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    Guest Sir Robin


    That looks nice... I prefer my PC though, but... That looks nice.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Why are there 2 shotguns in the pic and 2 half sargents?

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    Guest MrHarmony


    Because of the way an LCD monitor refreshes the display, and because the camera kept the shutter open long enough (insufficient light or too slow film, that is) to capture two frames. Monitors and cameras always cause all sorts of trouble, and obviously, that goes for LCDs as well. They should have paused or something before taking that shot...

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    I wonder if Proff even knew it was even playable on dreamcast. Well, I didn't. But I have no real interest in consoles. Long live prboom!

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    Guest Ike654


    I'm guessing there's a vga box being used to connect the DC to the monitor, right?

    Looks pretty cool. I've always wanted to play Doom on my DreamCast. Hopefully it'll be easier to burn to cd's than this DreamSNES emultator was.

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    Guest demoness


    why didn't they use the md2 models? that would have looked great.

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    Guest Twitch


    When/where can I get the Dream Cast port of Doom? Does it use any special DirectX calls or anything(I assume that DC supports some sort of DirectX because it is powered by Windows CE which makes burnable games work) I want to play pretty Doom on my DC so I can play more then just Street Fighter games on my DC.

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    Poke around on www.dcemulation.com if you want to find some cool stuff. Somebody ported Quake over to the DC and there's a guy trying to port DoomGL over.

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    Which presumably means you need to find a Dreamcast version of Linux, and then simply run the Linux version of PRBoom in it.

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    That is a really high-quality photo, looks great! Almost looks fake, it's so high-qual... I'm a little disappointed to see anything Netgear in the shot though =P

    Now then... for a quick quiz based on this screenshot: What is the speed in units/sec of the player, and is he strafing, straferunning, or turning?

    I would say "what level is this" but I think we all know =)

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    i sent it in anywayse you just go over to dcemulation and download linux for dc and pr boom and whetever else you want and burn it to cd. it will work but you need a keybored.
    i cannot remember where i got this stuff at but everything that works for linux, x windows and gnome work too but are not included on in the download for linux dc.

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    Man, that's screwed up. What's wrong with the Shotgun sprite?

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    Guest The Gemini


    when are u guys gonna learn? fuck dreamcast, ps2 is the best console. and FUCK xbox. and gamecube. ok i thought about this post right now, and dreamcast isnt all that bad... since its from sega. and i guess gamecube is ok too since theyve been makin consoles for a pretty long time. but fuck xbox. they just try to steal some money from sony, nintendo and sega.

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    I heard Bill Gates flies coach when he takes business trips.

    He must have a tight budget. *cough*

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    Only on Doomworld can a conversation take a quick turn from Dreamcast portability to whether or not Bill Gates flies coach in airplanes *cough*.

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    i herd a while back that bill gates moved cause his first manshion with 200 rooms was a little too tight for his family of 4.

    As for dreamcast and doom, screenshot looks great.

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    Guest sgt. Scheezar


    I neeeeeeeeeddddddd wad's for zdoom where i find it?

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    Guest Gibbin


    sgt. Sheezar, learn how to speak english...then shut up

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    Guest sgt. Scheezar


    balbalblablbablaablabla whatever...shit fuck you! and don't fuck whit me
    Porke nunka falta un kabron ke ezte kagando la banana i know how to speak inglish pero vete a la chingada pinche RACISTA
    Teach me!... LOSER!!!
    but i still need wads for zdoom......

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    Maybe - I read that Bill Gates IS NOT anymore the number one who has the most money on the whole world.

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    Guest Gibbin


    danke für deine meinung...ich liebe deinen wortschatz...hehe

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    Tach Gibbin!!!

    Ich weis ja nicht wo dieser Schezzar
    aufgewachsen ist... naja... seiner Sprache
    zu Urteilen nach in der Gosse odere ähnliche
    ecken ;)

    Bis denne sacht
    Doctor DooM Grossengel der Illuminaten

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