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  • Speedmap Pack #6 Released


    Oops, almost forgot to mention this: the pack for this week's Speedmapping has been posted. This week's theme was to make a new final level for Doom 2, although the theme is a little more in-depth (read the text file for more on that). Make sure and go over to the Speedmapping page and check it out, as some of these finale levels are quite cool, especially for being made in two hours.

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    sure, my map was a "joke" entry, but there have been plenty of joke entries in previous wads, which have not been removed.

    Censorship to protect the fragile egos of the organizers? Pretty lame. Not my fault AndrewB declared that it had to have a monsterspawner.

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    Guest Skarj


    if this is the same as the one ling gave to us in #doom the other day, then my map is on map10 not map11.

    * Skarj spanks

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    First four speedmap compilations ranged from at least decent (if only for concept) to pretty damned good by any standards, but #5 and 6 had no playable maps, as far as I looked (about half of 5 and most of 6).

    I suspect the problem is that the spec was for a gimmick map rather than for a general theme.

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    Weren't people supposed to comment on the maps so the authors could get better?, I have yet to see any comments at all on the maps. Who cares if the theme sucks? If it sucks, don't that offer for a bigger challenge? These maps aren't made to be played. they are made to be made.

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    Guest NunoC


    wtf, my name isn't Nunoc, nor it is read Noonock :P... and my level is bollocks.

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    Guest Busted Corpse


    wha? the theme sucks?

    I thought this was a great theme... I just wish some more people had tried to do stuff other than Monster Spawner/Romero Head things...

    Dammit! can anyone tell me how to use Mirc to log on to speedmapping? *grinds fangs*

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    These maps aren't made to be played. they are made to be made. .

    Don't worry, we'll act like we didn't read this. =)

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    The more restrictive the themes are, the more fun they are. The very first one, the "lava city" theme was fun, and had some very impressive entries, because the limited options help prevent the mind blocks that so many authors face when they don't know what to do next.

    I recommend being even a little bit more restrictive than that. It's also more fun to know that you're doing the same sort of thing that all the other authors are doing. When everyone is sort of doing their own little unique thing, it's much less fun. It's like trying to dance with no music. Try it. See how long you can keep it up.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    The themes should be kept general, so that they give the author ideas. I don´t think it should restrict you at all or only a little. But the theme should be a theme that isn´t made every day.

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    Guest BlackTerror


    I loved the lava cities. A lot of them were very good.

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