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  • The /newstuff Chronicles #91


    Two major Doom projects released in one week and I'm on a tight schedule, imagine. As you're reading this I'm probably down in Florida or Texas or wherever Myrtle Beach is so before you post any complaints remember I won't hear them for a while. Five wads, forty maps, let's get started.

    • 2002: A Doom Odyssey by Various Authors - - Hey, lookie, an Ultimate Doom megawad. That means, like, no SSG. ADO replaces every last bit of the Ultimate Doom, each episode respectful to the original it replaced. The maps look very nice save some blatant texture misaligning and the map layouts well thought-out. The effort put into the maps by the authors to keep ADO as doom2.exe compatible as possible is admirable. Also, amusing backstory. 'Tommy the Trooper', heh.
    • Robotic Nightmares by Kim Vidal - - Remember a couple weeks ago when I reviewed 'Robotic Dreams', that ucking fugly couple of poorly textured silver platforms that you were supposed to dm on? Only three weeks later, the magic of monsters and keys has allowed the cutting edge in DM maps has become the cutting edge in SP maps! Robotic Nightmares consists of four SP wads, each one replacing Doom 2 Map01 and each one bearing the exact layout of Robotic Dreams but with varying amounts and types of monsters to distinguish between the 'easy' and 'hard' (nah) versions. I'd expect this gem to have a cult following of speedrunners too because that's about all anybody's going to bother doing gameplaywise. The verdict on Robotic Nightmares: 'suck'.
    • xFire5 by Lee Szymanski - - More xFire dm goodness from... eh, that guy with the hard-to-pronounce last name who makes the xFire wads (*cough* sorry I don't reply to your emails more often I'll get around to it really :(). This one runs on Doom 2 Map03 and shares the same TEKGREN/BRONZE texturing scheme as the previous xFire maps. The map is made up of a series of indoor hallways build around an outdoor pool with a 'big pickup' (a bfg for skill 5) in the middle.
    • The Umbrella by Epyo - - Although this author is the one and same Epyo that brought us the dismally awful 'Crackers'n'Tea' some week or two ago, Umbrella (Doom 2 Map01-Map03) is a much more concentrated effort and a much more worthy play. Theme consistency, logical texturing choices, and ammo/health balance are starting to show through in Epyo's maps, all that's lacking is advanced architecture/detailing. I'd wager the best of the bunch as map02, a strange half-techy labratory map. Requires ZDoom.
    • Ni'mRoD - IXNAY on the HOMBRE by UNHOLY Software - - I feel almost guilty right now because I've never done a single thing to deserve getting to play Nimrod. I haven't had so much fun playing not just Doom but any FPS game in a long, long time. If somehow you don't know already this is a ten map (Map01-Map10) Doom 2 partial conversion for Doom Legacy that gives you the role of a half-machine warrior 30 years after the happenings of the original doom games. 'Oh no, I detect a hint of plot!' Yes, there'll be a twist or two... coupled with the awesome dark, apocalyptic atmosphere, Nimrod would make a swank comic book. As for the maps themselves, they're well, simply beatiful. Legacy 3d is used expertly to create complex architecture and scenery and lighting levels are used excellently to add that 'creepy' feeling where it's needed. The gameplay borders on the line of an adventure game, with puzzles to solve next to the classic shoot'em'up gameplay. I'd write more but I'm being forced out the door as I type so keep in mind that Nimrod is frigging amazing and you should download it now.

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    Two major Doom projects released in one week and I'm on a tight schedule, imagine. As you're reading this I'm probably down in Florida or Texas or wherever Myrtle Beach is so before you post any complaints remember I won't hear them for a while. Five wads, forty maps, let's get started.

    2002: A Doom Odyssey by Various Authors - - Hey, lookie, an Ultimate Doom megawad. That means, like, no SSG. ADO replaces every last bit of the Ultimate Doom, each episode respectful to the original it replaced. The maps look very nice save some blatant texture misaligning and the map layouts well thought-out. The effort put into the maps by the authors to keep ADO as doom2.exe compatible as possible is admirable. Also, amusing backstory. 'Tommy the Trooper', heh.

    Robotic Nightmares by Kim Vidal - - Remember a couple weeks ago when I reviewed 'Robotic Dreams', that ucking fugly couple of poorly textured silver platforms that you were supposed to dm on? Only three weeks later, the magic of monsters and keys has allowed the cutting edge in DM maps has become the cutting edge in SP maps! Robotic Nightmares consists of four SP wads, each one replacing Doom 2 Map01 and each one bearing the exact layout of Robotic Dreams but with varying amounts and types of monsters to distinguish between the 'easy' and 'hard' (nah) versions. I'd expect this gem to have a cult following of speedrunners too because that's about all anybody's going to bother doing gameplaywise. The verdict on Robotic Nightmares: 'suck'.

    xFire5 by Lee Szymanski - - More xFire dm goodness from... eh, that guy with the hard-to-pronounce last name who makes the xFire wads (*cough* sorry I don't reply to your emails more often I'll get around to it really :(). This one runs on Doom 2 Map03 and shares the same TEKGREN/BRONZE texturing scheme as the previous xFire maps. The map is made up of a series of indoor hallways build around an outdoor pool with a 'big pickup' (a bfg for skill 5) in the middle.

    The Umbrella by Epyo - - Although this author is the one and same Epyo that brought us the dismally awful 'Crackers'n'Tea' some week or two ago, Umbrella (Doom 2 Map01-Map03) is a much more concentrated effort and a much more worthy play. Theme consistency, logical texturing choices, and ammo/health balance are starting to show through in Epyo's maps, all that's lacking is advanced architecture/detailing. I'd wager the best of the bunch as map02, a strange half-techy labratory map. Requires ZDoom.

    Ni'mRoD - IXNAY on the HOMBRE by UNHOLY Software - - I feel almost guilty right now because I've never done a single thing to deserve getting to play Nimrod. I haven't had so much fun playing not just Doom but any FPS game in a long, long time. If somehow you don't know already this is a ten map (Map01-Map10) Doom 2 partial conversion for Doom Legacy that gives you the role of a half-machine warrior 30 years after the happenings of the original doom games. 'Oh no, I detect a hint of plot!' Yes, there'll be a twist or two... coupled with the awesome dark, apocalyptic atmosphere, Nimrod would make a swank comic book. As for the maps themselves, they're well, simply beatiful. Legacy 3d is used expertly to create complex architecture and scenery and lighting levels are used excellently to add that 'creepy' feeling where it's needed. The gameplay borders on the line of an adventure game, with puzzles to solve next to the classic shoot'em'up gameplay. I'd write more but I'm being forced out the door as I type so keep in mind that Nimrod is frigging amazing and you should download it now.

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    The xfire screenshot link is bad. Unfortunately, the Robotic Nightmare screenshot link isn't.

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    [QUOTE]Liam the Bard said:

    Robotic Nightmares by Kim Vidal - I'd expect this gem to have a cult following of speedrunners too because that's about all anybody's going to bother doing gameplaywise. The verdict on Robotic Nightmares: 'suck'.

    I downloaded and played this wad (actually there are four variations of the same wad) last week. I thought they were both interesting and challenging and had a good time playing them, especially kimsp13 and kimsp14.

    I sent an email to the author Kim Vidal (Joaquim Vidal is his full name while, in his country, Kim is the shortened version or 'nickname') and told him I had enjoyed his work. He thanked me and was very polite and courteous.

    Upon seeing this review I was embarrassed for the guy. After all, who wants to see the word 'suck' beside their work. Also, I'm not a speedrunner but doesn't that comment reflect on the guys at the compet-n?

    Over the years I have played many wads, some good, some bad. On occasion I've even send the author an email along with a recording. Having authored various wads I can appreciate the time, creativity, and effort that goes into the work so I realize a kind word is a wonderous thing.

    Nobody, especially one who is a member of the very community that Doomworld represents, deserves to have their work maligned in that fashion. I hope this lack of professionalism will be recognized as such and not be accepted as the status quo at good old Doomworld.

    Ling, it's your site. Do you really think this guy is a positive force?


    Rich Sham

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    Rich said:
    Upon seeing this review I was embarrassed for the guy. After all, who wants to see the word 'suck' beside their work.

    Now, normally I would stick with the reviewer's right to give his opinion, and if the map sucks (in his opinion) then say so. After all, lets be frank here, the purpose of the newstuff reviews is to allow people to choose the good stuff to play, and avoid the bad, of which there is plenty.

    Having said that, I think this one really sticks the boot in. Ouch. Pain. Since this gets top billing on doomworld I might favour a bit more diplomacy - it's not like it's tucked away on some private opinion site.

    Also, I'm not a speedrunner but doesn't that comment reflect on the guys at the compet-n?

    Without having played the WAD, I can't say if there's a genuine reason to believe the level is good for speedrunning, but the way he phrased it makes it look a pretty careless comment.

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    OMG, that is the most awesome thing I have ever played. 2002ado rocks!!! I'm currently only a short way into episode 2, but still, I have loved every second of it so far. In fact, the only reason I'm here now saying anything is that I accidently blew myself up with a rocket at a crucial point in one of the levels (I was so psyched, I can't even remember) and decided that I should take a short break. Man, that's some sweet stuff. If someone were to ask me to write an essay entitled "What Doom means to me", I'd just give them a copy of 2002 ado and let them see for themselves. Woo hoo, I'm going back for more now.

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    [QUOTE]cph said:

    cph => Colin Phipps, Doom Underground! Now here's a guy who writes professional reviews!

    Hello Colin!

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    Liam the Bard said:

    2002: A Doom Odyssey by Various Authors - - Hey, lookie, an Ultimate Doom megawad. That means, like, no SSG. ADO replaces every last bit of the Ultimate Doom, each episode respectful to the original it replaced. The maps look very nice save some blatant texture misaligning and the map layouts well thought-out. The effort put into the maps by the authors to keep ADO as doom2.exe compatible as possible is admirable. Also, amusing backstory. 'Tommy the Trooper', heh.

    WTF, you make 2002ado sound like an average UDoom wad. Where is the "DOWNLOAD IT NOW OR DIE"? Whoever misses 2002ado is an idiot, it r0x0rs (2002ado, not being an idiot ;)

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    [QUOTE]Rich said:

    cph said:

    cph => Colin Phipps, Doom Underground! Now here's a guy who writes professional reviews!

    Hello Colin!

    Yep, he's thorough, balanced, honest and gives criticism in a constructive [b]un-biased manner.

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    Once again, this release of 2002ado is only a beta according to the site. Look for a new release next month.

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    How about a critic to review Liams reviews? Heh, while his job is to critique these wads, I think he forgets that when your new, you suck. You want to offer a real opinion on the mod, but not shit on them so bad they never come back. :p

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    My review of Robotic nightmares:
    style: 1
    textures/layout/design: 2
    the amount of time invested in creating these maps is obviously minimal as well. It completely lacks any kind of story-driven gameplay and for most people these maps would not be worth even reading about...

    However, that was not Kim's purpose here, and he makes that very clear.
    His maps ROCK for gameplay and fun... and I have to tell you, that is why I play DOOM!
    I hate to say it, but I bet I'll have more fun playing RN than Nimrod. =/
    Liam was sensitive to the fact that speedrunners would probably like it... I agree with Colin: let's always be honest. Kim shouldn't care what the DW folks think about that wad; that is not his audience.
    Rich, if you trashed it, then I'd differ.
    No one _wants_ to see 'suck' next to their wad, but look at movie reviews, lots of good movies get panned because they are misunderstood by the reviewer... usually because the reviewer is not the target audience.
    well, without droning on and on, let me say that if any part of the community really likes a wad, then it doesn't deserve 'suck' next to it. If Liam's reviews degraded into varying shades of good->outstanding for EVERY map, then his reviews wouldn't be worth posting... that is, I'd rather he continued to be honest about how he feels... and if 'suck' is it, then 'suck' it is.
    (speaking of which, keep that phrase handy, I'm trying to find time to finish off my next wad ;)

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    Epyo said:

    so is anybody gonna comment on MY wad? Please? Maybe....?

    I thought it was good, but what was up with level 3? I saw a bad glitch in there; I didn't know what to think... Upon killing the Spider Demon, I could fully walk through a wall behind it, that was just the ultimate clippy-ness, I felt I had enabled IDCLIP when lo and behold, I didn't... that's my only pet peeve, other than that, I liked'em. Better job than I can do-

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    Nimrod and Ado are fan-fucking-tastic, especially Ado which is right up my street. Nimrod's imdustrial feel also really spanks my cranks.

    I think Liam was a little harsh again on Robo dreams, they were pretty ugly for sure but I had some fun with the OPN bots in there. My biggest complaint, as always, is death trap pits, I hate 'em, but then that's personal.

    Epyo that was a nice little wad, esp. the start, I loved the broken wall!

    Altogther, a great week.

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    Opulent said:

    His maps ROCK for gameplay and fun... and I have to tell you, that is why I play DOOM!

    Yeah good, quick, intense and great fun.:)

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    I think Liam's reviews are honest and mostly to the point. I admit I don't think the word "suck" shouldn't have been used, but give the guy a break. Maybe he just didn't have enough time to state it in a better way. It's a known fact that some maps aren't that good and that it wouldn't be fair to say they are.

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    I doubt Liam really plays through the maps, he just looks at them... I've already posted my opinion on /newstuff reviews and how they can't be really "deep." I think we should not take them as reviews at all; they are presentations sprinkled with opinions. Also, looks can be judged pretty fast, how a map plays requires more time; But yeah, blurting out "it sucks" after skimming through a map should be avoided. Otherwise it ends up seeming like the reviews or views are by and for those who are looking for something "new and neat" but who don't actually play the game.

    Hmm, maybe the "reviews" should include the least amount of "opinion" as possible, if the news guy (Liam presently) wants to add an opinion, he can add it as an additional post amid everyone elses...

    Liam knew he had misbehaved; he even ran off to some silly vacation somewhere right after he posted!

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    Liam the Bard said:

    2002: A Doom Odyssey by Various Authors - - Hey, lookie, an Ultimate Doom megawad.

    The effort put into the maps by the authors to keep ADO as doom2.exe compatible as possible

    Hmwahahahahahah you fail it.

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    Liam spends his time every week reviewing WADs for free. Personally I think he does a wonderful job. Plus, it's not like there are so many new levels each week that you can't download them all anyway -- Liam just gives you a general idea if they're hot or not.

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    2002 ADO is a must download, high quality maps. And erm...my surname isn't difficult to pronounce :P

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    Linguica said:

    Liam spends his time every week reviewing WADs for free. Personally I think he does a wonderful job. Plus, it's not like there are so many new levels each week that you can't download them all anyway -- Liam just gives you a general idea if they're hot or not.

    Agreed. Liam is a great newstuff reviewer. And his screenshots don't require radiation goggles to view correctly, unlike the previous incumbant.

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