Hey, there hasn't been any news on the Doom movie in a while, right? Check out a preview of a set visit on Dark Horizons. Of course filming wrapped a month or two ago (or maybe more, I haven't been paying attention), but better late than never, right? I'll just cut to the meat of the article since very little else is said about the film:
1) In their own words, the makers of the film are going for a "Hard R."
2) Every set, every corridor, every weapon looks faithful to the game. The set is a maze of dark corridors, steel-dungeony-looking hallways that should be scary as hell. The arsenal of weapons includes several nods to the game, including, of course, the BFG.
3) Real models when possible, minimizing the employment of green screens.
4) Sometime in the future, John Grimm (Karl Oben), Sarge (The Rock), and a military -esque crew receive a distress call from a science lab on the remote planet Olduvai. Once on Oldvuai, they're thrown into a maelstrom of dimly-lit hallways, monsters, and bloodshed.
5) The sets are all indoors
So you can at least stop complaining that it won't be ultra-violent and move onto the fact that it takes place on 'Oldvuai' and takes place pretty much entirely indoors. Hey, just like Doom 3!
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