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  • Mailbag


    The mailbag. Love it... or hate it... but it's here to make you its bitch.

    • Andrew B has launched his own website called, euh, AndrewB.net. He's planning to post MIDI and MP3 Heretic tunes there in the future. So far there are three Heretic MIDI files up for perusal.
    • A demo of the Ultimate Doom project Kill is almost ready for release. The date is set for July 4th. They could still use some help though.
    • 3DActionPlanet is holding some sort of Doom trivia quiz. Nice if you're really, really bored.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I took that quiz last night and got a 24 out of 25. I'm a Doom God!! I thought he Imps could handle 6 shots, oh well. First post too, hehe. Sgt Crispy

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    <sarcasm>I must say, getting a 24 out of 25 is pretty impressive when you've only got 20 questions to answer! I mean, color me impressed!!</sarcasm> :o ... Oh, and 6 shots for the Imp wasn't a choice. It was 3, 5, 7, and 10.

    Anyway, I still can't believed that I managed to score a perfect 20 on that quiz. I really did! I only really knew about 14 of the answers, but I used logic and reasoning to figure out the others. Seriously, this is a pretty good quiz! And you don't have to be really, really bored to enjoy it! :D

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    Fools! There were 27 questions in total. I scored a 26.
    I only missed the Memento Mori question about saving in level 8... :(

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    Guest LordUnum


    Score of 24! And I completed the test in less than a minute. :-) That imp question did confuse me at first, though (I too thought 6, so it was between 5 and 7). I guessed, admittedly. Thank goodness for the Memento Mori questions (loved those projects). Good quiz.

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    But I have killed an imp on 5 pistol shots before. What's normal though, is a toss-up between 6 and 7 shots, IMO.. :-b

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Colour me confused, but...I scored 25 on that quiz, but the chart they show only ranks up to 20? Whatever...those questions were too easy.

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    Guest Confusion


    Gee...I only scored eighteen. Maybe I was too tired. Still, it seems that I am supposed to recieve the sort of respect that grandparents do. Oh, wow.

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    I'm upset. I got that link from Salazar's page and linked it at mine and sent in the news. Doomworld complains about newdoom ripping off their news yet in this case you've refused to credit your sources!

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    You were one of the, oh, ten people who sent an email about that quiz. One of them was a 3DActionPlanet guy, so even if I had given 'credit' for that oneliner it would have been him and not you.

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    Guest Risen


    It's been a while since I've messed around in DeHackEd, but if I remember correctly, bullet shots do a random 5, 10, or 15 points of damage to an unarmored target. An imp has 60 HP. So, the correct answer would be anywhere between 4 and 12. The most likely, based on probability, would be 6.

    So, uh, in case that matters... um... there you have it.

    I know way too much about the insides of the Doom engine for not being a coder.

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    Either you give credit to both Dario and Milo Casali separately from TeamTNT for Plutonia, or you include them as members of TeamTNT (which they were), but you can't just single out Dario.

    Then again, you have to search hard to find out who did Final DOOM anyway--it's buried on a lame web page and an obscure text file on the CD (whine, whimper).

    Oh, and it's not "Evilution" but rather "The New Technology: Evilution" (it's TNT.WAD, after all--where do you think that came from?). If you're going to spell out "The Plutonia Experiment," you need to spell them both out.

    That said, I got a "19" rating, but there are 15 multiple choice and 15 true/false, so I don't know where the 19 comes from--95% of questions, or did I miss 11/30? Hmm.

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    The reason tnt.wad is called "TNT: Evilution" is because it was made by TeamTNT. The reason Plutonia isn't called "TNT: The Plutonia Experiment" is because it wasn't made by TeamTNT. I Don't know where you got that "The New Technology" from. I think you made that up. :-b

    P.S.: Download those Heretic MP3s, darn it!! This unlimited bandwidth is going to waste!!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    That quiz wasn't very accurate. You see Deimos floating over Hell, not Phobos. Also they call the spectre a ghost which is just lame. Like Ty said, they had the credits to Final Doom wrong. Obviously the number of hits an imp can take is a bit random. In the question about the getting the yellow key in Evilution map31 by playing in deathmatch would be a way, not coop. I got 25 out of 30. I missed the way to get to E2's secret level, E4M2's name (Like E1 and 3 more than 2 and 4 so go figure), the Quake encounter (wasn't on the net whenever that was in the news), way to get the frame rate (that still doesn't seem right), and how the Archvile ressurrects ghosts. I thought ghosts are mainly caused by them being ressurected spaces too small for them, not neccessarily crushers, but I answered true thinking that's what the guy who made the quiz thought and got it "wrong". Then about the voodoo dolls, I've tested it myself and I didn't remain a ghost but I thought the guy who wrote quiz thought otherwise so I again chose the opposite of what I thought and got that question "right." That quiz was so crappy that near the end I was choosing what I thought the guy who made the quiz thought rather than what I actually thought or knew.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Bah, you don't know who TeamTNT is, Andrew. Heh heh.

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    By playing in Coop in Vanilla doom you'll get the Yellow key. If you play it in DM the'll be no key since key's don't appear in DM.

    You should know this.

    That of course if you are gokuma. (got a case of schitzofrenia going here)

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    Oh yeah, I didn't realize I was talking to Ty, a member of TeamTNT.. Heh, heh.. Yeah, I've been to TeamTNT.com!! I know what TeamTNT is, darn it! :-b

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    Got 'em. You need to team up with Fanatic to get live guitars instead of the keyboard "heavy metal" guitars or something ;) Other than that, yeah, do some Doom ones now.

    Actually, what did you use to make those in the first place?

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    Wow! Hey, at least someone took notice.. Thanks! Ummm.. Okay. I used Digital Orchestrator Pro (same as what Fanatic uses). I use a SBLive, with a 60MB soundfont. DOOM ones? Well, maybe, if Robert Prince doesn't mind... Live guitar sound? Ummm, no, that kind of defeats my purpouse of combining MIDI and MP3... Besides, nobody can play all the DOOM guitar riffs up to tempo. It's not physically possbile! :-b

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    Yeah, The New Technology was the chosen storyline behind the TNT:Evilution wad. The teleport labs were the "new technology" that had gone awry.

    Now, as to whether I made it up or not, the answer could be "sort of" since I was one of the ones on the team that made the decision. That decision was made, incidentally, almost 5 years ago today. The original team "TNT" concept was actually "TnT" for "Trials 'n' Tribulations." We selected from a long list of possible real names for the final product, most of which I'm really glad we didn't pick. Want a list? No? Good--here's the list from 16 July 1995:

    Big Tight
    Destination: Confidential
    DOOM III - What the hell?
    DOOM III: The Internet Project
    Doom: Generations
    Doom: The Next Generation
    HELLSTORM - The next level
    Mutant Forces
    Net-Spawn - The ultimate DooM Creation
    Second Apocalypse
    The Dilbert Chronicles
    The Goliath Project!
    The New Technology: EVILUTION
    The Project
    The Sludge Pits of Hell
    The Spit
    The Wad
    The WAD
    Trials and Tribulations

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Ebola, That level was actually missing the key unless you downloaded the patch wad. Or did it have a multi flag accidently set? In deathmatch it gives you all keys from the start. It's still possible to beat the level without the key. I thought those thrones looked suspicious so I ran onto them and walked around pressing use until I heard the switch.

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    Guest Confusion


    If TNT.WAD is actually called 'The New Technology: Evilution', then why does it say 'Evilution' on the title screen?

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    "If TNT.WAD is actually called 'The New Technology: Evilution', then why does it say 'Evilution' on the title screen?"

    Because that's what id said they wanted. They did a lot of "editing" :(

    "Yeah, and why do all those crates have warning signs and "TNT" printed on them?!"

    Um, I can't imagine. To confuse people, I guess :)

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    Guest Confusion


    If id wanted the title screen to say 'Evilution'...then presumably they wanted the title to be 'Evilution'. Hmm? And if id did make edits, like this, and those edits made it into the released version...then doesn't that mean that the thing's actual title is, in fact, 'Evilution'? Or is something else going on here? Why did you have to make the title so frigging complicated, damnit? Why not just call it 'DOOM III' and be done with it? Then Plutonia would be DOOM IV and we would now all be looking forward to DOOM V. I don't know, but it seems like a much better idea to me. Hmm.

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    I'm sorry, but a sequel to Doom II without any new weapons, monsters, or items? Final DOOM did not earn the title "Doom 3".

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    Guest LordUnum


    It should have been called:


    ...not that the levels weren't a joy to go through! :-) Good stuff, tho.

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