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  • Sprite Clearance House


    Nark sent word that over on his homepage, he's released a resource WAD containing the sprites and textures that were to be used in the Destruction and Thrust projects. If you're making a TC, this might come in handy. Here's a quote from Nark:

    I've made these sprites awhile ago and with the exception of thelost/fogotten Destruction sprite wad I released this will be the first zipfile to have all the sprites I've made, including the ones done for Thrust,not to mention a hefty texture resource wad from a 3dGamesAlchemy cd. Ihope someone can find some use for these.

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    Guest Warlock


    Agh. A site that needs IE5? damnit, people should be able to use what they wan't - even lynx should work. I just hate that 'get <insert that browser that I don't want to use here>' shit. And no! It doesn't look that cool. like I said sorry.

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    Ola: Yea its your font, it rocks ;) Warlock: First of all, web designers can get more out of their webpages if they develop for IE browsers, they simply support more things, and I agree that people should use what they want, sure, but what someone wants isnt always whats best, i.e. IE, and quite frankly warlock, I made my site to please noone but myself, now if you dont like the way I do things, then please be my guest, dont go to my fucking page. Public: Hey if you goto my page try dragging that loading text on the loading screen around.. there's a surpise under it.

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    Guest Levendis


    Welp, there's a whole bunch of pretty .BMPs in that honkin' 5-meg zip. Unfortunately, ten out of ten that I tried caused wintex to choke. C:doom2>del graphlib.zip. And I was sooo hoping that I could use the assault rifle graphic...<sigh>

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    Guest Warlock


    And you alone know what's best for everyone? If your site is just made so that _you_ can see it, well then I've got nothing to say. Why did you even bother to tell anyone about it? The vast majority of people in the world probably haven't taken the time to upgrade their browser to IE5 yet and won't be able to view it anyway. I'm not trying to start a flamewar here, just wanted to say that browser dependancy is a very, very bad thing. Think of it as feedback. It wouldn't take long to make a text version, now would it?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Nark, your post has to contain the longest opening sentence I've ever seen. I'm a pretty firm believer in the "Best Viewed With Any Browser" campaign, but it is your web page, so you should be able to design it however you'd like. Most people, however, do not have IE 5, and I think designers should keep it in mind. The notion that web sites are designed for the creator only is obviously not true, otherwise it wouldn't be up. Just keep in mind that you are alienating a good chunk of your audience by making your page browser specific. Its funny: a year ago, no one would touch IE with a ten-foot pole, and everyone wandered around blithering "Microsoft SUX0RZ! Netscape R0CKZORZ!" Now, it seems to be the opposite. Me, I like Lynx and Mosaic. :)

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    Levendis: If I I could use the rifle graphic then anyone can, I dont know where you're messing up but you're messing up somewhere, ALL of the graphics in there are useable. If you're really intent on working out the problem then you can mail me about it. Anonymous User: Most people dont use IE5? I'm afraid most people do use IE5, I've kept up a statistic counter on one of my pages before and it clearly stated that. Warlock: Take to long to make a text version? I presume you're talking about my homepage, personally "ugly" homepages mostly text based like you're referring to sicken me, so thats pretty much the reason why my page is the way it is now. I made it for the browser I can get the most out of visual wise. If that excludes users of Nutscrape and IE4, so be it, although I was under the impression when I was making it IE4 users would be able to view it.. sigh. Oh, and in reference to your comment title, when I mailed Ling about my news I also added a link directly to the zip, which I guess he forgot to post, I'll place one on my index.htm when I get home.

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    Stop bitching at Nark- for all you 'Im right dammit' people sure you can make a webpage just for yourself- what other motivation is there, other than to make money? I dont update my Doom site much anymore, and I didnt put an advert up there, my motivation was simply for my own pleasing so STFU. And IE vs. NS is a stupid argument- for the record, I use IE because it facilitates my needs a lot better than NS does, but Im not forcing it down your throat. And if you relegate yourself to one particular browser, you relegate yourself to one less chunk of the internet and that is nobody's fault but your own.

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    Guest Levendis


    Nark, I will mail you about it soon, thanks for your help...
    ...and I couldn't help but interject something into all this talk about your website: even if the vast majority of users to your site are using IE5, your page does not seem to be one of the most heavily-traveled. Perhaps statistics from a more popular site like Yahoo! or something would be more relevant...?
    I would also like to add that, given that the Mozilla design team completely dropped the ball in 1999, you people should get used to IE5. By the time NS5 is complete it won't even be an issue anymore.
    Just my $0.02...

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    Guest Fanatic


    I used to try to please IE and NS, but grew tired of the oddities between the two for the same effects. I design with IE in mind, but I try to keep NS from crashing -it just won't look as good in NS, I just get it working.

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    Guest Snodgrass


    Nark, you're getting pretty ragged on in here, so I would just like to say that I am glad I can finally get ahold of some good sprites. I don't have IE5, I haven't upgraded, but I had a genius idea! I went to a friends house and downloaded it, and had him e-mail it to myself. I know it's a little bit of work, but maybe instead of worrying about what browser you need to get, you can visit with friends and get what you want at the same time! A novel idea if I do say so myself! Once again, thanks for the sprites!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I have once seen a site that *absolutly* required you to have *Windows 95* in order for you to even access it. When I saw that, I wanted to punch the person who did that. What kind of stupid p*ik thought of this "os check and refuse" feature and descided to put in in their web site/software ?!?! >:[

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I wasn't talking about NarK :) Anyway, the site I mentioned was peddling Win95 only software, or something, but I still couldn't beleive that the site operator would be so thick headed as to go and head and make a web site Win95 only and refuse access to everyone else. [new feature idea for web browser programmers: Make it so your browser can be programed to 'lie' to a web site/server about the OS it's running on, and the brand it is.]

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