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  • JHexen Delay


    At the JHexen site there's word that the next version of this OpenGL Hexen port will be delayed. For amends he has put a screenshot showing off the new fully-customisable lens flares in action. Whoop! While you're there, visit our friends at Raven-Games for more Heretic and Hexen stuff.

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    Guest Uberian


    One does ownder though whether multiple secondary flares is actually a good idea. I mean, sure you get little secondary reflections with a video camera, but the secondaries only occur on really bright objects like the sun. It just looks kinda dumb having lots of little translucent dots arcing through your view when you turn in a room full of... torches.

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    Yeah, but if it can be customized to user preference through a variable in the .cfg file, who cares? JHexen thoroughly ROCKS! Somebody finally got it right (without any keyboard configuration hassles, at that). Let's have this for Heretic, by God!

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    Focken A. That is the scientific term I would have to use for the provided screenshot of JHexen .99. I played Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, and Hexen religiously as they were released. Just recently I looked for updates on the internet for these classics. I was surprised to find the source ports for each of these. Now I am woo'd by the seductive OpenGL/DirectX graphics ports of the original greats that kept me drooling years ago. I guess it's time to drool again and take advantage of current 3d hardware technology. I commend the works of the authors of GLHeretic, ZDoomGL, Doom Legacy, and the current JHexen. Now I will cease rambling and go back to playing DooM 2 map 15! P.S. I break for Caco-Demons! -InKiLL

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