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  • Len Wants You!


    Len Pitre updated his homepage with the following announcement (I'll quote since this might turn out to be kinda important):

    If you have recently had any hard drive problems, I'd like you to sendme a list of the various Doom-related programs (editors, source ports)that you use.

    Why? A friend of mine has come up with a theory that could mean thatmany people using a certain Doom-related program under a certain OS areat risk of hard drive problems, but I don't want to make unfoundedaccusations.

    Please note that this is not a malicious trojan. It seems to be a bugthat corrupts an important part of system memory, which, in turn,corrupts the boot sector, MBR or partition table.

    Ooo, a mystery!

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    I understand getting people who have had HD problems to send in details about the programs and operating systems they use. But what about the people who have had no problems. In a survey such as this you really need a "control group". You also need a fairly large sample.

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    Guest The Archon


    Okay, a control group is an interesting concept, though I don't know if it'd help if the problem is intermittent. But if any of you want to send me your system info and you *haven't* had a crash, go ahead. Just make sure to state that you have NOT had a problem. <P> Re: DCK reseting a BIOS - yeah, I've heard of installer programs killing BIOSes. <P> And re: hunting.... Actually, no, I hate hunting. Dullest thing I've ever seen.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    all hard drive makers do a voodoo dance to make the hard drives eventually crash so u have 2 buy a new 1 <font size="2" color="yellow">Behold the Power of Cheese!</font>

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    Guest Risen


    The only HD crash I ever had was a failure in a doublespace header (hey, this was a 500MB drive on a 486, k?) on a secondary drive. The drive was still physically usable (and stable, I believe it is still in use in my parents' computer) after the crash without doublespace. I regularly use WadEd 1.42, WinTex (v3.4 and 4.3) and WadAuthor. No problems here.

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    Guest GreyCat


    Well, if an application overwrites some sort of other application's memory it's called segfault or GPF... And if it happens, it's called a "security hole"... Morale: use an OS without such major security holes, where a simple bug in doom editor can ruin all the box...

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    Guest Levendis


    Actually if we're just doing a survey you don't need a control group at all. A comparison between our community and, say, the HL community might tell us if it's something common to all of us (for instance, Doom itself).

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    Guest 2nd Shadow


    Well, after running Legacy DooM GL my PC froze and forced me to Ctrl-Alt-Delete, but when I did Wind(bl)ows gave me a protection error (or something like that) prompt and forced me to reformat because I couldn't even fix the problem in safe mode!!! BUT I don't think it was the programs fault.... I'm running a crappy Compaq Presario 4546 and threw in a Maxi Gamer 3D video card(3Dfx Voodoo Chipset based with 4 MB RAM) in recently and it (I assume) has caused tunes of (minor) problems such as Volume knob (on monitor) and buttons on tower don't work (have to use the little thing on the taskbar) Some games don't scan my video card right (Shogo:MAD Demo thinks it only has 2 MB RAM when it has 4 and POD Gold wouldn't even identify I had one!). So I guess my point is if you have a Compaq and you throw in a new video card or something that might be the problem. Seeya

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    Guest damienKnight


    Often, ZDoom has the annoying tendancy to occasionally ignore all input (including, CTRL-ALT-DEL) from the mouse and keyboard, regardless of what PWADS and dehaked patches I am using. Because of this, I usually have to restart/ A couple other not-doom games do this too.

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    The reason why Shogo: MAD reports your 3dfx Voodoo Graphics card as having only 2MB is because it only has 2MB texture space. The other 2MB (of the 4MB total) is reserved for the frame buffer. So Shogo isn't reporting the total memory if I understand the situation correctly and is instead reporting the amount of texture memory.

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