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  • Q3 Doomguy Skins


    It's not Doom, but what the hell. This page has a set of three "classic Doom skins" which add indigo, red and brown skins for the Doomguy model in Quake 3 Arena.

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    I'm glad to see that id did such a good job with the Doom models. Crash looks pretty damn cool, too. But anyway, I use the Doomguy model every time I play. Great job, id!

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    Guest IcarusWing


    Wow. How cool are those Doom guy skins? Damn cool, that's how cool.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    yeh sure the skins are great but quake 3 gameplay is slow as shit (as it is in quake 2 , UT , jedi knight , kingpin etc etc etc) i eman , doom 2 shootign and moving speeds are great , they give real fast furious vioence , and the levels can be huge and open or smal and closed q

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    Guest Anonymous User


    what the fuck is your problim Quake 3 Is The Best Game and the Doom guy rocks asshole so shut your mouth

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    Not liking a game makes me such an asshole...ooh...sorry that I refuse to suck id's cock, sorry that I can see past the shitty "oh, let's get the rocket launcher" gameplay of Quake3. And of course the DOOM guy rocks...but it's an insult to DOOM when it's in a Quake game. Personally, I'd rather play UT over Q3...and personally, I'd rather play DOOM over UT. But sorry, dude, Q3 is NOT the best game. Not even close, in my opinion.

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    Guest E1ghtball


    I dunno 'bout you guys but when we used to LAN vanilla DooM there was alwayz a fight over who got to be indigo/cl2 now we can have that fight all over again in Q3... when I finally get it (I live in England) Q3 is a no show in my area as of yet. Q3 *IS* the greatest game around... of course DooM holds more value because of it's nostalgia/influencial status... but Q3 R0x, don't hate it just because it's new, it certainly will NOT take DooM's place on my drive or my heart. Quake is an evolution from DooM not all evolutions are seen as a good thing by all people (Ahem...Q2). As for playing DooM over UT... Damn straight As for playing UT over Q3 (or CQ for that matter)... NO WAY!!!

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    Well, to throw in my 2 cents, I saw the Q3A test, and I wasn't impressed with it. I heard Q3A was much better, but I won't be one to throw judgements until I see it myself. As for putting DOOM stuff in Q3, I wouldn't call it an insult. I think it's cool that iD knows where it's roots (and the mother of all games) still are.

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    The skins are great, the doom guy looks great in the engine. Lets hope that this is put all the way and DooM2000 is made. Sweet!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    IDsoftware aint IDsoftware anymore , why? Because some key members who formed it and woprked on doom 2 and quake 1 have left (Romero and others) to go to ION storm Face it , quake 3 , like Quake 2 is a cheap sequel , like a bad film sequel , that means more eyecandy and cheap shit for an even wider public if u sa quake 1 quake 2 and quake 3 , but didnt know the name , i doubt u sy that quake 2 an quake 3 are seuels to quake 1 q an q3 hav fuck all to od with quake 1 (bio mechanic shit(q2) crap sci fi (stroggs in q2) the weapon designs , fuck all to o with quake1 , even the player model) Plus , in quake 3 they didnt evn bother making a solo play! (under the pretext of concentrating on multiplayer) when they wre just pssing more time on eyecandy(models , rocket trails and all that useless bullshit) plus have u noticed how the gameplay speed goes down at every game (movement , strafing , shootin etc) eg doom2:fast and furious , quake 1 : still bearable , quake 2:am i wearing led filled boots? , quake 3:ohhhhh i see a rocket coming from about 5 meters in front of me ; 10 seconds later, maybee a shud dodge it *starts strafing* 4 seconds later *dodged* basically doom 2 is hard in multiplayer cos of the speed m quake 1 : easyer , quake 2 : vey much easyer , quake 3 : lobotomy patient speed. plus of course the config asked get bigger and bigger at every game cos of all that pointles bullshit eyecandy for the easily amused. so to sum it up , today's ID (that is -key membrs such as Romero) has got a real good cash spinning going produting more mass market aimed crappier , quicker to make games. Wait for Daikatan boys , the holy genius (but a bit boastfull) Romero and friends are working on that baby (that has a solo AND a multiplayer(ay ID?)) All that was written there arent facts , they are just my opinion , and please no :fuck u goddamn bitch answers. Killes

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    Well, It is easier to know what Q3-players likes Doom with these skins...;-)

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    Guest E1ghtball


    We all know, and I can prove this to be uniqivocally true with the aid of a spork and some savlon, that Romero *IS* the center of the known Universe... If we were in the Matrix he would be Neo. The d00d deserves to be boastfull... Am I right?... just look at his CV, one word... DooM Just for the record: Q3 is Waaaaaay faster than the crappy Q2 DM.

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    dag, did ya played q3 dm? it's fastest dm since doom2, it got that feel that doom2 got (with bloodlands/grievance/etc of coz) original doom2 maps are just way big for good dm (good dm = lotta fraggin) it's not slow, it's yer machine probably :)

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    And it wasn't my computer...it ran quite nicely. Sorry, I'm not a fan of the simpleton-type gameplay of it...it may be fast, but it sucks. Unreal Tournament's is better (and you can alter the speed of the gameplay too...for those of you who didn't know.) UT has cooler weapons, levels, gameplay...Quake 3 proves to me that id is no longer a player in the multiplayer market. All the Quakes suck ass! And don't forget that this is just my opinion. :)

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    Guest E1ghtball


    Dag, is Unreal anymore complex than Q3?? no... get gun, shoot stuff. that's what makes the genre so fun... and as for the speed change in UT it kinda screws the weapon balance. UT's weapons are just ripped from other games/redone from the original (some of Q3's weaps are redone ones I know) I'm not saying that UT isn't good (it is) but it's definitely not better than Q3 The only thing in UT that i'd rate over Q3 is the mutators menu.. very useful (insta-gib CTF!)

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    Point by point SHUTDOWN of this post... **************** Dag, is Unreal anymore complex than Q3?? no... **************** Which is why Unreal Tournament's weapons have multiple firing modes with special features that make the game strategic while Q3 is left with only one truly useful weapon (the rocket launcher). **************** get gun, shoot stuff. that's what makes the genre so fun... **************** Maybe for a simpleton...not for me and not for my friends... **************** and as for the speed change in UT it kinda screws the weapon balance. **************** Still better than Q3's complete lack of weapon balance... **************** UT's weapons are just ripped from other games/redone from the original (some of Q3's weaps are redone ones I know) **************** ALL of Q3's weapons are rips of their previous (crappy) Quake weapons...some of UT's are, true, but they're still a shitload more fun than Q3's are... **************** I'm not saying that UT isn't good (it is) but it's definitely not better than Q3 The only thing in UT that i'd rate over Q3 is the mutators menu.. very useful (insta-gib CTF!) **************** UT is better in lots of categories...like bots, weapons, gameplay... **************** id R00L.. that's my contention **************** Which is why they haven't made a single decent game since DOOM? Uh-huh...sure.

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