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  • The /newstuff Chronicles #249


    Greetings fellow Doomers. HobbsTiger1 here to give you what has to be the worst week in /newstuff history. Really, it just plain sucks. Not only do you have a new reviewer (who sucks) but you have the lowest number of WADs that can be put into one of these things and it actually occur. To find out what little more there is, read on.

    (Bloodshedder's note: There's a couple of reasons why this /newstuff is so darn small. The first is that Ty Halderman lives (or used to, rather) in New Orleans, but he had to evacuate way back on August 28th due to hurricane Katrina. Second, the entire reason we have this /newstuff is that pritch forgot to review this WAD last week. Hopefully next week there will be more.)

    • tectonic - Christopher Burgess
      doom2.exe - Solo Play - 171 KB -
      This wad is sort of a mixed bag. The layout of the map is nice, though sometimes going back and forth from place to place was a bit annoying, and the lack of monsters didn't help. The monsters in general were far too easy, there weren't nearly enough, and they weren't varied enough. Even on UV the map was a cakewalk. Weapon and ammo placement was a bit bettter, but still were not placed in the most optimal spots in the map, giving you new weapons too quicky after you just got one. This map shines most in its use of detail and textures. Athough it wasn't used well everywhere, the detail was prety nice, and made the map a lot more tolerable than it would have been without the fairly good eye candy. Texture choice wasn't bad either, though it needed changes and realignments in some spots. My biggest problem with the textures was the opening area was overly brown. All in all its a nice map, fun for a quick go, but thats about it because the map is too short. However, if quick runs are your thing, and you admire detail, grab it.

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    myk said:

    You can't upload but to /incoming. The admin places things in /newstuff then for a while then so people can easily note what's new.

    I think I was able to download from the /incoming folder. But only with FTP Explorer. Someone might want to download that and test it out. I'm pretty sure I could. I've run out of the free trial.

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    Status: Starting download of /.1/idgames/incoming/2sectors.txt
    Command: TYPE A
    Response: 200 Type okay.
    Command: PORT 134,68,19,40,5,221
    Response: 200 PORT command successful.
    Command: RETR 2sectors.txt
    Response: 553 Permission denied; an "incoming" directory is for uploading only.
    Error: Download failed

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    I think we scared off all the good mappers... :(
    Anyway, one wad, one map.
    One CRAPPY map that is. A map wad like this should AT least contain 7 maps

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    I've heard about how horrible the conditions are down south in the aftermath. Man, that really blows! I hope that Ty can recover... I hope that everyone can recover!

    I even read about how survivors are recieving $2000.00 to $3000.00 dollars for help. The bad thing about that is, some folks are BLOWING the money on frivolous things; not on trying to get some digs and get away from the disaster. These folks don't have a piss pot nor a window to throw it out of and they're tossing out the only means to get anything! That's f---in sad!!!

    I'm praying for them...

    Oh that comment Ty made about needing a BFG... The power of Doom flows strongly in him. :-) A true fan!

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    bluepaladin7 said:

    I even read about how survivors are recieving $2000.00 to $3000.00 dollars for help. The bad thing about that is, some folks are BLOWING the money on frivolous things; not on trying to get some digs and get away from the disaster. These folks don't have a piss pot nor a window to throw it out of and they're tossing out the only means to get anything! That's f---in sad!!!

    I'm praying for them...

    A good number of people didn't have very much before the disaster and even less afterwards. Some people are probably too depressed to really give a shit, and spent their relief money at the nearest liquor store in texas.

    Only when you've lossed everything, are you truly free to do anything. Hopefully there's some sort of salvation for these people.

    I was supposed to be talking about newstuff right? Yeah... needs more Doom.

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    POTGIESSER said:

    Only when you've lossed everything, are you truly free to do anything.

    points for the fight club reference. the book has to be the deepest thing i ever read.

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    I need some new levels to play. I mean maybe someone is waiting till it returns to release something truly kick ass that will break new ground or something

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    doomedwarrior1981 said:

    I mean maybe someone is waiting till it returns to release something truly kick ass that will break new ground or something

    I can't wait to see what sort of wad you have in store for us. :D

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    Sorry I was referring to other people that may be waiting until newstuff returns to release something. I mean trust me you don't want anything I would release I mean you thought Doom: Rampage edition sucked well it would be a masterpiece compared to a wad I made lol

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