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    Thanks to everyone who likes my levels, thanks to everyone who took part, your levels rock. Thanks to Linguica, Mattrim, AndrewB, Mordeth, Coon and Telefragged for organising and judging. Thanks to Fanatic for the runners up prizes. Thanks to Mordeth, Ilkka and countless other mappers for inspiration. Thanks to just about everyone in the community actually.

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    Will there be any posting of the remaining WAD files, or possibly a complete ranking? Even if the remaining WADs aren't ranked 1-130+, they could be tabulated in some fashion, showing the rankings from each judge. That way those of us that entered a file could get a general idea of how poorly we did compared to some other WADs. :)

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    I've only had time to quickly run through most maps (so I can't judge the gameplay yet) but I am very impressed. Some really original and well designed architecture in there. My personal #1 would have been map27. Congrats to all those involved.

    Will there be a homepage for this wad on doomworld? just linking to that download is kinda poor. Something with a small screenie of each map would rule.

    Whats the plan for the rest of the maps?

    do map15 and map31 have secret exits ? ;)

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    Will there be a homepage for this wad on doomworld? just linking to that download is kinda poor. Something with a small screenie of each map would rule.

    If I get around to it, yes.

    Whats the plan for the rest of the maps?

    Releasing them sometime soon, not sure of the exact format yet.

    do map15 and map31 have secret exits ? ;)

    But of course; this is a megawad after all.

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    Yeah these maps are really great. (almost all of them anyway) I was supriced how short map01 was. ;)

    Anyway. I haven't really played it through yet. Mainly taken a quick look at the levels. Map26 I hear is good (haven't tested that one yet, only one so far to not work in Legacy OpenGL). Friberg said in the comments of my map (Yeah i'm self absorbed) that it was similar to Map26. Possibly the same author. Hm i think I'll go check it out.

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    I really enjoyed playing the entire thing through, although I admit I cheated two or three times on the hard ones. For the most part, I didn't give up and had a lot of fun. (Deathcount was high)

    One thing: how many of these will work in DM?

    The only thing I regret is not submitting a wad myself. I hope this isn't the last community wad effort we see.

    Thanks everyone!

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    Awsome wad. My favorite level had to have been #19. Very cool.

    I'm waiting for the other to be released, so I can get mine back! (Damn it, why did I delete Doom 2?!?!)

    Oh, and down aways, Prets mentioned something about missaligned textures. I have no problem with that whatsoever (look at Kill!)

    I actually see these levels as being insparation. I like some of the archetecture that's being used today, and maybe I'll try some in Kill.

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    Omg man, these people really took 10 sectors to the extreme! In multiple levels I've had to raise the -polypoolsize in Legacy because they're so large. One of my favorite puzzles (of sorts) was the race to hit all 4 switches in the four corners of the start room while avoiding Cybie rockets, then you end up telecrushing him =) Clever stuff!

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    I really liked this contest. Making a level using only 10 sectors got me to think. But, perhaps more importantly, I got to focus more on playability. Usually I spend so much time on the little special effects that I sort of ignore making the level fun to play.
    (If you're wondering, my level was MAP09, "UAC Base")
    Also, the judges wrote little comments in the TXT file about the levels they judged; anything to say about the levels that didn't make it in? For example, the other level I sent in for the contest, "The Cross." I actually liked this one better than UAC Base..it was even deathmatch compatible! =D

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    Believe it or not, this WAD is kind of fun...

    The next contest SHOULD be a writing contest, however. That at least would be on the level, letting people worry less about level editing skills but on the creativity they already possess. No, no, hear me out.

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    First, like everyone else, thanks to Doomworld for a kick-ass contest. Second, thanks for those of you here who have commented positively on my level ("The Aquaduct" -- map 26). Now, if the Chaos Crew would only show the spunk that the entire community did for this contest, "Caverns of Darkness" would be ready to go...

    Anyway, what's the next contest? I like the idea of an "Knee Deep in the Dead" competition, though judging would be damn near impossible; or perhaps another 'limit' idea, like saying the map can only go from 0, 0 to 512, 512 (this idea was tossed around a while ago, I think). The community has shown it can make something awesome, and all prizes aside, I think it's worth it to keep this wave of enthusiasm up.

    Congrats to all again, especially the judges and the winners. Good job, folks.

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    People were trying to figure out what the next contest should be a while ago on the DW forums. Someone suggested 100-linedefs-or-less. I tried doing such a thing with a single-player level, but it was practically impossible. A 100-linedefs-or-less deathmatch level would be interesting to make. Even if there isn't a contest, I might try making one, just to see if I can do it.

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    There ALREADY is a writing contest on DW, it began almost a year ago now and we still don't know the winners... (hint hint)

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    Actually, there was a writing contest way back at the 5 years of Doom celebration. I suck at writing, so I sent a level instead. It won.

    Go writing. :)

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    Fyre is da Ok again.

    He was online yesterday and we hugged laughed cried. hugged some more. fondeled made eachother horny, ;)

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    Guest Hollywood


    Ya want an idea for a new contest???

    Why not see who can design the best Linguica monster to rescue Hissy from??? Down with Ling! Hehehe...

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    time for some statistics: the andrewb level contents wordcount-athon!

    40 ‘greats’
    8 ‘amazing’s
    6 ‘wow’s
    8 ‘impressive’s
    17 ‘very’s

    Now 40 ‘greats’ is pretty damn impressive considering he commented on less than 32 levels!

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    See who can design the best co-op level - it can either be designed for 4 players or 2 teams of 2 players. It must take at least 10-20 minutes to complete.

    /me loves co-op =) There aren't enough co-op levels out there dammit!! Make more!

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    say - if these were done with only boom, just think what u could do with zdoom scripting and 10 sectors for a while- i belive judicious use of the raise/lower ceiling/floor linedef types (also present in boom, i think)and scripting capabilities wich would help u change lighting (or almost anything else for that matter) would allow u to generate almost any level that didn't show over, say, 5 or 6 sectors at any given time

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    Guest Cephaler


    having a 100 linedef limit also has an inherent sector limit. such a contest would be extremely limited and uninteresting. most walls would be straight, and most ceilings and floors would be _FLAT_

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    Guest wondersmith


    It's nice to find someone who's as fanatical about co-op as I. Though I love the idea of a co-op contest, I'd prefer the levels not to require more than 2 players. Some folks may not have more than one buddy to play with, especially people like me who use direct modem-to-modem connections.

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    How about we secretly pick, say, 5-10 level designers who seem to have their own style, have them make levels, release them, then the first dude to guess the correct dudes gets a prize (3d accelerator, free anime videos, Hissy, date with Lina Inverse...)

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