After leaving id software for Oculus VR in late 2013 to dedicate more time to development of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, John Carmack faces another change. This time, it is more of hidden, indirect one, and one that he probably did not have that much control over. Even though there may initially be little difference to how things are now, only future will tell what Facebook's plans with Oculus are. John Carmack seems to keep a positive outlook as the following tweets suggest:
For the record, I am coding right now, just like I was last week. I expect the FB deal will avoid several embarrassing scaling crisis for VR
I have a deep respect for the technical scale that FB operates at. The cyberspace we want for VR will be at this scale.
I suppose I will get a FB account now, so that may lead to some writing a little longer than tweet length...
The official blog post also suggests the development will continue and, although the combination of brand new VR technology and Facebook, which gets most of its income from targeted advertising, sends an occasional worrying shiver down my spine, let's hope for the best, as this acquisition might give the project a significant boost.
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