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  • SkullTag News


    A release date has been set for the deathmatch mod SkullTag. At the site you can also find a list of features one can expect to play with, such as three new deathmatch modes, taunting, bot teamplay support, and more skins and 'secret' bots. Says the creators:

    Granted, this next beta's taken longer than I originally thought it would, but then again, it's also turning out much much better than I originally thought it would. Some things are worth waiting for. This is one of them.
    To top it all off, they've also posted a few more screenshots.

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    Well, who DOES he look like? If he's really that close to something else, I'd like to get that taken care of before all the stuff gets drawn for him.

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    He looks like a cross between Spawn and Freeza's last form (from Dragonball Z). Ebola - if you think he looks like someone I'm forgetting, by all means mention it =) That's just my opinion.

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    I've been thinking of Spawn, Dekker from SoF and Predetor but none of them are the match I'm looking for. They're resembeling eachother but Damn I just cant figure it out.

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    Hehe, actually Freeza in his last form is one of the pictures I gave Seth to give him an idea of what I had in mind :) So yeah, good eye.

    Hmm... I really need to see Spawn :P

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    Now that I see the pic of Ultimus, I gotta say.. He looks a helluva lot like Samus Aran from Metroid... Y'know, that robotic-looking suit of armor she wore.

    /me thinks Carnevil should re-think Ultimus' look before Nintendo finds out and sues his ass...

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    Look, I gave Seth a lot of different information to base the initial drawing of Ultimus on. Because of that, you can see a lot of influences from other things. I can assure you Ultimus is his own thing, and that will be much more clear as soon as he's more finalized.

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    Hey, everyone. I'm glad to see so many people commenting on Ultimus. And yes, as Brad mentioned, he gave me several ideas from characters he know of to work with. Predator was one that I had in mind as far as a menacing look to him. But keep in mind that the pic posted was an early concept. He has seen further development since that was drawn a few months ago. I can assure you all that the end result of Ultimus will be an original ST character. Thanks again for all the comments, keep 'em coming!

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    I know, and apologize if I've come across like I'm making an accusation.. I just find the looks of the two characters to be fairly similar.. Look at a pic of Samus, then of the pre-revision Ultimus. Close, eh?

    'Course, now that I've looked more at it, it [i]does[/] look like a cross between Frieza and Predator... Heh, can't wait to see the newer version.

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    Hehe, no problem. I do certainly see your points. I definately see the Freeza/Samus resemblence (haven't seen what the Predator looks like, tho), but I think that's pretty cool, since that's really the kind of look I want for him. I guess I was just a little disappointed to hear things like "He looks like <blah>" instead of "Wow, he looks cool," but I certainly understand where it's coming from.

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