lot more of a perrsonal issue. Why don't some of you people just grow up and say what you mean.

    Example, prowler said: "Frankly I'm glad MetofDoom (George Fiffy aka King REoL if you still haven't figured that out) was banned a while back. Nazi dictatorship? Nigga please. You posted pictures that were disgusting and uncalled for, you are an idiot, you deserved to be banned. "

    When what he really meant to say is "Argh, dammit, I hate you REoL, it's a personal thing, go die,..." etc etc etc. Which is fine. But REoL also hates you Prowler, as well as ling etc. So why keep on gouing on about it?

    Secondly, the whole Doomworld Newdoom thing. Here is a cut from ling's own mouth: "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I had said anything bad about NewDoom.
    I just thought it was funny how that article seemed to be totally kissing NewDoom.com's ass. I mean, it's talking about Doom Legacy and JDoom, and then suddenly there's a page all about NewDoom.com... it was just kind of weird.

    My opinions... I think that Doomworld has a lot more in the way of resource sections -- you guys have an editing utils page which looks to be about as comprehensive as ours, but we have a bunch of other stuff like our source ports section which you guys don't have.

    NewDoom, OTOH, seems currently to have a better and more timely news crew, and the forum community is a lot more friendly and tight-knit than DW's.

    PlanetDoom, when that opens, will kick both our asses, but that's a given anyway"

    There endth the quote. Linguna apparetnly does not have a problem with newdoom. So why do the rest of you constantly bitch about it? You wanna know why most threads at newdooom are shut down? It's because of threads like this where somebody says "Doomworld is gay". Wmull is defending doomworld when he shuts the thread. Get that into your thick skulls people!

    Now if you will excuse me, I'm going back to the newdoom forums to burn pitures of ling and shout "Heil Hitler" and such.

    Here endth the rant. ANd don't bother to pick apart my spelling or gammar if you feel the need to flame me, because I am doped up on pain killers at the momment and quite frankly don't give a fuck.

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    If Doomworld doesn't have a source port section, could you please explain what http://www.doomworld.com/ports/index.shtml
    is? Thanks.

    And better and more timely news? Please. The only news Newdoom posts is either about Newdoom hosted sites (about 75% on a given day I should think), ripped from Doomworld, or several days late.

    Planetdoom better than Doomworld? Maybe. There are a few good sites on the Gamespy network, such as Planet Half-life and Planet Baldur's Gate, but it really just depends on how open the applications they called for are to proper Doom community members and not just Quake-heads.

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    The entire of your argument is based on the linguina quote... You're argueing with his words, not mind.

    Read it more carefully before you try to be smart with me please. :)

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    I need a new nickname... people are calling me linguina, linquica, linguine... I think when I redesign I am going to just start using my real name.

    King REoL has some sort of vendetta against me since I banned him because he was posting pictures of mutilated corpses on the DW forums with the excuse that he was "just seeing if it all works right, nothing more." Of course he could have posted any picture in the world as a test to see if images work but he needed to post some of the sickest ones he could find. Naturally my banning him for this made me a giant asshole dictator.

    Lemme tell you something, "MetOfDooM": Mordeth and AndrewB completely agree with everything I have done regarding you, so I dunno why you bother saying that the "class" of this site goes up when they take the reins.

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    Guest MetOfDooM


    I saw Ling's posting about no bashing on his part in Newdoom's forums, among other things.
    For once, I think he is right there. You heard me, Ling was RIGHT! Got to give credit where it's due (the rest of you should try that, sometime).

    The one thing Ling doesn't get (and probably never will) is the fact I'm pissed over the NO WARNING of banning. THAT'S IT! He can keep the account for all I care, and I even apologized in #doomroom that day too. Why did I use rotten.com pics? That was the other site running at the time in another window. :)
    I apologized to him, now he should do the same for acting too quickly. Like I said, he can keep the account, and if he does give apologize for that, then the issue is over.

    I don't know why the rest of you make everything much bigger than what it is.

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    Guest warlock


    Heh, don't stop using ling. That'd feel weird. :)

    It's just the price you have to pay for being the only one that has that nick.

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    Fartstation (sic), I'm aware of that. Just because Doomworld is my favourite Doom site, doesn't mean I have to agree with anything Linguica says.

    Besides, perhaps you should learn how to quote. When using long quotes, they should be indented, and preferrably a smaller font size (although that's not possible on this thing). e.g. :

    "quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
    quote quote quote quote quote quote quote"

    And learn to read names properly. prower, not prowler. Linguica, not Linguia.

    Finally, did you actually SEE the picture you're reffering to? Considering that some of the Doomworld regulars are 12, 13, 14, 15 and possibly even younger, it is totally unsuitable to post that sort of thing.

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    Guest Confusion


    Just out of curiousity, what precisely was the picture Fiffy posted of?

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    Dammit Afterglow, you spent the time you spent writing that comment working on a Skull Tag level instead! GET TO WORK YOU DAMN CANADIAN!!!

    </Cyb like humor>

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