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    Covaro (you remember him, right?) has updated his webpage with an explanation of where he's been all these long months. Will you people stop emailing me about the Doomworld Christmas contest already now...

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    Guest mystican


    im sorry to hear about all this happening to cov, always seems to be the nice guys who get hit the worst. best wishes scott, hope everythings all on the up for you from now on.

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    Don't worry Scott, most people suffer from depression and dun even know it. Take Ling and Afterglow for instance.. Get a job man, you'll feel better. Plus with a job.. chicks will want you, it's a proven fact man. Then you can get laid man, and then you won't be depressed any more...

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    Good luck Covaro, you'll be a stronger person when everything is all set...believe me. As for the contest, I'm sure everyone would understand if you just cancel it. You decide :)

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    Cov, I know about depression... I've been sunk in it for the past 10 or so years (do NOT ask what caused it, you do NOT want to know)... anti-depressants can't make the slightest dent in it... it's really no fun. Comedy helps a bit. Get your ass some Robin Williams recordings. Or any other truly insane comedian. Maybe if you hit it now, you won't become like me... too depressed to improve your life so you won't be so depressed (maybe I should change my handle to Catch-22 Blue or something... if you get the gag, you're cool). I am also "in between jobs." Actually, I quit my last job a year ago (boss kept forgetting to schedule me) and have been mooching off my parents while I go to a local techie univerisity. I am now searching for a job that will get my 21-year-old ass out of this nuthouse and into a place where I don't have to close the door to watch Legend of the Overfiend (classic anime with a fair amount of hentai scenes... my buddy, inspired by this movie, coined the term "Nuclear Napalm Jism"... nuffsed!) Incidentally, I am wondering if the winners could be announced NOW (instead of when the prizes are ready), to end all the anticipation and prevent the flames from the less-mature participants (there are always a few of them)who probably won't be able to handle waiting several months just to be told that they lost.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Ten years? That makes my eleven months seem like nothing. I think you can get over it faster if you don't go with anti-depressants. <BR>It's true that sometimes the more you think about it the more you get depressed, but the more you just put it out of your mind, the longer it lasts. <BR>Doom is one of the ways I took my mind off my frustration, but I think the real way to get over it is, first, just let it sink in. Think about it. Look at all sides. Sometimes, you tend to like being depressed, so just get that over with. Second, decide that it's something you want to get over. I only realized on the eleventh month it was something I wanted to get over, and then it was only a matter of time. <P>Hope you feel better, Covaro.

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    maybe I *do* sorta "like" being depressed. I'm so used to it now that I probably consider it a "safe" emotion. Goddamn conditioned fear-of-change response! I haven't really done much antidepressants. I always took myself off of them when I realized they weren't working. Prozac screwed up my sleep schedule (doesn't take much to do THAT!), Paxil made me more hyper than Romero after he's had 6 liters of Jolt, and Efexor did diddly-squat (did I just say "diddly-squat?" oh man it's STILL too early for me to be up! 11AM EST here!) I just wish the depression didn't sap all my motivation. It's like AIDS, it goes right after the one thing that can eliminate it. Practise safe emotions, kids! Wear a rubber mask when watching dramatic movies! (it would be amusing to see an entire audience of ppl in masks watching a chick flick... and probably more interesting than what's happening on the screen) Yep, I got some weird-ass sense of humor... the final bastion that rages against the dying of the light (execute salute_animation on client William_Blake ...at least I think it was Blake who wrote that...)

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    Guest Xenocide


    doesn't the revenant have shorts or something? And the spiders are just brains... brains don't need clothes. And did you ever think that maybe the demons don't like clothing, maybe it's itchy to them or something. Why can't humans and demons just talk and make everything peachy?

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    What the hell Ricrob, you don't know me! Coward! :P At least I don't cyber like Recidivus :D ... and Linguica is my only friend.

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