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  • Bloodshedder
    Hellish Lab of Barons - cybermind (aka Mistranger)
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 1.71 MB -
    Reviewed by: Zalewa
    Hellish Lab of Barons, or helllab.wad (that's triple L), contains a couple of maps. The first map (screens 01-10) was released for the "First-Try Demo" Contest number 8. The idea of the contest was to beat the map as fast as possible, record the demo of this feat, and upload it for comparison against other contestants. It was set up so that the players had no beforehand knowledge of the map and everyone started playing at the same time. I won't go into much detail here as the zip file comes bundled with a text file containing high-scores and a URL to Doomworld's forum post where you can learn the rest. Demos made by the contestants are also included.

    The second map (screens 11-22) in the WAD doesn't seem to have any special backstory.

    Each map takes about 40 minutes to beat. The first time I played them was in a two-player cooperative survival game. At that time I thought the maps were amazing. Some time later I went through them again in single player, and this time I wasn't as impressed. Maybe the first time around it was the added tension of losing the one life and not being able to play, maybe it was late and I was half-asleep, or maybe the maps just don't replay that well.

    Anyway, both maps are very similar. The theme for the first one is dominated by brown, stone walls that suddenly changes into a tech-base for a moment. The second is a temple that also changes into a base and a hellish cave. Architecture is mostly flat, with floor level variance used mainly for decorative purposes. Visuals are decent; they're nothing extraordinary, but they do their job.

    Now, the layout for the first map is confusing and non-linear. For a map that is supposed to be beaten in a time-based contest, it seems to be rather devilish. After going into the blue skull key area and seemingly completing everything, I got briefly stuck running around and looking for a missed switch or a key hidden in a dead body. What I needed to do was to backtrack into an intersection that forms the center of the map and go into a different direction. This took quite some time, as I was expecting a more continuous progression. On the other hand, I watched the demo by JCD, who won the 1st place in the contest, and JCD had no problem finding a way out.

    The second map has a similar, semi-non-linear layout where you need to collect all six keys to open the final area.

    What can be recognized very quickly is the approach of punishing the player for progressing in the level. Each switch can be a trap that will lower chaingunners on to your back. Each key will begin a massive warp-in of enemy troops. This gets repetitive, and once you realize the pattern, it also gets really annoying. In the first map the traps are set up so that you actually need to fight. In the second I didn't even bother. It's possible to grab the key, quickly escape, and then lock the monsters behind a door that they cannot open. As you never have to go back to those areas, you can simply ignore them while listening to their hopeless, taunting "activity" sounds. MAP02 also likes to put spectres into dark areas. These are used well. You can easily blow yourself up with a rocket against them.

    Difficulty can be summed up like this: lots of ammo, not so much health. Most of the time you will find yourself shooting enemies repeatedly with super shotgun. There aren't that many rockets, and only later you get some power cell ammo for plasma and BFG. When monsters don't spawn behind you, they're usually in front of you with plenty of space for maneuvering. Hence, the gameplay focuses strongly on super shotgun used in shoot-reload-shoot-reload-repeat pattern.

    Both maps end in boss fights. The first one is a battle where you must kill your opponents or the level won't end. The second is "survive the invasion" type where you get swarmed by an army of Barons, Pain Elementals, and Arch-Viles, with some Revenants thrown into the mix, and Cyberdemons serving as death raining turrets. You must survive long enough for the central column to fully lower, and once it does you can finally exit. Fortunately, there's so much going on there that the monsters focus on killing each other instead of you and the battle isn't really that difficult. Both boss battles are fun.

    The tune that plays in the first map is a climatic, eerie piece by Jean Michel Jarre. It sets the mood quite well. The second map has a jarring power metal song, which, while not necessarily bad on its own, gets old after a while and wears out your ears. I'd rather listen to Jean Michel Jarre again.

    Summary: this is a couple of maps that are good overall, but annoying in some aspects. They're definitely worth playing at least once. Or, if you don't want to play, you can watch the 17 demos that cover MAP01.

    Abyssal Speedmapping Session 23 (XXIII) - Various
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 3.42 MB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    Here we are with the 23rd edition of the Abyssal Speedmapping Session which also turned out to be a Halloween special of our beloved monthly appointment, as this session was held on the 24th of October. The themes/restriction that were proposed are: monster count of 75 (lost souls aren't counted), use of locked doors that require any key, use of Keens with tag 666, and voodoo dolls in the playable areas. To let more people take part, this session had two rounds at different times, and a few mappers contributed to both the rounds. A spooky resource pack with some textures was also provided, and even some monsters got some visual changes fitting for the event.

    The maps of Jimmy, Pinchy and AD_79 seem to be the best offerings of the wad, and even the rest weren't bad at all. Obsidian (especially on MAP12), Scifista42, and TMD went for something more silly in the execution. Overall it's a really enjoyable wad. All the maps are quite short and the few weaker ones don't last very long; it's definitely worth a play. The custom stuff for the Halloween event was a nice touch. This is probably one of the best Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions made.

    Ars Doom (repackaged edition) - Ars Electronica 95 Project
    Doom 2 - Vanilla - Solo Play - 1.69 MB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    This is apparently a port-compatible repackaging of a wad that's already in the archives -- but it's from 1995 and I've never heard of it before, so I'm going to go ahead and review it.

    Ars Doom is a real oddity. Shortly after Doom 2 came out, a European artist named Orhan Kipcak decided to create an art gallery in the Doom engine (probably because it was more easily moddable than other video games of the era) and show it at the Austrian Ars Electronica festival (a venue for experimental art/technology crossover projects). He got some help from a programmer (who apparently had to hack a Doom editor so that it could handle non-90-degree angles) and assembled a bunch of other artists, and together they created this level, which is a replica of the Brucknerhaus convention center in Linz, Austria, where the festival was held.

    The various artists created artwork that they turned into low-res Doom textures and placed all over the level as exhibits. The artists themselves show up as a bunch of spherical monsters that can't hurt you and occasionally turn into the artists' faces. As the player, you can run around shooting them and destroying their art (some of which turns upside down or tears apart when you hit it) using a few Doom guns that have been reskinned as a paintbrush, a Christian cross, and a remote control. It's all very post-modernist or something; in an interview (which you can easily find on Google; Ars Doom appears to be the main thing Kipcak is known for on the Internet), Kipcak describes his approach as "anarchic," which is the sort of word that modern artists really like to throw around.

    If this is art, then it's the sort of art that random Doomers have been creating for decades as jokewads, or half-assed efforts to represent their own houses filled with their favorite fan-art. On the other hand, the art textures used in this wad probably do represent actual art that these guys created and displayed in the real world. If nothing else, this wad represents a unique piece of Doom history, and if you're interested in that history (or even just morbidly curious), then it's worth running around the gallery to check out what they came up with.

    Gasplant - Jakob
    Doom 2 - Zandronum - Deathmatch - 14.12 KB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    If you download the zip file for Gas Plant and open it up with the intention of finding out about the wad, you'll discover that it has no text file at all. If you look it up on /idgames, you'll find that it has no port or compatibility level listed -- but it was tested in Zandronum, and it works in ZDoom, in case you're wondering.

    The author says of this map that "there isn't really anything redeeming about it," and if you upload something to /idgames that you don't think is any good, chances are everyone is going to agree with you. So it is with Gas Plant, which is pretty much a set of three square rooms wallpapered with a single tan texture. The only weapons are two SSGs that are right next to each other, and there's an ammo backpack that you can't reach. The layout is abominable, with huge, empty dead-end rooms and one extremely long, thin corridor. I practically never play deathmatch, but even I can recognize that this is probably as bad as DM maps get.

    Spicy Evil Spaghetti - Thales "Noiser" Lari
    Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 30.06 MB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    Spicy Evil Spaghetti is a pasta-themed jokewad that makes use of Doom's various intestinal textures for the noodles, blood for the sauce, and Cacodemons/Pain Elementals for the meatballs. The visual gimmick is surprisingly effective and gives you plenty of fun stuff to look at, culminating in a restaurant with Mancubuses as the gluttonous patrons. The jazzy MP3 soundtrack adds to the mood, but unfortunately it also adds almost 30 megabytes to the download, which is likely to turn some people away from playing.

    Unlike most jokewads, Spicy Evil Spaghetti has a good amount of thought put into the gameplay, and it's actually pretty interesting to play. It's got a rather tricky start, with Revenants and Pain Elementals putting pressure on you as you run around collecting weapons and ammo, most of which is on top of pillars that raise and lower periodically. At first glance there doesn't appear to be any health anywhere, but -- slight spoiler -- it's actually under all of the stationary Cacodemons that are marinating in the "sauce" throughout the level. Ammo is quite tight at first, especially given the unorthodox method for delivering health, but it ends up being pretty liberal by the end.

    This is a cute level, and fun as well. Between it and Luducrium, I feel like we have some solid contenders for the Mockaward this year.

    Tech Gone Bad - John Romero
    Ultimate Doom - Limit Removing - Solo Play - 215 KB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    John Romero surprised everyone at the beginning of the year with the release of Tech Gone Bad, his first Doom map in decades. This level is an alternate version of E1M8, and since Phobos Anomaly is noteworthy for being the only E1 level that Romero didn't create or co-create, the Sandy Petersen haters of the world are free to retcon it (and Romero's even more recent E1M4 remake) into their Doom 1 playthroughs forever after and create a pure, Romero-only E1 experience.

    So basically Tech Gone Bad plays like the ultimate authentic entry into Doom the Way id Did, right? Well, actually, no, it's not like that at all -- and if you think about it, that makes perfect sense. The mappers of DtWiD aimed to create the perfect nostalgia experience, with everything exactly as it could have been in the original episodes -- whereas Romero, like any artist, has probably spent random moments thinking about what he could have done with E1 to make it even better for the last 22 years.

    The first thing that will probably strike you about the level is how different the visuals are from classic Romero. Throughout the map you run across jagged, spiderwebbing cracks full of red-hot metal, obvious signs of Hell's influence as you near the heart of the Phobos base. These cracks even damage you like lava if you stand on them. There are also large chunks of rock floating in the nukage that you have to run across in a pseudo-platforming fashion (though thankfully it doesn't require much fancy footwork), including a couple of places where you run up steps to give you the boost to hop to the next platform. All of this "damage detail" looks like it came out of the early years of ZDoom, when many of the community's mappers were somewhat infamously discovering the wonders of detailing. In other words, it looks a lot worse than the kind of gorgeous detail that modern Doom mappers have honed to perfection, but that's to be expected.

    The gameplay also departs significantly from classic Romero, but here the designer shows his chops a lot more. Most of the spaces feel much more cramped than classic E1, which is well known for its freedom of movement, and at times this can be frustrating. On the other hand, the encounters are cleverly crafted and tend to revolve around sneaky-but-fair traps and good use of darkness. Even the first room of the level has monsters teleporting in around you within seconds of firing your first shot. The sea of nukage in the outdoor areas adds an interesting element as well (at least when compared to the rest of E1, which lacked such large expanses), and at times it reminded me a lot of exploring E3M6, which was one of my favorite Doom 1 levels. Tech Gone Bad is more linear than you might expect from Romero, but it does frequently give you choices of where to go, and the main route often crosses back on itself in interesting ways. The difficulty is higher than the original levels, mainly due to large numbers of Sergeants and some carefully placed Spectres, but it's not too challenging for a veteran player.

    Finally, the boss reveal with the two Barons at the end is WAY cooler than the original. The atmosphere in this room is fantastic, and it's the one part of the level that feels truly modern, in the sense that it could have looked perfectly at home in a heavily-detailed levelset like Hellbound or Speed of Doom. You step onto a lift and descend slowly into a dark room dominated by two towering portals into Hell, and then a Baron steps out of each one. The trickle of weaker monsters that follow the Barons through the portals, combined with the double-edged sword of the scattered nukage barrels, makes the fight much more complex than Petersen's wide open, well-lit star room -- though again, for skilled Doomers it's mainly as simple as equipping the rocket launcher.

    In spite of the many differences, some elements of Romero's classic style remain. The structure of the buildings and the more subtle elements of detailing often feel familiar, and some of the secrets are so reminiscent of E1 that it feels nostalgic, particularly when you get peeks of coveted items in areas you don't yet know how to reach. All in all, however, you shouldn't go into this level thinking it will allow you to reminisce; it's neat to play, but it's much more about seeing how Romero looks back at Doom and how he's changed as a designer than about reliving our carefully preserved memories.

    Gleam - Jonas Lundin
    Doom 2 - Vanilla - Deathmatch - 21.26 KB -
    Reviewed by: walter confalonieri
    Gleam is a deathmatch map by Jonas Lundin, and it's based from memory on a deathmatch map that the author played in 1995, and in graphical aspects this shows deeply.

    But the layout design is really cool, giving a frantic and fun playtime through the map. There's a pair of "spam" weapons such as plasma rifles set on some platforms; one needs a switch to be activated and lower the lift that contains it, while the other needs a little jump trick to get it.

    Thing placement is clever and the map doesn't have a moment of peace, but what I don't appreciate is the bad texturing (I don't know how hard is to map with Eureka, but some upper / lower unpugged and some alignment could be better, also some better texture choices in the brown "caves" would be appreciated), but overall it is a solid map despite these things. It is something like a rough layout from a "32 in 24" session before revamping.

    Yes, it is a funny map to play for me; join a pair of pals on the net or (like me) play it with bots, fun is assured!*

    * But no refund otherwise

    Atrocious - Reed Martens
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 10.6 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    This is another first wad, and the author himself states in the text file how horrible it is. Not so much actually; I was expecting something worse. The map has only three rooms with few technical errors. If the author wants to keep trying for sure he can improve; nonetheless, you really shouldn't bother with this wad.

    2Zone - Jonas Lundin
    Doom 2 - Vanilla - Deathmatch - 16.38 KB -
    Reviewed by: walter confalonieri
    This is an old-school deathmatch map by Jonas Laundin for Doom 2, and by old-school I mean a level that comes from 1994.

    Anyway, this is a level set in a arena divided by two zones (as the title suggests), one red and one blue. These zones are joined by stairs and very dark hallways filled with items. Also this level contains a very hard challenge in SP, due to using hard tier enemies and two or three cybers at the very beginning of the map, and all with only a player spawn. In the second shot there's a coop session with bots, but the only way it is possible to do this is with a player already in game and one by one!

    Anyway the map is made for DM, so how does this act in that department? Gameplay isn't that bad and the corridors work fine (maybe using stairs instead of a lift between the hallways that surround the arena would be better), but overall it is kinda fun with bots.

    Overall, nothing exceptional, skip it for better stuff.

    November 5th - antares031
    Doom 2 - Limit Removing - Solo Play - 197.88 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    This is a birthday map made by antares031 for Hellbent. There are few changes on the weapons: the pistol is replaced by the Doom Alpha shotgun, and the sounds of the shotgun and the chaingun are different. The level is a gorgeous marble castle. The detail and the lighting are really good. The difficulty is quite tough; there will be some nasty traps and a few archviles that will be sent into areas already cleared. An excellent level, which is really worth a try.

    E1Mone - Gabriel Machado
    Ultimate Doom - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 20.31 KB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    E1Mone is the author's first level, and as far as first levels go, it's not the worst. The corners aren't all 90-degree angles, the layout is more complex than just a bunch of boxes connected by straight hallways, and the lighting actually does a pretty decent job of setting the mood, including lots of flickering (though the author may have overdone it a little with the flickering). Even so, the level is overly simplistic and has its share of texturing issues, and there's not really anything that's compelling enough to warrant a recommendation to play.

    Since the toughest monsters are Demons and Spectres, it's really easy, but ammo is limited, so it would probably be pretty frustrating if you didn't find the secrets -- then again, I found at least 2 out of 3 secrets without really trying. There's a plasma rifle toward the end of the level (again, even though the toughest monsters are Spectres), and it removes any feeling of threat that the rest of the map might have had. There are a couple of well-planned encounters, though -- the one moment that I really liked was when I went into a lit hallway and started shooting at several completely obvious Spectres that were coming toward me, and I failed to notice the dark ledges overhead on either side until the Imp fireballs started flying at me. After that, there's a dark maze with flickering lights and Pinkies where you have to be careful and watch for movement when the lights hit (or at least you would have to be careful if you hadn't just picked up the plasma rifle). Give this one a pass, but if the author can keep learning to use players' expectations against them, he may have a decent future as a modder.

    Let me guess; one of those reviewers doesn't know how to properly appreciate a WAD that you liked this week. Want to do something about it? Instead of complaining in the comment thread like you always do, perhaps you can make a difference and write some better reviews than those idiots up there. The /newstuff Review Center is the place to do so. Put that Doomworld Forums account to constructive use, because you need one to submit reviews.

    ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #250 - Plutonia Nightmare!
    Date: May 26th, 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT (usually lasts 6-8 hours, sometimes much longer)
    Location: [L@P] Germany

    Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #324: 32in24-15 Team LMS & Internal Conflict
    European FNF: May 27th, 2016, 18:00 UTC
    American FNF: May 27th, 2016, 20:00 EDT

    ZDS #456 - Mad CTF
    Date: Saturday May 28th, 2016
    Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT
    USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT Remember to check out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, matchmaking and other fun events. Happy fragging!

    Luducrium - antares031
    Doom 2 - ZDoom - Solo Play - 951.98 KB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    Antares031 starts the text file description for this wad with the rather unpromising claim that "I usually don't make slaughtermaps, but I decided to create some levels that I normally hate." If you've seen the screenshots in Luducrium's release thread and have read people's reactions to it, however, you know that it's actually some kind of jokewad that pokes fun at slaughtermaps in general. For years, slaughter-themed jokewads have basically just been caricatures, consisting of thousands of monsters packed into a single room with no room for the player to move (even Nuts.wad, arguably one of the progenitors of the slaughter genre, was essentially a jokewad). Luducrium is better than that. As soon as you load up the first map, it gives you the split-second reaction of "Jesus, I've been trolled again," but then it completely overturns your expectations, and the results are genuinely hilarious.

    Spoilers to follow, as I don't really see a way to review these levels without giving away the jokes.

    Map 01 perfectly sums up what this wad is about. It starts you off surrounded by a circular wall of over 1,600 Revenants, packed in so tightly that you can't possibly go anywhere -- but as soon as the rockets start flying, the Revenants start dropping dead by the hundreds. Take a second to stop and laugh, and you'll still get pounded into the floor by stray rockets, but if you can somehow manage to herd the dozens of rockets that make it through and run for the exit, you'll make it out alive. I never managed to do it, but then again, I don't think winning is actually the point of these levels.

    Map 02 forces you to fight a few unaltered, very lethal Arch-Viles on a narrow walkway before opening up the floodgates and pitting you against a big horde of AVs... whose attacks can't even hurt you. Let me tell you, it makes you feel like a god in a way that IDDQD never could.

    Map 03 has you surrounded by Cyberdemons, and you have to run and hit a switch that turns off gravity or something. I'm not sure if this level has an exit, but it's pretty funny to watch what happens to the rockets after you press the switch.

    In Map 04, you're immediately faced with a massive Imp rush and given a rocket launcher. The Imps don't shoot fireballs and just have their claws, so the obvious goal is to clear them out before they get to you -- and you should see the effect the rockets have on them -- without blowing yourself up in the process. There's an additional surprise, but I won't give that one away.

    Map 05 features Pain Elementals that spawn Pain Elementals. The Pain Elementals that they spawn also spawn more Pain Elementals. You can see where this is going.

    Map 06 starts you off facing a powerful plasma-shooting Marine who you basically can't kill, and hordes of enemies on all sides. If you can circle-strafe fast enough, the plasma misses you and wreaks total havoc on the hordes. If you survive this long enough, you win.

    Even if you've read this far and had everything spoiled, these levels offer some really impressive visual spectacles that you have to see for yourself. Luducrium is a jokewad that's actually funny, and it may not have much replay value, but it's worth loading up every level at least once just to watch the gimmicks hit the fan.

    Five Centuries Ahead - RaphaelMode
    Doom 2 - ZDoom - Solo Play - 60.49 KB -
    Reviewed by: Hornbuckle
    To save time, if you're only reading this review to see if this level is any good, then your answer is a probable no. Now I'll say why.

    Five Centuries is a single level, very short and hard (ba dum-tshh!). This level is pretty abysmal. It has no sense of pacing or rooms. As soon as you fire your first shot the whole monster count is alerted, although that's part of the map's big gimmick. There's a small beginning area, followed by a medium, stark courtyard filled with imps, barons, and archviles, followed by a claustrophobic corridor filled with one of five enemies, yet followed by a 3D floor, for some reason.

    The multitude of archviles is disgusting, based on looking at them alone. Those bastards. There's just too much goddamn organic matter in your way to just run through it, and archviles can snipe you constantly. Now, if you plan to play the level, then avoid this next tidbit, or read on if you don't want to get confused and annoyed as I was. I originally thought that the whole hook of the level, the "outside of the box", was using some boxes to get some supplies, even though the door was a key door. It surely doesn't sound like something to base a whole level around (and it wasn't), but I assumed the author was a beginner. The trick turned out to be pacifism, not firing a single shot and just walking through the level. The enemies still activate when they see you, they just don't attack, and it's hard to tell the difference when you approach this level rationally, and expect gameplay to any extent. Now, I know it was a gimmick wad and an interesting experiment, but it has nothing else to offer. It's literally just a peaceful stroll through demon town. Leaves no gameplay element, and there's nothing to look at, as even the author stated that he was more focused on the trick than the aesthetics. I don't know why you would make a level that you can only look in because if you play you're screwed, look bad for the sake of showing a gimmick. But, even with these flaws, just walking through a horde of demons that you've come to know as your absolute mortal enemies and the destroyers of worlds gives an interesting feeling. But I wouldn't recommend it.

    All right, that's the secret. But I wouldn't play it without knowing this secret, because even if you do find it out, you'll probably be pretty pissy just because of the confusion. Treat this level as an absolute puzzle, not in any way a Doom level. As I mentioned, the author does mislead you with a vastly inferior secret. The yellow card room gives you a bunch of rockets and bullets and weapons, so what did he think we would do? If you're going to put something as game-changing as this gimmick in a level, don't present alternatives or direct us elsewhere. In other games, I might appreciate this level more, but in Doom, it just seems like a test or concept, something that should not be considered a real level. I'm sure other wads have done this better, and I can understand the author trying to reach that, but I guess I would just say expect bad reviews. Also, the skybox had an unrecognized texture, so there were just checkerboards in the sky. The scripting necessary is moderately impressive, but that's about it. As the author even presented as a topic for criticism, this level only has one thing to offer, and doesn't even implement other factors to make said gimmick tolerable. It's like when they release AAA games with a "cinematic feel", but if they looked awful, broken, and had about a 10-minute runtime. TL:DR, Modern Art.

    DWANGO: 21st Anniversary - Various
    Doom 2 - ZDaemon/Odamex/Zandronum - Deathmatch - 2.08 MB -
    Reviewed by: Decay
    Dwango is a household name in Doom deathmatch and PVP. It is a series of old as dirt (mid-late 1990s) wads usually comprised of compiled maps with a few originals peppered in the mix. Out of about 350 maps, only four are played, and only two regularly, being Dwango5 maps 01 and 07. Dwango's biggest supporter today is Doomkid, lead author of this wad, catering to people like CombinebobNT and Zakurum who love that oldschool Dwango feel. The team that created this wad is large, bringing what looks like a variety of multiplayer and DM-mapping familiarity to the table.

    Dwango is also known as a fairly terrible series, because, well, the maps are mostly awful. So how does a wad celebrating the Dwango series stack up? Let's take a gander. I played this on Zandronum with a few people with typical "oldschool" settings (no jump, no freelook).

    I've seen some of the maps previously, and I had been hoping at the time Doomkid wouldn't make yet another 1990s set, but he ended up slapping on the Dwango name anyway. Let's start with the sounds.

    The rocket launcher is god awful. It doesn't sound like it was even mixed right; the noise levels are off all over the place. The chaingun! Oh my goodness the chaingun. Absolutely deafening. Some of the door sounds, holy crap, that it is definitely one of the most obnoxious, ear-grating doors I've ever heard. Please grab some grease for those squealing tracks. The plasma is a typical Dwango replacement and actually sounds good, while the gib sound is Jean-luc Picard screaming "NOT GOOD ENOUGH DAMMIT, NOT GOOD ENOUGH" at you. And for real, the deafening sounds are good enough to make me want to quit before even starting.

    MAPS! I feel like these maps were never play-tested, or maybe play-tested by the wrong people. I'm not even sure the authors play-tested this together, and maybe they should have. Advice given was never taken; you have chaingun spawns close by to SSG spawns (prepare to get WRACKED), you have a plasma gun deliberately in front of a BFG despite the standard tactic to use plasma guns as additional BFG ammo, pistol spawns, items scattered all over the place, shotgun spawns for days, and seemingly little thought given to spawns.

    Some of the problems are exemplified by power-ups just sitting out in the open, i.e. the point is not really made a point of interest for players to converge on and try to control. Map03 has three green armours; for what reason do you need three? Most of the maps feature bad gimmicks for power-ups or the BFG, such as unwieldy switch-work out of the way in damaging pits, double switches for the BFG, HIDDEN SWITCHES for the BFG like what the hell, some switches for power-ups I never found (power up are not secrets, that's a good way to give edges to players with specific map knowledge only). One map features spawn gimmicks that force you out into the open from little cubbyholes; that is a terrible idea and whoever thought it was a good idea should be ashamed.

    Layout-wise, there are lot of "arena" type maps, which honestly are really a bore at this point and rather, dare I say, noobish for an established and experienced mapper like Doomkid. To be fair, he did not make all the layouts. Other layouts, such as Map06, are ruined by terrible spawn and weapon placement. Being fairly clean maps, there is very little to hinder movement; they are very smooth to run around in. There is a good amount of height variation, nothing too dramatic but just enough in some maps to keep it interesting. Some maps suffer a bit of flatness, but overall I think it's a 50/50 mix in that regard. I never found it difficult to find my opponents, and it seems for the most part that these maps are good for no more than four players; I played some of these maps in a one-on-one setting and had no problems, but I can't imagine having more than four players on some of these maps. Realistically, these maps needed to be tested not only in four-person FFA, but also in duel and large-scale public games to get a better perception of the balance of spawns, weapons, and layout (points of interest, gimmicks, etc). One good thing at least I found in the maps is that they promote movement throughout, so at least you'll be moving around and getting a view of the whole map.

    Detail-wise, at least it has a clean oldschool look; a few new textures were added and there are no misaligned textures and not TOO many plain-ass walls and floors, so it's not quite Dwango in that sense. The maps definitely don't look bad, and visually not busy at all. It might be a little on the plain side, but that's not really a big deal.

    Overall, I give this wad 4/5 Dwangos, because while it lives up to the Dwango name perfectly with a bunch of terrible maps with a few tolerable ones scattered here and there, there are no memorable maps at all. If you're looking for that oldschool mixed bag rough and tumble DM set, this is for you. However, you're probably only going to want to play it once and then set it aside forever like the majority of Dwango. I further sentence the authors to actually play-test their multiplayer maps in more rigorous ways. I guarantee the wad could have been made much better if it received proper critical play-testing and not just happy-go-lucky fat smiles romps.

    Meme Jon Doom - Nambona890
    Doom/Doom 2 - GZDoom - Solo Play - 46.64 KB
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    This "gameplay mod" replaces all the monsters with an overpowered picture of a face of a random guy and all the sounds (except the weapons sounds and the music) with the same groan. And that's all, I could have ended this review here. This wad is nothing. Albeit it's something to not to take seriously, as it's really worthless.

    Demon Hideout - Agent Ender (enderkevin13)
    Doom 2 - ZDoom - Solo Play - 85.68 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    A short and quite poor map. There's nothing offensive actually, but both how it looks and how it plays are really bland and uninspired. Not worth playing even if you really want to waste a couple of minutes.

    Operation Slug - Diego Marcal (WartHogBR)
    Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 33.76 KB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    Operation Slug is the author's first wad, and it's full of the usual first-timer issues. It's basically a linear series of rooms and hallways with large, flat walls covered in textures that don't tile well vertically. The key doors aren't marked with trim, so you have to try to open them to find out whether they're locked. It's very small and only has about 30 monsters, all of which come at you from the front. Level design is more or less nonexistent; at one point you pick up a radiation suit at the top of a nukage pit, drop into the pit and go to a room at the other end of it, kill one imp to get the blue key, and then go back up to the blue key door, which happens to have been right next to where you got the radiation suit.

    The level uses several ZDoom features, basically for no reason. The opening corridor requires you to crouch, but there's no reason the corridor couldn't have been made high enough to walk through. The regular level music switches to boss music at the end while you fight an Arch-Vile that can't even move outside of its box, but the added drama feels out of place in such an unimpressive battle. For some reason, beating the level takes you to the endgame monster roll call, even though it's map01. All in all, I can't find any reason to recommend this level, but hopefully the author's next wad will be an improvement.

    Crazy Frog Doom - mapster10401
    Doom/Doom 2 - Vanilla - N/A - 328.25 KB
    Reviewed by: walter confalonieri
    A music wad that uses only the midi of "Axel F" remix by Crazy Frog, a silly dance track that was a fad some years ago, then returned as a form of meme of two kids doing a dumb dance to this track.

    This is funny for a couple minutes, but then becomes boring pretty fast.

    Download this only if you are a hardcore fan of this song; otherwise it is something pretty forgettable that looks like it came from the ancient ages of the 1994 era.

    Distress call - Oleg "CWolf" Vovk
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 3.63 MB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    Distress call is single Boom map that it's present in 2 versions: one for Freedoom and one for Doom 2. The differences aren't only in the textures, but they will also have different sets of monsters, while the monster counts don't change so much. The Freedom version has only hitscanners, while in the Doom one many stronger monsters will appear. It isn't very difficult though; unlike the text file says, the fights are pretty light and the supplies won't be missing. The mood is quite cool and there's a nice exploration of the place, which fit very well with the gameplay. The map is really well crafted and it's worth a try.

    Italo-Doom - Dannebubinga & Ribbiks
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 1.63 MB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    I suspect the reason this wad has been sitting in the review queue for so long is that none of us reviewers are skilled enough to play it. I'm no exception, but it needs a review, so here I am. For those elite few who regularly play Ribbiks and Danne's levels on UV, Italo-Doom is probably highly challenging but beatable -- essentially a set of maps that tests your skills to the limit. For the layman, however, it's simply unplayable.

    There are basically no difficulty settings, because the levels only exist to be super hard. At the difficulty selection screen, you can choose between no monsters and full monsters -- except that "no monsters" actually contains 23 Cyberdemons in the first room of map 01. The rest of the levels really do have no monsters on this setting, but there's not much point in wandering through them just to look -- they're all competently detailed and nicely textured, but they lack the intricate structure that makes the authors' more serious efforts interesting to look at, and most levels consist of just a few rooms. The soundtrack includes a couple of Doomier tracks that sound like they might be by Ribbiks, but mostly it sounds like 80s pop midis (I recognized "You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive), dance electronica, or the kind of stuff that gets entered into Eurovision contests... so yeah, that's what you're in for.

    In short, these levels are essentially B-sides, like Summer of '69 by the same authors, or maybe even C-sides, if that's a legitimate term. Given the pedigree, it's possible that the mapset is really good for what it is -- but I have no way of knowing. It might even be a jokewad, as everything about it seems to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it's gotten enough positive reactions from hardcore players that I think it's supposed to be more or less playable. I don't recommend downloading this wad unless you already know you're going to enjoy it.

    Guns Akimbo! - TomoAlien
    Doom/Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - N/A - 180.65 KB -
    Reviewed by: Jekyll Grim Payne
    A basic mod that gives dual-wielding fists, pistols, shotguns, SSGs, chainguns and plasma rifle, plus a secondary railgun attack for BFG. Secondary attack makes the guns shoot together but slower and with linear recoil.

    The mod could benefit from newer sprites and better animation. For now the most interesting thing about it is trying to guess how the marine holds and pumps two shotguns simultaneously...

    Big circular room with Cybie - Topi Hattukangas
    Ultimate Doom - GZDoom - Solo Play - 15.84 KB -
    Reviewed by: Not Jabba
    This wad is pretty much what it says on the tin, although if you read the title and thought this sounds like it's just wow.wad without the iconic HOM errors, that isn't quite true. In addition to the circular room that you start in with the Cyberdemon, there are a bunch of other closets and small rooms that open up one at a time around the outside; each time you enter one, it lowers a wall to reveal the next one. The idea is that you get plenty of armor and health, but you don't have enough ammo to kill the Cyber, as you start out with only one BFG shot. Therefore, you have to run around collecting the ammo from these other little areas, which also unleash new monsters on you, until you are able to bring down the boss and end the level. As a bonus, one of the side rooms allows you to fight a Spider Mastermind, also in a circular room.

    Even though some actual thought went into making this, it's probably still not worth your time. After all, it really is a fight with a Cyberdemon in a circular room. That said, I hope the author is willing to continue to map, because if they can put this much trickery and design into one room, I'd be interested to see what they can do with some actual content.

    Let me guess; one of those reviewers doesn't know how to properly appreciate a WAD that you liked this week. Want to do something about it? Instead of complaining in the comment thread like you always do, perhaps you can make a difference and write some better reviews than those idiots up there. The /newstuff Review Center is the place to do so. Put that Doomworld Forums account to constructive use, because you need one to submit reviews.

    You can now pick up Night Dive Studios' re-release of the classic Strife: Quest for the Sigil DRM-free on GOG.com, for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Optional support for GOG Galaxy achievements, overlay, and lobby-based multiplayer is included. You can pick it up at https://www.gog.com/game/strife_veteran_edition.

    ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #249 - Ancient Aliens (Part I)
    Date: May 19th, 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT
    Euro session: Ducks, Czech Republic

    Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #323: Eon Deathmatch & Epic + CupCTF
    European FNF: May 20th, 2016, 18:00 UTC
    American FNF: May 20th, 2016, 20:00 EDT

    ZDS #455 - Exec+Brit10+Brit11 Deathmatch
    Date: Saturday May 21st, 2016
    Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT
    USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT
    Remember to check out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, matchmaking and other fun events. Happy fragging!

    Prior to Doom 2016's release, id Software warned players that no one in the studio had even come close to beating the game on its Ultra Nightmare mode, which adds a permadeath mechanic to the game's hardest difficulty. Enter reknowned Doom speedrunner Zero Master, known for his amazing Doom speedruns like Doom 2 in 19:59, not to mention Doom 2 in Nightmare difficulty in 23:06. He decided to take a crack at Ultra Nightmare and has quickly slain the beast(s), with a successful single-session run of around 4 hours, 45 minutes.

    Remember that the original Doom's nightmare mode was added in a patch after players complained the game was too easy - maybe we might see an ultra ultra nightmare mode in the future?

    zDMP2014 - Various
    Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 51.57 MB -
    Reviewed by: Jekyll Grim Payne
    After reading the only negative review on zDMP2014 page, I was expecting to see something indeed mediocre, write a short sarcastic review, and move on. However, the mapset turned out to be surprisingly interesting.

    zDMP2014 is a set of eight maps, which were made by different people without any rules and they aren't related to each other in any way. This is perhaps the main downside of the wad, because I see no reason whatsoever to combine these maps and call it a "project". Each one could easily be a standalone separate release with its own textures and in some cases even weapons.

    (Then again, maybe I'm wrong and all these maps carry a sort of post-modernistic theme where traditional Doom is weirdly mixed with other stuff, so perhaps that's the point...) So here are some words on the maps.

    Map 01: FireSeraphim
    A fusion of Doom and Hexen with Doom weapons and enemies, textures and characters from both games (and a little from Strife). Oh, and there's dialogue and a story. Looks and plays nice, although some of the environments could benefit from more detail and some SFX.

    Apparently this release is missing some OGG music that is supposed to be playing on this map which is bad for the atmosphere. Also, for some reason after completing it I was teleported to Map 29, which obviously shouldn't happen.

    Map 02: Scypception (Scypek2)
    My favourite map of the set which is also partly a jokewad. Lots of monochrome textures, some jokes about imageboards, mapping and glitches. Hell, there's a rocket launcher that fires small screenshots of E1M1 (you heard that right). The style is pretty unique, weird, and eye-catching.

    Map 03: Steinbrained (obake)
    A rather hard map with lots of open spaces and unusual design decisions. Includes stuff like shooting walls, weird texturing, and an extremely loud alarm turns on at a certain point. Somehow made me feel like I was playing I Wanna Be The Guy: it looks pretty regular at first, but it isn't.

    Map 04: Temple Of Peace (Eradrop)
    Very straightforward slaughter map. It's basically a very long and straight castle courtyard (and well-detailed too) with long waves of enemies coming at you. A little too straightforward (no traps or big surprises) but fun nonetheless.

    Map 05: Nazi Research Facility (the_miano)
    A "WolfenDoom" map following the traditions of the style: rectangular, lots of SS guys (and I mean LOTS of them), and secrets hidden behind walls with golden crests. Some parts of the level were invaded by Doom's style and enemies.

    Map 06: Getsu Fune
    A short jokewad about a Doom Simulator that shows how Doom may look in a thousand years. Let's hope it's wrong.

    Map 07: DMGUYDZ64
    A short map that looks more or less like regular Doom.

    Map 08: Toxie Rocks (The Fantastic Love Adventure of Lt. Feel Good)
    A huge and hard map. The best way to describe it would be to say that there are some regular Doom locations built around much more realistic locations (like a large football stadium complete with seats and even teams' locker rooms and showers) and some spaceship locations thrown in (plus a few secret jokes). Took me almost as much time to complete as all the other maps together, and I even got lost a few times. Lots of fun. Still don't know what those heart-shaped jump pads were about though...

    All in all, the wad is definitely worth playing. If you don't like a specific map, just skip it: they're all standalone and designed for a pistol-start.

    DESPAIR - Chris 'Shades' Oliveri = the SHADESMASTER
    Heretic - GZDoom - Solo Play - 4.56 MB -
    Reviewed by: antares031
    DESPAIR is a GZDoom-compatible single player wad for Heretic, and it was designed by the SHADESMASTER. It has five levels with custom textures, items (such as various armor bonus items) and powerups, and even custom monsters based on the sprite of D'Sparil, Heresiarch from Hexen, etc. This wad was reviewed with GZDoom TASM-continuous.

    This wad uses the level design techniques of GZDoom, which means it has 3D floors and sky, deep water, and any other designs you might see from GZDoom-compatible wads. All of them are designed nicely with original Heretic themes and other custom themes for each levels, such as swamps and frozen fortress. And it's always nice to see some armor bonus items; we have some variations of obsidian scales in this case, for Heretic. The new mini-bosses are just okay, except the blue one who fires energy bolts from the original D'Sparil. I didn't like the new powerups, though. I'd rather have my faithful invulnerability rings and original chaos devices, to be honest.

    The layouts are just acceptable. They're not complex, and quite linear most of the times. So you may be a little bit disappointed if you're fan of explorable level design with lots of secrets, just like the original Heretic did. Plus, I'm not a fan of foggy environment like this; the fog is too thick, and it ruins the well-designed details I think. Compare screenshot #7 and screenshot #11, then you'll see what I mean. It could be better if the levels had more clear visibility. Still, the architectural details are designed nicely for each level's concept.

    Overall, despite some minor flaws that I personally don't like, it's a nice custom Heretic wad for GZDoom. If you're fan of vanilla Heretic with non-linear level design, you may not like this stuff. But if you're looking for a new-school Heretic with custom monsters for GZDoom, go on and give it a try. One more thing. Unlike the original Heretic, you can take every item whenever you proceed to the next level. So do not waste your items before you press the exit switch.

    The Fortress of Lucifer - Nambona890
    Doom 2 - GZDoom - Solo Play - 2.77 MB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    This is a short single map for GZDoom. Some of its features are used, but they don't really improve the level, as the architecture is very basic and all the locations are bare square rooms. This is advised to be a slaughtermap, which seems to be misleading based on what this map actually offers. The monster count is quite low (75), but the fights aren't engaging. At the end there's a "boss" to kill: a Mancubus that just shoots more fireballs at once. It may seems hard at first, but it's actually easy to beat.

    This is mediocre in its best moments; I suggest you play something else.

    Half-Life Blood Effects - sonic_HD87
    N/A - ZDoom Compatible - N/A - 4.09 KB -
    Reviewed by: Hornbuckle
    Welp. I took this mod to alleviate some of the review center's overload of /newstuff and expected nothing spectacular. And I wasn't surprised.

    Half-Life Blood Effects is a blood mod that changes the blood system to imitate Half-Life's, obviously. It adds some blood spatter effects and changes the hit marker to sorta flash quickly like in Half-Life. It's a very soft wad, as in it won't change your Doom experience to any noticeable degree. One complaint, although this might be just to slacken strain on old computers, is that the blood splatters disappear very quickly. After using ketchup for so long, this was pretty disappointing. Actually, another thing is that it seems every time you shoot a rocket or some plasma, it'll spawn a blood splatter. The readme says it's on purpose or something, but I don't really remember that in Half-Life.

    On its own, it does exactly what it set out to do. But I don't see any reason you'd want this, unless you're playing the Half-Life conversion, and only then for accuracy's sake. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing really wrong with how it was made or executed, but there's just something inherently unnecessary with this more-or-less pointless mod.

    Sheer Poison - Zan-zan-zawa-veia
    Ultimate Doom - Vanilla - Solo Play - 443.68 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    Sheer Poison is a very long single map for The Ultimate Doom; it was also one of the winners of a past edition of the Cacowards. This map proposes a very different experience from the usual stuff you can find, especially nowadays, where most of the action revolves around the puzzles that you have to solve. The initial stage with the poor equipment you have is the hardest part of the map, which may repel many players from persisting in the journey. After you survive it you can start your descent into the madness of this level. You can also exit the level with different endings depending on the choices that you make. It will possible to get stuck and prevent yourself from progressing further in few points. Reaching the "true" ending is a task that will require lots of patience and time. Doing full justice to this level is kinda difficult especially after the long and very detailed kmxexii review.

    This is a level that really has to be played, though it's understandable that it isn't for everybody.

    Hell Base - SSCminon
    Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 10.76 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    As the author states, this is clearly a "my first wad". Saying that, there aren't any reasons to play this wad. There's literally nothing: no gameplay, no work on the visuals, no effort. All the maps consist only of two square rooms slapped together.

    Estranged - Foodles
    Doom 2 - PrBoom+ - Solo Play - 4.92 MB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    Estranged is a one-man megawad by Foodles. According to the text file its development started in 2010, made its first appearance on the forums in March 2015, then was finally released on /idgames some months later.

    The story doesn't follow the old progression of tech, city, and hell; after few maps you are already in hell, then to come back in the techbases where it all started, and then finally go back to hell.

    Before entering in a new episode (like Scythe 2) there will be a death exit so you will lose all your weapons. The wad is divided into four episodes:

    -The first episode (MAP01-04) takes places in techbases with a clean look and a somewhat E1 feel but with more rocky areas.
    -In the second episode (MAP05-11) we start our journey into hell. From the previous episode, things start to get more difficult here. Visually it's pretty much the usual hell stuff which personally I didn't like so much, as I found it was lacking more interesting things.
    -From MAP12 to MAP20 we go back to the techbase theme but the places are more ruined now and there's a vibe more near to E2.
    -To conclude, the rest of the maps are, again, set in hell. Though this time due to the harder fights and more complex levels (with cooler sceneries too) it was more interesting than the previous take on the same theme.

    Aside from the custom skies, only vanilla textures were used (from Doom 1 and 2). Even though this was made for Boom the architecture and the detail seem to be made with vanilla in mind; it's quite simple, but Foodles manages to do some really cool stuff with it. But what really shines in the visuals department is the lightning. From the more pronounced contrasts of the electric lights in the techbases to the softer gradients in the natural or hell areas, it was always really good.

    The maps tend to go for a more adventurous vibe where the path is more linear and give plenty of views of previous or incoming areas. Gameplay has some slaughter moments as well, and the raise in difficulty as you progress seems to be pretty constant. Being made by one person it suffers a bit from having some choices in the fights that have a feel of "already seen", though it didn't detract so much from the overall experience.

    Estranged is a cool wad that has nothing to envy to other modern one man megawads, and it manages to have its own identity. If you haven't already tried this wad you should play it, as it really deserves it.

    The Gingerbread Knight - Omegalore
    Doom/Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - N/A - 239.14 KB
    Reviewed by: walter confalonieri
    A little DECORATE monster that creates a modified hell knight that has the same type of attack and behaviour of the original monster, expect for a more brown palette, and when it dies, it explodes in a "wood sticks" fashion.

    Nothing special or new that adds game mechanics here, next!

    Doomworld Roulette: Session 1 - Various
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 2.75 MB -
    Reviewed by: Surreily
    The Doomworld Roulette contest started a few months back on the Doomworld Forums. The contest, inspired by Russian Roulette, was led by Alfonzo. Instead of a bullet, the "gun" was loaded with six random themes (from jmickle66666666's level theme generator) for authors to base their maps around. However, one of those themes (flagged as eccentric) would involve something unusual that would force the mapper to think creatively. The contest was popular enough to attract more than six mappers, so some additional "guns" were introduced. At the end, the top twelve maps were chosen and compiled into a WAD, and that's what we're looking at today.

    It's interesting to see how each author interpreted their theme. Some chose to base their map entirely around their given theme, letting their imaginations run wild and giving birth to some very unique levels ("Yuletide New York" and "Macro Station" are probably the best examples of this). We've also got a few maps that I feel could have incorporated their theme a tad more, but that doesn't make them bad.

    It's a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to visuals, but there are some damn good looking maps in here. "The Mystic Temple of Ka'qun Babu" pulls off a neat sandy theme, "The Brutish Strait" goes for a more traditional Doomy setting, and there's also the dark rocks and waterfalls of "The Grain House". However, my favorite in the visuals department has to be "Tropikal" due to the immense amount of work that must have gone into making the natural cliffs and plants look amazing in the Doom engine. Bonus points for Crash Bandicoot 2 music. Even the below-average maps look neat, and there aren't any maps I would consider ugly.

    And finally, we come to perhaps the most important aspect of Doom: the gameplay. The good news is that it's definitely above average, with maps like "Tropikal", "Yuletide New York", Voodoo People", and "The Brutish Strait" bringing us some traditional gameplay. Several maps feature more gimmicky gameplay - there's "The Bunker" with its little cyberdemon party, and then there's the hordes of enemies that inhabit "The Pleasure Dome". There are a few minor things that I wasn't too keen on - like the emphasis on revenant punching in "The Mystic Temple of Ka'qun Babu" and the rather dull bridge section in "Yrttpt".

    Overall, I think this is definitely worth a playthrough. There are parts I found a little tedious, but every map has something unique to provide to the player. I also recommend checking out the text file afterwards for the themes used and for author commentary.

    Rayzik's Birthday Doom 2015 - Various
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 616.92 KB -
    Reviewed by: walter confalonieri
    This is three maps (out of five, as two authors chose not to appear in this thing for some reason) made for praising last year's lord of computer area maps Rayzik's birthday, a funny exercise that I did too, years before this installation and reviewed some time ago by our friendly W3D2prince guy. I'm pretty sure that is his nickname here. That or ronfKing.

    Anyway, stop with the dumb jokes and start with a short summary of what you're going to encounter in this short mapset!

    MAP01 (AnonimVio) is a really cool map set in a green cavernous meat and bricks land, something much more similar to an alien world map from Duke Nukem 3D episode 2 instead of a Doomy classic level setup. Gameplay is challenging and puzzle-ish sometimes, with lots of nice details and an eerie atmosphere. Pretty good diversion here.

    MAP02 (antares031) is the classic level you expect to see in Doom: another techbase filled with good detailing and again, challenging gameplay and some hard encounters in the final parts of the map. Another pretty good map here.

    MAP03 (joe-ilya) is a straightforward cavern map that looks like it comes directly from 1994, and I like that kind of stuff, because I'm a pretty strange person sometimes. Run until a teleport, raise one of that obnoxious catwalks from "The Chasm" or WOO MAP32 with MAGIC, reach another platform marked with a blinking arrow, follow that path, and then exit and return to your regular Doom. It's an OK map.

    Overall a good short mapset, if you take the chance play this! It could be a nice diversion from your life routine.

    Verification Station - Gunsmith
    Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 856.96 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    A quite short map for ZDoom. It looks quite good with its detail, even though the overall impression is of anonymity. Gameplay is on the easy side, with lots of shotgun action, but it isn't really critical here. The choice of the music was good and helps to set a fitting mood. Overall this is not bad at all.

    Ore Treatment Facility - Gunsmith
    Doom 2 - ZDoom Compatible - Solo Play - 519.9 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    For the most, what I said in the review of Verification Station applies also to this. It looks quite good, but the gameplay isn't particularly engaging. The author states that he wanted to train with some scripting. Indeed there's some basic stuff done with it, but it was nice and not at all intrusive or overdone.

    Andra Labs - Gunsmith
    Doom 2 - Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 87.78 KB -
    Reviewed by: gaspe
    And now, the last of three maps uploaded by Gunsmith. This one is really short, and shares the good and the bad traits of the other two maps. The level looks nice, but the gameplay lacks substance. It gives the impression of being a speedmap, and also that this level was made for training.

    Let me guess; one of those reviewers doesn't know how to properly appreciate a WAD that you liked this week. Want to do something about it? Instead of complaining in the comment thread like you always do, perhaps you can make a difference and write some better reviews than those idiots up there. The /newstuff Review Center is the place to do so. Put that Doomworld Forums account to constructive use, because you need one to submit reviews.


    Blow Up Your YouTube

    By Bloodshedder, in News,

    Possibly because of the new Doom game that was just released today spurring a renewed interest in classic Doom the past few weeks (or months), lots of new content has come out on that YouTube video streaming website. Here are several you might find worth watching:
    James Rolfe and Mike Matei of Cinemassacre play through the first episode on James and Mike Mondays Smosh Games gives us an honest trailer for Doom Stop Skeletons from Fighting (formerly Happy Video Game Nerd) takes a look at some of the ambitious console Doom ports in an episode of Punching Weight We get a Lazy Game Review of Doom And finally, Zeromaster takes us through The Joys of Doom II Nightmare Speedrunning with a fitting death reel.


    A New Doom Game Came Out

    By Linguica, in News,

    A new Doom game was released today. It is called "Doom." In it you once again play as the Doomguy and you shoot a large number of monsters. Early reports are that it is fun. You can read about it at the official website or pick it up for PC or consoles.

    ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #248 - Hellbound (Part III revisited)
    Date: May 12th, 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT
    Location: [L@P] Germany

    Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #322: E1+Doom 2 ClassicLMS & UDM3 ClassicLMS
    European FNF: May 13th, 2016, 18:00 UTC
    American FNF: May 13th, 2016, 20:00 EDT

    ZDaemon Sessions #454 - DooD2
    Date: Saturday May 14th, 2016
    Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT
    USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT Check out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, matchmaking and other fun events like Midweek Melee. Happy fragging!

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