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  • IcarusWeb


    Due to Real Life stuff there won\'t be a new issue of the Doom webzine IcarusWeb for a while. Mr Icarus expects to be back for duty \"early September\". Also, did you know that Thandie Newton of MI2 fame is actually his cousin? Whoop!

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    You tap that ass, wax that ass. Icarus, you have any sisters? :P Anyway, I guess I won't see another IcarusWeb issue again in my life...

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Nice links, Ling! Indeed, poor Oli....

    So there ARE some *FINE* British gals in existence, eh? Of course, not counting the waif-thin supermodels.... ;-) My next vacation may just be spent among those tea-sipping people. :-)

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    Actually, in Britain having an affair with or getting married to your cousin is not considered incest, and hence isn't illegal.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Don't worry, Afterglow you will see another issue of icausweb (horrible accidents happening to you or me execpted), I'm just on a break, and these are some real problems.<br><br> Oh, and by the way, apoligies if I haven't returned your mail (to anyone), my account is all screwed.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    No, I don't have any. Sorry. I have a brother, but I'd prefer it if you didn't start showing an interest in him, that'd just be weird.

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    You can't legally 'touch' your parents, children, brothers, sisters, minors, the dead and animals. BUT you can hump your Gran if your sick enough.

    None of this is illegal in Alabama, in fact i think its compulsory!?!

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    The effects of inbreeding are aready apparent in the doomworld forum :)

    Anyway, looking forard to the next icarus web.

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    Guest Confusion


    Why is incest considered so wrong anyway? It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me. Not that I'm in any way interested in that sort of behaviour (just take a look at my family), but how is it a bad thing (as long as you use proper birth control)?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    waah, mummy, that louis person, he said a bad word.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    waah, mummy, that louis person, he said a bad word.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    waah, mummy, that louis person, he said a bad word.

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    Inbreeding creates imune system problems as the genepool does not contain enough vairity, plus tends to over pronounce family features (the royal family of Britain and their handglider ears).

    And it's pretty gross

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    Guest Confusion


    I know that inbreeding causes genetic issues, but that's not what I was talking about. I meant just shagging your relatives, not having babies with them. Hence the reference to birth control. Hmm?

    Let's not talk about this any more.

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