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  • Phobos Anomaly Reborn Demo


    Chris Lutz has updated the Chaos Crew site with the news that the 4 level beta of Phobos: Anomaly Reborn has been released and uploaded to ftp.cdrom.com, beating his original beta ETA by 4 weeks.

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    As I recall, I did, I think. Anyway, if I didn't, I should have, so: A big thank you to the Gothic DM team for some kick-ass textures.

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    I am downloading the demo right now - hope th gameplay has been improved. Otherwise, this shiznet is tight.

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    From the text file:

    "I am a very visual person"

    You don't say! This is "Impressive, most impressive".

    FYI, Zdoom ver 1.22 and 1.23 crashes right at the start of E1M4, but as Boom/MBF are recomended (and PRBoom seems fine with it) I guess it wasn't made with Zdoom in mind.

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    I'm currently downloading the demo, but just from looking at the screenshots I've already ruined my computer (anyone know how to get drool out of your keyboard)? I hope the gameplay is as good as the architecture is. I'm glad it runs on Ultimate Doom, because the other day I was getting rid of zip files in my Doom 2 directory from the DOS prompt, but instead of typing "C:DOOM2>del *.zip" like I should have, I accidently typed "C:DOOM2>del *.wad" instead. Boy, you should have seen the look of horror on my face right after I had realized what I had done. In the process, I lost all of the wad files I've been working on, in addition to the ones I've downloaded, and of course Doom 2 itself. Lessons learned: Never use wild cards when deleting, and ALWAYS back up your files. The significance of what I've lost is still sinking in, every time I realize another important piece of work that is gone forever.

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    Aw man! Geez that really sucks. I always do my file management from windows. It's much easier imho, and I have the added security of the recycle bin (which is the unsung hero of os features if you ask me :)

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    What do you mean (seriously)? I have 5 levels left to create, so I would appreciate knowing what you liked and didn't (which in this case seems to be the more appropriate question).

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    Hi Lutz !

    I played your Phobos Anormaly wad and i very liked all effects, styles, creativities, ...

    You have just letting me a cool ways to build a complet base effect.
    I think, it's the best wad i played in the part of the years. :)

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    Guest Nowotny


    I just downloaded it from their site. (Not CDROM.com - they didn't have it posted yet)
    I played it & it only had E1M1. I checked it under Wintex4.3 & sure enough there was only E1M1. Where's the other 3 maps?

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    Guest Chris


    At times I thought I was playing H-L or something.... Wow, man, wow.....

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    As Enjay says, E1M4 won't work in ZDoom.

    I ran the map through Deepsea, and found the problem. There appears to be a 0 length linedef, with no sidedef on the first side.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Just use Boom if it doesn´t run in ZDoom or have you lost all your Playing Sk1llZ?
    that´s a new one...

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    Well, pretty much every other Boom-compatible source port will hate E1M4, heh. Legacy segfaulted too.

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    You forgot that people with certain soundcards (e.g. SB Live) can't use DOS based ports like Boom, MBF, SMMU, etc, because the sound completely f**ks up.

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    Nightmare - could you either post here or e-mail me the offending linedef number? I'd appreciate it.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Here we go again...
    As some people may know I am absolutely conservative when it comes to Doom and to the quote: "you can thank zdoom (among other stuff) for the doom community's survival."
    I can only say that if all the people, who use ZDoom and nothing else because of the horrible gfx in Boom/Doom or because of no freelook in those engines, left, I personally woudn´t give a damn. But that is just my opinion and we already had this discussion so let´s just leave it at that, ok?

    Oh and Nightmare I am aware that Boom causes Sound Problems on some systems, I just forgot about it since it doesn´t cause any problems on my comp :P

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    I don´t even remember how I found Doomworld.
    I think I mistyped Domworld.com.

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    << Oh and Nightmare I am aware that Boom causes Sound Problems on some systems, I just forgot about it since it doesn´t cause any problems on my comp :P >>

    Isn't that what I said? :)

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    Well it's just that after wandering around the first level for about an hour with no visible purpose or inspiration for playing, and so much cluttered garbage on the screen, I got real bored... real fast, and had to quit. ::shudders:: Maybe you should try and put some organization in your next release, and some actual keys(?)

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    I think as far as gameplay is concerned, I'm sort of with WaveLength on this one. The levels look superb. I mean they really look superb. You have apparently managed to do things that are supposed to be impossible. Some of the editing tricks and effects are truly mindblowing. More than once I found myself looking at an effect and wondering how the hell...? or maybe instantly seeing how something was done but thinking "that was damn clever, wish I'd thought of it."

    What the player is supposed to do in the levels is a little unclear though. Sure, I know I am going to have to kill things and find an exit, but you let us loose in some of the biggest, most complex levels created and say get on with it, no direction. A lot of time is spent wandering around finding areas that you can't get through, flicking switches that have no apparent immediate effect and then going back to see if the switch has opened up some of the previously blocked routes. I'm not asking for linearity, just a bit more clarity on a logical route through the level, or an obvious logic to the level. I guess that sums up how I feel about the gameplay. Too much time spent feeling lost in a huge level not knowing what to do, or what effect the things I had done would have on the overall task of completing the level. This does IMO, detract from these superb levels.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    I like the overwhelming feeling I get from the first level. I felt lost, just like a real marine who has crashed on a strange planet would.
    And the visuals were fantastic.

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    Indeed; while one can excel at visual effects and architecture... poor organization, poor objective-and-motivation, and poor game-play throw it all away.

    I see this in a lot of Doom mods that try to do too much and end up making no sort of sense.

    Visually it is superb(except fot the flashing crate at the beginning), and I could never find the time to build something so visually stunning, so boring, so complex; but complex is not good, and in essence this is just the next stage of crap. ::dodges thrown objects:: ;)

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    The only level which had slightly poor gameplay, for me, was e1m1. The position of the blue key should be much more obvious than it is.

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    8MB of the 15MB big .wad are "wasted space". Might be a good idea to remove that for the next release :)

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