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  • Texture Like An Egyptian


    Andrew Mckie of the Egyptian Doom Resources has sent word of a new Egyptian-styled texture wad and a level using 3D Legacy features, which, among other things, are available for download from the Egyptian Doom Resources page.

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    I don't find pain elementals annoying. Only revenants in tight areas and archviles in open ares are annoying and stupid.

    Sorry if this is the most newbie-ish thing you've ever seen in your entire life, but I save chaingun exclusively for lost souls and pain elementals. It stops everything that both of them do. When the elemental pops, you can stop all the incoming souls at the same time without having to dodge.

    Obviously a pack of pain elementals is still a problem, but that's just bad monster placement in most cases.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Revenants are tough but not annoying in most cases. And Archviles is the same thing. But PEs are truly annoying in most cases and if you don´t take them out quick, you´ll probably get swamped wit Losties...

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    who's whining? I was merely making an observation. Sorry if you feel it neccessary to police my time.

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    I happen to find hordes of impossibly difficult enemies fun...
    Don't agree with me? Try this:
    Grab a copy of the Serious Sam demo, start up a co-op game with a friend. Set difficulty to Serious, and boost the enemy's strength by 100%, and don't forget to allow infinite respawns.

    By the time you're finished, you'll probably have found yourself laughing at the rediculous amounts of enemies.


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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Serious Sam is incredibly boring, It´s just monster fighting in big open areas.
    If the designers think this is what Doom was like, then they obviously never played the game.

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    Guest Captain Napalm


    Do you really need Legacy to play it? Won´t any port which allows you to use custom flats, texs and sprites work too?
    Just a question.

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