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  • Insane In The Ol' Membrane


    Team Insanity has updated with a review of Marduk by Patrik Höglund. For some odd reason Chief has also been watching Star Wars Episode 1 I guess (maybe the version released in Australia didn't suck, or something).

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    Haha, kick arse movie. I didn't like it that much the first time... but then I saw it 3 more times at the cinemas and now 5 more on video and yeah, brilliant movie. Each time you watch it you usually notice something new as well...

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    Guest Anonymous User


    You know, when I dislike a movie the first time, I generally don't decide that I must be missing something and proceed to brainwash myself into slack-jawed, Episode-I-appreciating oblivion by viewing said movie an additional 8 times. You should be watching Crocodile Hunter instead, Chief. "Blimey! These here crocs really hate being squeezed by their testicles, so I'll have to be really carefuly with the buggahs!"

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    Guest Anonymous User


    The only real reason to watch Crocodile Hunter is the off-chance that he might be scissored in half by something huge and poisonous...

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    Heh, yeah, it would be funny to see him ripped to pieces by a 'friendly' croc. Or bitten by a snake at least...

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    I mean it sucked. Plain and simple; Bad storyline, bad acting, half-assed fx and one of the most mis-cast movies since the Matrix.

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    I'm guessing if you didn't like Episode 1 then you didn't like 4,5 and 6 either. I mean, it basically uses the same forumula but this time Lucas could do everything he wanted.

    You can't look at Episode 1 in exactly the same way you would any other movie. It's like part 1 of 6.

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    Exactly, just a bad attempt to lay out a storyline. I actually liked 4, 5, and 6. But when they re-released 5, it was the only time I ever left the theater to go take a walk because I was so bored. But that's probably because I knew what was coming. I actually thought the effects in the first 3 were better - none of that CGI crap. And the stories were pretty good too.

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