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  • Huge Guts!?


    Hey, there hasn't been any news on the Doom movie in a while, right? Check out a preview of a set visit on Dark Horizons. Of course filming wrapped a month or two ago (or maybe more, I haven't been paying attention), but better late than never, right? I'll just cut to the meat of the article since very little else is said about the film:

    1) In their own words, the makers of the film are going for a "Hard R."

    2) Every set, every corridor, every weapon looks faithful to the game. The set is a maze of dark corridors, steel-dungeony-looking hallways that should be scary as hell. The arsenal of weapons includes several nods to the game, including, of course, the BFG.

    3) Real models when possible, minimizing the employment of green screens.

    4) Sometime in the future, John Grimm (Karl Oben), Sarge (The Rock), and a military -esque crew receive a distress call from a science lab on the remote planet Olduvai. Once on Oldvuai, they're thrown into a maelstrom of dimly-lit hallways, monsters, and bloodshed.

    5) The sets are all indoors

    So you can at least stop complaining that it won't be ultra-violent and move onto the fact that it takes place on 'Oldvuai' and takes place pretty much entirely indoors. Hey, just like Doom 3!

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    NiGHTMARE said:

    First, I used the phrase "almost certainly". Almost certainly != definitely.

    So according to you "almost certainly", means "perhaps 1% of times". Because 99 of 100 "best ever" lists are made by some random person and look like that one.

    Second, I also used the phrase "such as", menaing the films I listed were merely examples of 40's and 50's films which could appear on a best movies ever list. I didn't say those specific films would definitely be on such a list.

    But there's only one 40's and 50's movie on that list. It was also the first Google hit I got; it would be easy to find list after another that contain only more recent movies.

    Incidentally, the list you linked to isn't a "best ever movies" list anyway, it's a "my favourite movies" list - not the same thing I'm afraid, since the former takes into account multiple opinions, whereas the latter is based entirely on the opinion of a single person :)

    Uhm, ok, "best ever" implies taking multiple opinions into account. Excuse me for a minute while I marvel at your ability to define words in ways that are incompatible with the way other people use them.

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    A "best ever" list is intended to refer a list which has been compiled from multiple sources. If you wish to refuse to accept that, it is of course your choice.

    Chosing to make a major melodrama out of such an incredibly insignificant issues is your choice as well. Personally I have better things to, and of the times we've spoken previously I thought you did as well. Clearly I was wrong.

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    I merely acknowledged that it was your choice, I didn't offer you it. Please stop twisting my words.

    You know, I'm beginning to think some other person has taken over your account, since you're acting nothing like the Fredrik I once knew and respected.

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    Oh for fucks sake not this again. For the sake of every sane person here just lock any news thread that has to do with the DOOM movie upon being created.

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    Xenphire said:

    For the sake of every sane person here just lock any news thread that has to do with the DOOM movie upon being created.

    No, shut the hell up, and go away.

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    Probably obvious, but... Could you also agrue that maybe the majority of people involved in the big 'the best' lists grew up in the 40s and 50s? Also, in many cases perhaps, as one ages they tend to percieve things around them as getting worse and worse, you outlook on life in general changes, and people of different generations are likely to have relatively little in common with each other when it comes to style and attitude. There is ussually no getting around that, I think.

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    You seem to forget that movie critics have watched and reviewed thousands and thousands of films, since that's their job. More than many of us combined in some cases. A good movie is a good movie generally regardless of era.

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    Youn: I'm willing to bet that were you to compare the percentage of the current generation who dislike the typical modern movie, with the percentage of the 40's/50's generation who disliked the typical 40's/50's movie at the time of their initial release, the former figure would be significantly higher..

    Scuba: The discussion was originally about which era had the most good movies (or more precisely, the least terrible movies), not which era produced the best movies :).

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