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    • At the REoL Tough site there's word that they've unearthed one of their first levels. It's for (Ultimate) Doom and "one hell of a fighting frenzy".
    • Jason is showing off some of the Doom Arena weapons at the site. There's also a small progress report.

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    Guest Faceuk


    The weapons on show are for the star trek tc.
    this inc phasers and a mini photon launcher.
    I should have mentioned this in the email

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Reol...whatever man you didnt invent that. u probably amazed some newbie doom players from your neighborhood that only played episode one of doom

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    Guest Daggah


    Vorpal, his imaginary buddies help out sometimes I guess.

    Man, as mediocre as his current levels are...I don't think I'll waste the time on his early levels.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Two things:

    (1) In the early days, RT was one, so Vorpal has a point.

    (2) Show me a map made BEFORE June 1994 with thick retaining walls. I played every map there pretty much was, and NOT ONE HAD THE EFFECT. In fact they thought I was crazy for even coming up with such an "absurd" idea.

    Damn 4 year olds....

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    Just because nobody has done something doesnt mean its a good thing. for example, Id rather not play a 'groundbreaking' level which managed to squeeze as many monsters as possible into a large steel coloured square, even if it did break the current number of monsters threshold.

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    FYI i was the Anonymous user, and also FYI I'm 17 you fucking lunatic, thinking that posting picture of decapitated heads is COOL! Your levels are boring and unoriginal, you put in artwork that looks like something my 10 year old brother can make, and your reol tv thing is the dumbest idea ive seen you throw in as to date.

    I'm sure 1) id found out thick walls could have been done soon after they made doom, and 2) not many people had the internet back then.

    So look dipshit, you're not a level editing god. Some of your levels are okay, but really they're nothing special WHATSOEVER and I believe everybody in this community agrees. Our community may not agree about everything, but I'm 100% sure that everyone does agree that you are an egotistical moron that denies the fact that no one likes you. Get a life, get over the fact nobody likes you, forget about your imaginary posse of friends, and act like someone normal for a change.

    Stupid 4 year olds...HA! I'd be suprised if you had the intelligence of one

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    Guest Daggah


    ...a thick retaining wall? I've probably seen the effect and just not seen it named.

    Not that I care. If given the choice between a non-innovative level made by someone with talent or an innovative level made by Fiffy...I know which one I'd choose.

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    Guest Daggah


    ...when will you learn that no one gives a shit about the early days of REoL?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I have to say, I have rarely had to endure seeing so much bullshit as I did viewing "ReoL TV". I can only assume that the "jokes" in there you thought were funny in some way. The "public service announcement" crap I found was patronising and simply another way to show off your rotten.com images (yes, we've all seen them now and _no-one_ is impressed. It is no surprise that you were banned from the doomworld and somethingawful forums). Infact I find your "paternal" attitude to the doom community in general - shown by the way you treat us all like children and insist on using the "king" prefix" - insulting and and patronising. The sad thing is that you actually seem to think people care about what you have to say whereas in reality most people have realised long ago that you are nothing but an egotistical prick.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Some of us old timers now quality when we see it from you newbie lamers. This REoL guy got more than a site and bullshit words on a forum. He's got a lot of levels and the time to do them, Unlike you suckass motherfuckers who ain't got nothing to say but shit for brains. Better to produce than procastinate. Sure you can flame me, (I used to be a CB'er before the net was popular, so I know how to inflame a lamer) but you'll only make me right.

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    Guest Daggah


    I didn't realize that we level designers were doing all of this for you. When I used to make levels, I did it for me, not you. I don't have time to do that any more with school; who the fuck are you to judge me because I don't have time to do stuff for you any more?! I have more important stuff to do, so I'm gonna do it. Fuck you.

    And a lot of levels...sure. But they're mostly mediocre. I can pump out as many mediocre levels as Fiffy has, but they're still be mediocre.

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    Guest Anonymous User



    You bring up a good point about the "newest" thing may not be the greatest.
    I did this "Invisible Building" trick where you can look inside a building, but outside at the same time, but nobody was all to thrilled about it. The word "Stupid" was abound then. :)
    Glad to see some mature responses like yours. Keep up the coherent thoughts!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Who said I INSIST on you calling me "King REoL"? I never said that.
    (LingLing must've deleted my account to this thing, too).
    God, of all the DooM communities I've been to, this is the ONLY ONE that are imature morons at best.
    I guess that is what happens here in the projects...err...DooMworld.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Not EVERYONE here are morons. The 99% of you who like/don't care/hate REoL TOUGH are good about it, but the vast majority of the vocal community here is generally all punks who are upset because, frankly, they can't produce shit, and get low scores (then some don't).
    Truth hurts, doesn't it?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Amen brother. I see what you say. and to the guy- "Uh, excuse me... posted Tuesday Aug 15 23:15:12 2000" Just where are your levels? So what you made them for you and you have school. I'm sure KING REOL has a life as well and it's dedicated to various things unlike you who has to talk the talk and not walk the walk. I hate motherfuckers that talk shit and think they are somebody just because some ass kisser friend of theirs says the got it like that. I can tell you I suck at editing cause I am new at it. WE ALL WERE NEWBIES AND DON'T FORGET IT. So I know that you can't say shit about me.

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    Guest Daggah


    Fiffy, everyone's account got deleted.

    And if we're all so lame, then leave. We'd like nothing more than for you to take your arrogant prick ass the hell away from here.

    Anon User, what was your point? My levels can be found on cdrom.com. My life's dedicated to some things as well. You don't know me, so you're being a little twat. When you know me, you'll have a right to judge what I've dedicated my life to, but since you're such a jackass, I don't think I'll ever let you get to know me at all. So in essence, you'll never have the right to judge me.

    I hope that in future flames that you can make the entirity of your message coherent, because honestly the rest of that message looks like inane drivel that I'm not going to bother trying to understand or respond with.

    Oh, and about the others bashing Fiffy that aren't level designers...you don't need to be a level designer to know shit when you see it.

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    Guest Daggah


    because they can't stand his elitist prick attitude. If he'd just shut up and accept the fact that his levels are mediocre at best, no one would bother him. But he doesn't; he continues to boast and act as if there's a single person here who gives a shit about his first level. Do you see the mappers with real talent (Afterglow, Nick Baker, others) going on and on about their first levels? No.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    How's this for coherent: You can just (as Duke Nukem once said) "SUCK IT DOWN!!!"Yeah baby every drop.

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    Guest Faceuk


    I agree totally with the comment that at some time we were all new to level designing.
    When I started with DoomarenA It was crap.
    But I was not expecting the slagging off that I got.I nearly packed it all in.but I just carried on and it got better and better.It wasn't perfect.Far from it but it was okay for a first attempt.And as time went on I got constructive criticism rather than people having a bitch because I was new.

    And that is what seems to happen a lot in the community.Everybody is too eager to stab someone in the back or poke fun.some people might find it funny.but I see it as no more than bullying somebody because they can't get it right or it looks stupid.Only it's easier to do it this way as nobody can see you.You do not have to look anyone in the eye.We were all new to it once weather anyone saw our maps or not.We all started out worse than we are now.

    If king reol wants to think that people care what he thinks,and i'm sure there are,then let him.He is not bothering anyone.If you don't like his maps don't play them and if you don't like his site don't visit.
    It's as simple as that.
    What is the point in going there if you are just going to slag him off or have a go at him all the time.Unless you enjoy that in which case see above.

    Just my thoughts on the subject which will probably be slated and various swear words aimed at me.....Oh well not the end of the world.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    The ONLY rant and raver. Pity on you.

    Anyhoo, like real projects, the "projects" here are densely populated, and most of the "residents" are good people. Unfortunately, the "projects" are known for the few a$$holes who are thugs and total morons.
    Why is RT here? Because there's tons of people here.

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    Guest REAL King REoL


    Shows the Sysop community here is...well...I'll leave it up to you. If they know Glenn Brensinger, like they do, then you know the "quality" of sysop-manship is awful.
    Ling let the ID get stolen.

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    My first levels were crap (Realms of Pain, Paradox map01 DM), that's why I remade ROP map01 for Execution :)

    Even Classic 4 isn't that great IMHO.

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    Guest Daggah


    They're moderators, you outdated piece of shit.

    And now they've gone from censoring nazis to moderators who don't do their job? LOL!

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    Guest REAL King REoL


    Moderators, sysops, same thing. In this place, who cares?

    Yes, they are piss poor people who do the shittiest job I've ever seen, and Brensinger was really, REALLY bad at it!
    Ling and co. DO run the boards in a Nazi-like fashion. That, my friend, is how you TURN AWAY people. I know, because I helped run a very popular BBS. Many sysops I knew on other boards say this type of behavior by Brensinger, and even Ling are just asking for (legal?) trouble down the road. REmember SWCBBS? Case in point.

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    Guest Daggah


    to ban someone who posted disgusting material several times? We've been over this before...hell, your material is so disgusting and offensive that you managed to get your pathetic ass banned from Something Awful as well, and they encourage people to post pure and utter crap!

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