Another bag full of mail and other stuff, enough to make even Santa jealous!
- Sgt. Crispy has uploaded several of Rick Clark's ZDoom tutorials to his site in downloadable form.
- Derek sent word about more GoldenEye Doom2 progress. This ZDoom conversion now also features an Egyptian temple level. The author is also working on incorporating mission objectives and cameras into the levels.
- The layout of the review site Doomer's Recess has been slightly redesigned again.
- Opulent's site has been updated with a new 'featured wad' (this time, 'Classic7' by Jan van der Veken and Anthony Soto) and more demo goodies: 'Hell Revealed II' demos by Chris Ratcliff and others.
- More screenshots have been posted at the DoomArena site.
- Colin Phipps, over at the LxDoom site, points out that people ought to be downloading the new PrBoom instead of his 'old' LxDoom port. LxDoom recently merged with LsdlDoom and PrBoom; the new release is available as PrBoom, in both Windows and Linux flavor. Tasty!
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