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  • My Mailbag


    I received a rather cryptic e-mail message from an unknown person claiming to be a representative of the UAC C4D organization, based out of Cydonia, Mars. He claims that they have been successful in penetrating the computer security surrounding the mysterious Deimos Laboratories of Union Aerospace Corporation, a multi-planet conglomerate with suspected ties to the military. Further information will be made available from this underground site, apparently set up to disseminate data gleaned from their \"information gathering exercises\".

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    Guest Ike654


    I can't figure this one out. Is this a new project? New news site? New hentai site? Well, maybe not hentai...

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    Guest Kinoshkana


    This e-mail was produced by the International Fake Out The Doomers Commission.


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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Think ID could have anything to do with it?
    On another note, my friend told me ID is not pronounced like the short version of Identification (i.e. I Dee) but it´s pronounced "IT" with a "D" instead of a "T" anyone know the Straight Dope on this one?

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    Id, in the theory of psychoanalysis, one of the three basic elements of personality, the others being the ego and the superego. The id can be equated with the unconscious of common usage, which is the reservoir of the instinctual drives of the individual-biological urges, wishes, and affective motives. The id is dominated by the pleasure principle, through which the individual is pressed for immediate gratification of desires. According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, the energy behind the instinctual drives of the id is known as the libido-a generalized force which is basically sexual in nature-through which the sexual and psychosexual nature of the individual finds expression.

    "Id," Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 97 Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    This same discussion pops up at the PlanetQuake forums from time to time =)

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    Hey, listen you rat bastards; I don't hate anything. I don't complain, either. Define, please. I never meant to hurt anybody. Maybe I'm just from some sort of generation, young or old, who understands this stuff better; there is a whole load of crap out there that deserves an opposing viewpoint. Pardon me for spending my time the way I please on the internet. Do I tell you how to have fun?

    Keep up the good work.

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    (META name="keywords" content="doom, doom2, doom3, phobos, deimos, moon, lab, laboratory, laboratories, spying program, id, software, Carmack, level, levels, textures, texture, TC, wad, editing, Doomworld, King Ling, architecture, magnetic, Mars, Cydonia, UAC, Union Aerospace Corporation, first person shooter, game, 3D, entertainment, story, stories, science fiction, spaceship, spaceships, cooperative, deathmatch")

    Congratulations Ling, you're officially in the META tags for deimoslab.com :)

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    This sits in nicely with what I heard id was going to do to advertise their game - through fake web sites and press releases.
    Thankfully it won't be the old style .plan updates and mountains of screenshots...


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    domain: deimoslab.com
    owner-address: Julian Aubourg
    owner-address: Union Aerospace Corporation Earth Division European Section
    owner-address: 145 avenue des Champs Elysées
    owner-address: 75008
    owner-address: Paris
    owner-address: France
    admin-c: JZ32-GANDI
    tech-c: JZ32-GANDI
    bill-c: JZ32-GANDI
    nserver: ns1.netfirms.com
    nserver: ns2.netfirms.com
    reg_created: 2001-06-03 15:00:01
    expires: 2002-06-03 15:00:01
    created: 2001-06-03 21:00:02
    changed: 2001-06-21 04:13:34

    person: John Zoron
    nic-hdl: JZ32-GANDI
    address: UAC C4D
    address: 1 Ewerald bld
    address: 20016
    address: Washington
    address: Dist. of Columbia
    address: United States
    phone: 00000000
    fax: 00000000
    e-mail: zoron@deimoslab.com

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    How long is Evomo Cruor going to sit around before someone notices them?

    Just a thought.

    Then again, we have Ninja Doom on the other end.

    Oh well.

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    heh I hope julian doesn't mind you posting his address like that...

    in other news, why isn't there anymore news? heh.

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    I can't decide whether this is a site created by id (like ua-corp.com) or a really impressive mod website. Time to do some ruthless fingering of the email addresses on the page to see if I can find out any more.

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    Guest NunoC


    Personally this kind advertising is really good. Take Nintendo with Perfect Dark, for example.

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    Hey cool, they actually update that site! I dunno what it is but if it's something creative id made up to promote Doom3... damn rocks.

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