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    Guest BlackTerror


    At first glance that thing looks a lot like an AT-AT.

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    Yes, it is pretty similar. The whole 'Battle of Hoth' thing would be a pretty cool couple of levels. And, now that I think about it, I thought there <I>was</I> something like that being created at one point.

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    Guest The Gemini


    uh what are u talkin about, the shadows look right. look harder.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    I´m surprised no one has complained that there is no 16 unit lighting. ;)

    16 unit lighting is a bitch, and it often looks worse, because it´s so unrealistic.

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    16 unit lighting is "soft" lighting. I've seen plenty of lighting effects in real life that look like Doom's 16 unit lighting.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    I´m aware it´s "soft" lighting, but real life´s soft lighting cannot be done realisticly in Doom.
    It just looks too blocky and not smooth enough IMHO.

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    Just letting u all know that I like this site and the idea of making it in PHP ;)

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    [i]Wilf]: "..and in reality Phobos is probably no bigger than a football pitch"

    It's 3 or 4 miles long -- but it's shaped like an enormous cigar. I'm an astronomer too you know ;-)

    About the shadows: the sky is very bright and almost cloudless overhead, so therefore the shadows are being cast by the sun in a clear sky. Hope that's right, I haven't had any Geography classes since Year 9. ;-)

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    Actually, it depends on what colour the flat/texture is. Soft lighting on grey textures actually looks pretty nice.

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    Guest BlackTerror


    I'm lost on this lighting stuff...

    About the swiveling, couldn't you put the crane controls in a place where the player can't see outside, and use a silent teleporter to take the player to an area with a rotated crane?

    Though I guess you'd have to block off the ground exit, unless you want to completely duplicate the map...

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    This is outdoor lighting, not from a human-made source nor from an area where there is much reflection of light in an enclosed space. When you see the Sun casting a shadow on a building, is there a smoothed lighting (ie: no constrast)?

    Phobos' diameter is 25km. :)

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    Lighting schmighting :P Who gives a flip. The picture is awesome. Who cares if it makes sense or not. Doom isn't capable of realistic lighting anyway. I like what Chris has done.

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    Guest DarkWolf


    I don't think I've seen anything this good since UAC Dead. However, with every design like this I've seen, yes it looks very good, but there's some drawback when you actually play the map. I hope this map will be able to prove me wrong ;). Nonetheless it's great eye candy.

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    Holy God that's good lighting... It's sad though; in reality it's completely fake, as it is with all games; but then again that is what goes into making games look more real.

    ...So I'm not going to ask why-ever the hell Phobos in Doom has trees and oxygen...

    A strange case though... In 1988 the Phobos 2 satelite disappeared en route to Phobos; all contact was lost. Sure, it happens, but the last picture of the moon from afar it sent back contained a strange, long, cigar-shaped object, miles wide, tilting away from the moon and toward the russian satelite(or something). It's all very scary, what with all the controversy going on about Mars any ways, with the Face and Cydonia and such under scrutiny with the new MGS photographs(if you know what I am refering to).

    Kinda' works in favor of the new game, though.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Everybody go to the Chaos Crew page and download Lutz´s (Lutz´?) previous work entitled "Inf-lutz.zip" from CDRom.com.
    This is not a request! Just do it! Lutz this is one of the finest pieces of work I have ever seen. The Atmosphere is incredible and the Architecture is awesome. It doesn´t have any fancy lighting or custom textures and really proves what can be done with the original textures. Excellent, I can only recommend to everyone. I will write you an E-Mail of what I especially liked in the near future. (This is meant seriously)

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    I would say spotlights and such do not have fading of any kind, whereas lights which are less intense do. I think it depends on at what angle the light is to a surface.
    I haven´t really seen too many wads which have 16 unit lighting, Derek´s being the most memorable. To see what I mean download Jägermörder from his page (or somewhere else) as it has some great 16 unit lighting and is fun to play too!

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    ...So I'm not going to ask why-ever the hell Phobos in Doom has trees and oxygen...

    Exactly how many trees are there in E1 of Doom? I recall seeing... uh. ZERO

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    Correct, however, the extremely low gravity on Phobos would make imps float into space after they received a direct hit by a shotgun. I never saw such effects in E1 of Doom.

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    Don't be a faggot, dude, who doesn't know what the hell is going on at any-time. Are we talking about E1 of Doom? No. But Anomaly Reborn takes place on Phobos just like E1; however, there ARE trees AND oxygen in it, which is my point; it's screwed up. I'm being nice as it is over-looking all the flaws regarding Doom and real-life physics, but I'm not a prick.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Why do the marines, who are capable of interstellar flight, equip their soldiers with weapons which would be obsolete today on the battlefield (i.e. pistol and shotgun).
    And DBL Shotgun?!? I mean give 2 marines a BFG and let four other guys lug around plasma ammo and BLAM no more problems...

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    OMG, have you not left this discussion about Doom realism yet? Ever wondered why it's called Phobos "Anomaly"? Know what that word means? :P

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