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  • Recess Time


    The Doomer's Recess has been updated with a review by "2001 A DooM Oddyssey" member Mr. Richie Gay, who looks at "Outahere" by Z. Ozwell. Also, he's looking for a program to turn a Final Doom map into a Doom 2 map, which would just be a texture conversion or so I would think.

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    Um, the release date has nothing to do with Linguica, it's up to the judges and when they finish reviewing all the levels.

    I would imagine it would take some time to play through all 138 levels, so stop your whining already.

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    Guest Fingers


    I remember having a program for that... Back when Doom2 had just come out and editors didn't support it yet, I had to work with Doom(1) editors and convert.. I think it was called "doom2doom" or "d2d". Later versions had heretic and hexen support as well. Try the cdrom.com doom archive if the old files are still there...

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    Guest Fingers


    It had some sort of a config file that determined what textures were being replaced with what, etc... Entities too... So it could also be used to do global texture/entity replacement within the same game. (Which is probably what you need..)

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    Patcher has a REPL function that'll do that. Make a list of the old and new texture names in a flat text file and feed it to the program. You can get the most recent version of Patcher at Jim Flynn's web site, which is at http://home.pacbell.net/jflynn/software.html

    Patcher is a great program, though it's complex enough to throw off the inexperienced or those used to WinTex. It's a command-line DOS program, just like all utilities should be :)


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    What is it with people getting retardation and cerebral palsy (being a spastic) confused?

    I knew a 'spastic' girl who scored 97.5% on her end of high school exams.

    Related to the subject, I got a CD off someone a couple years ago with heaps of DooM and DooM II levels on it. It was probably the work of netscrapers (downloaded free stuff and sold it for profit on CDs.) But at least they left in the readme files.

    ANyway, that CD had a DooM-DooM II map converter on it. In fact most of the DooM II stuff on the CD was converted with that program.

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    I just felt like thanking all of guys for giving me some directions. I love when we can help each other in that peace-love-harmony kinda way.


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    I guess there was some mis-spelling in that post! School was never my favourite.

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    Another one! Damnit!! Get a hold of yourself!

    (someone please stop me.....)

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