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  • It's Dark, I'm Scared


    Some anonymous person from Team Demise wishes it be known that "a new updated version of Dark7 with fixed errors is now available from the Demise website." Additionally, Dark7: Mission Pack 1 is available for download as well. There are screenshots on the site, if you're really that concerned about your precious bandwidth that you're not sure you want to take ten seconds out of your day to download it. Really. When was the last time you downloaded a WAD, anyway?

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    Katarhyne said:

    ...if you're really that concerned about your precious bandwidth that you're not sure you want to take ten seconds out of your day to download it. Really. When was the last time you downloaded a WAD, anyway?

    Bah, your just trying to force me into my "It's OK for you with your broadband connections, but what about me with my 56.6" rant. I will resist.

    Yes, these are both very cool mods. I thoroughly enjoyed both. Interestingly, the add on does actually feel like an add on to to the original in the same way as commercial add ons feel like add ons to original games. You know, a bit more linear without having to try and establish the depth of the original etc. Both are really worth the download IMO, but it well take a damn sight longer than 10 seconds mutter mutter mutter...

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    actually, the last comment is even stupider, since its supposed to imply ppl come to dw to see news on doom3.. but actually if you want that you can go to ANY doom (3) page (and some of them are pop-up free), whereas ppl looking for wads are more likely to come here. but whatever...

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    What the hell are you going on about, myk? Do you even know? Apparently not.

    Don't tell me what I'm trying to say. It's a fact, well-acknowledged, that many of the visitors to this site do NOT in fact download wads that often. So shove off, asshat.

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    I download them every week :)

    In fact, Liam is late with newstuff AGAIN! LEEEEEUUMM!!!!!

    Heh, just kidding, take your time.

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    pritch said:

    I download them every week :)

    In fact, Liam is late with newstuff AGAIN! LEEEEEUUMM!!!!!

    Heh, just kidding, take your time.

    Oh shit yeah it's sunday. I just woke the fuck up and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep waiting for the late maps to be moved out of /incoming.


    Uh, it'll be up in a couple hours.

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