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  • NetDoom Alpha Released


    Peter Zhou has released a first alpha version of his Doom deathmatch source port NetDoom:

    (...) It will not be as smooth as Legacy or ZDoom but it's still an early versionand you can test it out with other Doomers, the source will be released later next week.

    NetDoom is based off WinDoom with the network code of JHexen, and requires DirectX 6+. It will be mirrored at our source port section soon.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I may be dumb as a pole, but I can't find it in the source port section...

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Dying to try this out, I've been waiting years for a NetDoom-esque port.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Um, how about basing it on something like ZDoom, which has mlook/jumping/hires etc? WinDoom is a pretty stripped-down port.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Here's a cool link I found: http://www.name-keeper.com/$iweb-nk/file/login.nkscript Apparently, it will let people reach you at yourname.com, & it redirects them to whatever your current ip is. -Capt.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    MELLOWLAND.EVERMINE.COM is where to go. When I'm online, that is. -Capt.

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    Well, NetDoom doesn't have a full client/server model yet you have to start at the same time

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Of course Zdoom & Legacy are the best ports, but I meant a port that let's ppl play over the inet easily(like half-life).

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    Guest mystican


    so does this actually work yet? cuz i was playing the new legacy beta thingy this weekend and that was really really smooth and it has working in-game joining and stuff .. it ruled

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    Guest Levendis


    What's the point? We already have slow, crappy net gaming in the form of ZDoom and Legacy. I'm not bashing these ports, it's just that Doom has this antiquated-assed netcode that nobody has bothered to update since 1994. Now we have a new port that plays on the internet, but by the author's own admission it's not as good as ZDoom or Legacy.

    Hello? Am I missing something here? If the port doesn't have server-client or at least dynamic joins, what DOES it have?

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    Well, this is a project that will go til the full net features are in, every point has to have a starting point, and this is the starting point of NetDoom.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Good start, ResDe! Your work is appreciated. :-) Remember, a lot of ZDoom is eye-candy after all (damn nice eye-candy lemme qualify!), and doesn't need to be the starting point for any engine, DLL, or VM (hehe) adding netcode. It would be nice tho to have some unity in the community tho, and NetDoom being built from ZDoom on up would be nice! But maybe ResDe wants to show off his own mad skillz starting from WinDoom....ba, damn I'm confused. Back to the suicide run: spending any sort of time with Kathy "Satan" Lee! :-P

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    Guest Levendis


    I don't want to offend anyone, least of all ResDe, who is obviously putting in some hard work.

    But for the love of pete, why start so far behind everyone? At least begin with Boom!

    Sorry for venting...it just seems as if everyone in the community is bent on proving how cool they are to everyone else by being the one and only person to do something. This attitude is the reason we don't have a Doom port with engine limitation removal, DDF and ACS scripting, high res, and decent netcode. Randy, Fab & Boris, Fraggle, ResDe, and that rordoom guy all want to be THE FIRST to implement something new & exciting. Well, guess what, guys, if your port doesn't have good netcode, nobody is going to play it in the end; and if it doesn't have the capability for cool mods and maps, nobody's going to play it either.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: the coders in the community need to get together and give us ONE engine with all the best features of the other engines. Otherwise there is NEVER going to be a real Doom revival.

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    Well, after most of the people suggesting me to start with Boom, there is progress, http://netdoom.sourceforge.net/

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