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  • Omega Code


    Tomi Rajala has released new level called Omega01, which was originally a level for prowers' Community WAD project.

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    I downloaded this one earlier today but I haven't played it yet. Comments like these are always good for building up high expectaions :)

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    Guest Mattrim.


    ...you should visit Tomi's homepage at http://www.algonet.se/~rajala/tomppa/doom_frames.htm and download the first levels of Back to Hell. Nine levels of Plutonia-inspired excellence. Tasty.

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    Overall, great texturing..playing was enjoyable. I think the level were small in two aspects: 1) The rooms (sectors) were a little "cramped". If this were a coop game it would be very fustrating. 2) The length of the level was short. Also, the rocket launcher was unnecessary as the TI review said. Even though there were a lot of monsters it was a pretty easy level. I think the back to hell levels were good, but Tomi's level before omega was dissapointing (zhelfact.wad). It seemed like a step back in design from the back to hell series. Anyways, Tomi: don't scrap the back to hell and lost level series I was looking forward to that. Atleast release the levels as they are... anthony

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    Overall, great texturing..playing was enjoyable. I think the level were small in two aspects: 1) The rooms (sectors) were a little "cramped". If this were a coop game it would be very fustrating. 2) The length of the level was short. Also, the rocket launcher was unnecessary as the TI review said. Even though there were a lot of monsters it was a pretty easy level. I think the back to hell levels were good, but Tomi's level before omega was dissapointing (zhelfact.wad). It seemed like a step back in design from the back to hell series. Anyways, Tomi: don't scrap the back to hell and lost level series I was looking forward to that. Atleast release the levels as they are... anthony

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Personally, I did not find it too cramped. No more cramped than, say, a slightly tighter version of DOOM2's MAP01. Though I cannot speak for the author, I feel that Tomi was trying to re-create the feel of DOOM2's Entryway...right down to the overall length and unnecessary inclusion of a rocket launcher. Since Omega01 was created to be included within the context of a larger project (it was originally a level for prowers' Community WAD project), I feel confident in asserting that this map was set to be MAP01 of said project. Therefore, Tomi did his best to imitate the feel of DOOM2's MAP01. A respectable goal, with suitable results...in my eyes. This assumption gains credibility by examining the other levels that Tomi has created. For example, the 9-level set Back to Hell (available at http://www.algonet.se/~rajala/tomppa/doom_frames.htm) obviously draws a lot of inspiration and ideas from various id Software maps...specifically The Plutonia Experiment. So, whereas Back to Hell seems to be inspired, and perhaps even based upon, Final DOOM's The Plutonia Experiment, Omega01 seems to be a tribute to DOOM2's MAP01. =)

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    I played the map yesterday and it was damn good!It was linear, i have to admit that and the rocketlauncher was unecessary, but the texture use and architecture was top-notch! I can't say that I felt that the rooms were too cramped (Was it even intended to be played in coop?). It edfinately has the feel of a new map01, Matt I have to agree with you there. Now about that plutonia-remake. I playestested it actually so I know what it was like. Everything Rajala built by himself was good but I found too many rooms and sections being right out of the game. And I might be conservative but I don't like ripped maps that much. Sometimes it is very cool to find small areas which reminds of other maps, but they shouldn't be entire built upon them. Comment please :)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    i know the beta of hell factory was not so detailed, but im currently working with it with new rooms and more details and its a hub now :)

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    Hmmm, I wouldn't say that Omega 01 is a tribute to MAP01. You can finish MAP01 in 5 seconds if you're a fast runner, whereas Omega 01 has all three keys forcing you to go back and forth throughout the level.

    Also, it doesn't even have the same theme/atmosphere - MAP01 is fairly dark whereas Omega 01 was lit up like a xmas tree (i.e. bright).

    So are all short levels tributes to MAP01?? :-)


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    Guest Omniverse


    Great level! I only have one complaint with it though. I found something rather odd that violates the laws of physics as I know them.</p> <p align="center"><img src="http://omniguy.tripod.com/oshot.gif">
    http://omniguy.tripod.com/oshot.gif</p> <p align="left">How are these pillars staying in place over this <em>moving</em> conveyor belt? Are they floating? Is there an invisible set of strings I can't see at 640x480? :)</p>

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    Guest Anonymous User


    i will maybe remake the plutonia like rooms i back to hell, if i can get the interest back to work with back to hell and add more levels :-) -Tomi

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    Guest Mattrim.


    My logic behind thinking that Omega01 is a tribute to DOOM2's MAP01 can be found in my post Saturday Feb 26 21:24:28 2000 - Re: Good map, a few criticisms. Plus, the fact that Tomi has been posting in this very forum and has not corrected me speaks highly of my opinion. ;) Seriously, though, I see Omega01 as an improved and enhanced version of DOOM2's MAP01. Again, review my previous post(s).

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    Haha, I had the same thought when I saw that area in the pic! Anyway, I also liked the map. I thought some areas were tighter then we're accustomed to, but not TOO cramped. I wouldn't say it felt like Doom2 map01, but it certainly felt like a good introductory map to a multi-level wad.

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    Nice level! And it's obvious that it's from the same author as hell factory. Hell factory is cool, too!

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    Yeah, apparently the map actually was based on MAP01 so I stand corrected... Nice deduction... or something.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    i remember beta testing this one for tomi, and it is a real sweet level, so thanks to him for letting me beta test it and actually releasing it now. :)

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