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  • Mailbag


    Another bag full of mail and other stuff, enough to make even Santa jealous!

    • Sgt. Crispy has uploaded several of Rick Clark's ZDoom tutorials to his site in downloadable form.
    • Derek sent word about more GoldenEye Doom2 progress. This ZDoom conversion now also features an Egyptian temple level. The author is also working on incorporating mission objectives and cameras into the levels.
    • The layout of the review site Doomer's Recess has been slightly redesigned again.
    • Opulent's site has been updated with a new 'featured wad' (this time, 'Classic7' by Jan van der Veken and Anthony Soto) and more demo goodies: 'Hell Revealed II' demos by Chris Ratcliff and others.
    • More screenshots have been posted at the DoomArena site.
    • Colin Phipps, over at the LxDoom site, points out that people ought to be downloading the new PrBoom instead of his 'old' LxDoom port. LxDoom recently merged with LsdlDoom and PrBoom; the new release is available as PrBoom, in both Windows and Linux flavor. Tasty!

    User Feedback

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    Could we stop these nonsense posts already? It's getting old, and never were funny in the first place.

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    Absolute rubbish.

    Obviously their comments just show: They really are retarded.

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    Guest Fanatic


    Stop posting stupid and irrelevant posts, and it won't happen.

    If you post something, make sure it's something everyone else might either enjoy reading, or will find useful.

    No one cares what number poster you are, which is why your post is being tampered with. It's annoying to everyone that uses this websites to gather news about DOOM projectsto see such nonsense postings all the time, here and in the forums.

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    I think I need to apoligise for causing this recent rash of crappy posts. I only did those 5 #1 post comments because I was bored. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course I DID forget about the "retarded" altering that happens when you do that. So once again I'm sorry for causing all this mischief and trouble.


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    Guest space-dog


    Does anyone else remember the egyptian temple scene in goldeneye?

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    lets play a game- what other 'features' did ling h4x0r into the comments code?

    Does prboom have mbf stuff in it?

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    look at prboom.sourceforge.net (or whatever the address is)
    some of the demos don't playback with it though. =-(

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    Why call it PrBoom anyway?
    It's essentially MBF for Windows and Linux.
    Warning to Doom players - don't delete your old PrBoom v2.02 'cause the new version is similar in name only.
    Also, thanks guys for nuking my boom.cfg,
    you could have used prboom.cfg!!!

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    Opulent: as far as I am aware all MBF demos play back OK with PrBoom. If you've got any MBF demos that don't work, please send me an url, I'll work on it.

    Boom and Doom v1.9 demo support has already had a lot of fixes since v2.1.0 which will be in the next version.

    Sparky: Sorry about your boom.cfg :-), that is going to be changed though. It's called PrBoom still because we didn't see a reason to change the name, and PrBoom takes less explaining than MBF to newcomers. I have considered asking TeamTNT if we could just call it "Boom", since we're the closest thing to a continuation of Boom; probably more trouble than it's worth though.

    I'm not sure why you're worried about losing PrBoom v2.02, is there some major feature we've changed? Constructive criticism welcome...

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    Just so you know, I have no problem with making the tutorials available. I am glad they are considered useful and still being used. I hope that when the new ZDoom features come out (and they will blow you away) that the more astute of you can add to the list or make your own tutorials.

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    Just so you know, I have no problem with making the tutorials available. I am glad they are considered useful and still being used. I hope that when the new ZDoom features come out (and they will blow you away) that the more astute of you can add to the list or make your own tutorials.

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    Just for ACS tutorial.
    I send to Randy Heit, a mail that said what we have talked you and me about making new tutorial.
    Do you remembers?
    If not i can resend them, i've keep them in the received directory.

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    Guest Archvile46


    There was a temple scene??? Whoa, I missed something there. I'm probably just a dumbass, but someone please tell me about this.

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    Goldeneye DOOM!? lol.

    Give the guy a break. He's new to the doom community, and I want to see more people entering than exiting. And the best way to do this is to help the new guys along, rather than laugh at them.

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    Guest Mizzory


    He is new?? Oh well, but what do you mean by "he is new to the doom community"?
    Just to be part of any doom project?

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    Guest Archvile46


    That explains it. I don't have Goldeneye for my 64, so generally I don't get to play it.

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    I came to this conclusion when asking myself why louis' account hasn't been deleted yet. It's so obvious now! I mean, look at their names, they both begin with an 'l'...

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