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  • Huge Doom 3 Info


    My good friend Lowtax over at Something Awful has sent me some exclusive information he managed to obtain from Christian Antkow of id Software about the new Doom game. I should note that this info might very well spoil the game for some of you, so I've blacked it out in case you don't want to see it. Highlight below to read:

    • There will be NO maps that take place in Shea Stadium.
    • Elvis will NOT be a selectable character.
    • The game will NOT be like Q-Bert or Maze Craze.
    I know, I am as shocked and amazed as you are. Thanks Lowtax and Xian!

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    Guest Firebrandt


    Hey Ling, how about putting up an id finger? With Doom3 in development that might not be a bad idea.

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    Guest Kinoshkana


    Just thought of the image of a female John Carmack fingering herself. Must... find... brain soap...

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    Kat would make a exellent Doom Space marine. Maybe I'll start to mail ID about letting her be the model for the model ;)

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    Damnit lowtax is pretty sad. Something awful is not a case of a joke gone too far, it simply wasn't funny.

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    Guest space-dog


    I can't find anything even vaguley related to doom on that site, could some kind soul please point it out?

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    Hey it isn't ALL that bad. It does get pretty repetitive but for somebody who needs a better sense of humor, I pick up a few good lines from there every once in a while. Cliff Yablonski is classic. I think his picture is funnier than most of the site's content though. But the thing he just did "Rules for living in the apartment above me" was one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. The 2nd time through was almost as good as the first. I gotta give the guy credit for that one.

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    With the new Doom's ability to edit levels and make modifications, we'll probably be able to add all these things back in!

    (And you didn't think of the poor Lynx users who probably didn't get the text blacked out... or if they did, couldn't reveal it.)

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    "There will be NO maps that take place in Shea Stadium.
    Elvis will NOT be a selectable character.
    The game will NOT be like Q-Bert or Maze Craze".

    What a hell was that? Is a joke?

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    There's no way id's serious about this info. Any game even remotely good has to have Elvis as a playable character!

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    I swear, if Shea Stadium doesn't appear in Doom 3, I simply will not buy the game. I won't! Who do they think they are? I mean, Shea Staduim, DOOM, It's an iD tradition! And what next? I suppose they're going to leave out Disneyworld and The Planet Of The Apes as well. Out with the old, in with the new is what's in their head, isn't it? I'm really having second thoughts about Doom 3 right now.

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    It seems Id are too commercial nowadays. Witness my evidence of ultimate power:

    >The Well of Souls
    >The Abandoned Base
    >The Necropolis
    >The house of Cython

    They are just trying to put their sponsers in. I mean, take that last one: Its obviously an advertisment for the world famous Cython in a Box(tm)

    And notice how they all start with "The"? Hmm? Do you? Do you understand?

    I swear, if Id don't atleast put the good old Pacman level in, I'm going to have to find one that does. Like Wolfenstein 3D.

    Then again, maybe the original Doom was just advertising Imps R us.


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    Guest space-dog


    you guys are looking at a different site, I can't find anything to do with doom

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    Please let it have a train, please let it have a train, please let it have a train, please
    pet it have a train, please let it have a train, please let it have a train, please let it have a train, please let it have a
    train, please let it have a train.

    Seriously, I want to see a 3d game that has
    a good train level (and beter than the "model trains" used in Duke 3d:)

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