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    Blame? Is this about blame now? Sorry, but it was my opinion. Map32 was very, very creative. So much so, that I believe it deserved to be seen and played in the 10 sectors megawad...

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    IMO that was a pretty bad judgment call on Ling's part, and his vote should not count any more than the other judges.

    Oh no I am all weepy now. Actually my vote counts infinitely more than that of the judges since I was the one that put together and released the WAD. I could have put in the level in the shape of a giant ass, or the level that spells out "eye own joo" if I had wanted to. However I trusted the judges' judgement, and when there were 4 slots left over, I gave myself the ability to put in 4 WADs which I personally liked.

    If you don't like Map32, don't play it. It's Map32 for a reason.

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    Agreed, I like how the supersecret map is something completly different from all the other maps.

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    Guest Mizzory


    Who was the dumbass who wrote the 10sector.txt? Zdoom, no boom support!? all the maps work perfectly on zdoom!I use all boom maps with zdoom and i had no problem, well the only thing is, the monsters are harder on zdoom. Somewhere i heard that zdoom has 100% boom support.

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    Jeez don't stress Ling, it's not a personal attack on you man! I think there could have been a stronger replacement for Map32, and since all but one of the judges agrees based on their final decisions and ranking lists, it's not an idle rant. I'm not saying Map32 is bad and I don't have a problem with it, I just don't agree with the reason it was included. Nevertheless, I'll play it because it's there =)

    Note on Map32
    I'm actually interested to see more of this SLIGE-like hexagonal build design in the future.

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    You were able to beat Map05, Map08, and Map11 with ZDoom? That's quite a feat, considering that all three of those levels have barriers which simply won't open when played with ZDoom.

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    Guest Mattrim.


    AndrewB: Blame...to hold responsible; to place responsibility for. Since you were the only judge who saw the merit in MAP32, and opted for its inclusion in 10sector.WAD, 'blame' would be the correct term (though not the sense that you are interpreting it). By blame, I mean 'responsible'.

    Excalibur_Z: as one of the judges of this event, I know full well what the point to it was. =) Also, Linguica was not one of the judges (something which you imply with your statement "and his vote should not count any more than the other judges").

    Aardappel: I would like to apologize for my baseless attack on your map (MAP32). My 'piece of dung' comment was meant to be taken in the context of your other work...I was surprised, and rather disappointed, to see you opt for a completely symmetrical approach to level editing after the genious of your QBoard.WAD contributions. Again, my apologies.

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    does the latest legacy count as "boom compatible" enough? I was hoping to play the wad with either zdoom or legacy, as all "real" boom ports are pretty retarded.

    The first to add that boom nonsense to JDoom gets a big hug from me.

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    accepted. Though I am dissapointed a "good map" for you is within such a narrow margin. I am not claiming that my map is any good, but atleast it gives an experience that is VERY different from >10000 maps out there and that's worth something.

    It looks the way it looks because it was semi randomly generated (not random, there IS a design to it, read the source code). I personally found the atmosphere of running around in it rather cool, and at times feeling not random at all.

    And um... "too many monsters"... IN DOOM? WTF!

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Aardappel: "Though I am dissapointed a 'good map' for you is within such a narrow margin." My definition of a 'good' map has nothing to do with this. I am simply saying that MAP32 is a disappointment, to me, after what you accomplished in QBoard.WAD. I am judging the merit of MAP32 contextually, now that I know who authored what in 10Sector.WAD, based upon your previous work.

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    I am glad that we give people a pretty damn cool 32-level megawad with one of the shortest build times ever, and all they can do is complain.

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Linguica: "pretty damn cool"? I'll say! This entire project numbers among the most innovative concepts that I have ever seen exercised, for any game, ever. The very fact that so many contributed to a project, for a supposed 'dying game', is remarkable.

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    Guest Mizzory


    Oh, well since ling wrote the txt i am sorry, anyways. I didn't spend enough time trying to get around those barriers long enough to know zdoom is the cause, and zdoom woked with every boom level that i have played. But you can always use noclip to get past the barriers, it doesn't mean it won't run with zdoom, you can put it in the bugs thing.

    sorry for the way I reacted. i was in a bad mood.

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    Mattrim: So, if someone were to were break into your home while you were sleeping, stuff you in a big plastic bag, seal it with a twist-tie, drag you into the middle of the forest, and leave you for dead, only to have me come along, trip over you, and consequently save your life, by your definition, I could be blamed for your survival, correct?

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    amusing how many negetive comments concerning the maps there are, let alone people who blame the wad for zdoom/legacy/etc not being 100% boom compatible.

    i find the wad very enjoyable and pretty close to on par with most of the good megawads out there. 32maps that are prettier and more fun with a combined sector count about 1/10th of one of ReOL's maps! woohoo!

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    Guest Mattrim.


    AndrewB: Hah, that is a bit of an extreme example, but yes. And it's not my definition. I blame those damn dictionaries.

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    Guest Zeurkous


    I played a few levels of the wad, and i see there are much more then 10 sectors in each level. WTF?!?!?!?!?!

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    No, there aren't. Open it in a map editor. It's mad stuff. My half-hour's worth of entry makes me feel ashamed, I didn't know everyone was going to take it this seriously =). But they're all 10 sectors or less. Really.

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    Congrats to Mesko!

    Check out his other great levels:
    An_coop, An_coop2, and Dusk.
    Contributed to: Hacx.
    dm levels:
    contributed to: Gothicdm and Gothicdm2

    congratulations to the other entrants too...

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    Guest Zeurkous


    i think that map30 is NOT ten sectors, as 02 and many more maps.

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    Guest Mantastic


    They are 10 sectors. Only 10 different combos of light levels, heights, and flats exist in any of the levels. I've checked myself. There may be 500 seemingly separate sectors, but only 10 exist and are actually referenced by any of the linedefs.

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    I'm still downloading this file how big is it?

    Since non of the maps I played and thought was totrally awesome and all that didn't win or come as a runner up I'm most eager to play this megawad. See what mad maps there can be that beat for instance Chrozorons awesome map.

    Oh yeah. Aard. I'm most intrested in your map aswell ;)

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    select map
    things: 118
    sidedefs: 1353
    vertexes: 960
    sectors: 10
    linedefs: 982
    select map
    things: 322
    sidedefs: 4129
    vertexes: 2729
    sectors: 10
    linedefs: 2937

    do I need to go on?

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