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  • WadC 1.0 Released


    Aardappel sent word that version 1.0 of his WadC coding language for making Doom maps (yes, I know it sounds weird, but anyways). Here's a big long list of new features since the last beta release:

    • generating code by drawing lines with the mouse (!)
    • zooming & panning
    • map rendering enhancements
    • automatic splitting of overlapping lines (!)
    • curves with automatic texture alignment
    • inner sectors
    • thing/line/sector types
    • arches (experimental)
    • tag identifiers
    • include files (with many Doom constants supplied)
    • a random choice operator
    • more examples etc.
    • comes with source (GPL)
    What are you waiting for? Get coding!

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    Guest Battle_Zealot


    WTF? u guys release e new editor after 10 sector contest? Fuck, i used a old fucking editor...... :(

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    Guest space-dog


    Has anyone actually managed to getthis working, i have windows 95 and the java runtime thingie, but it does nothing

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    Tormentor: As Linguica wrote, this is no ordinary editor, but a coding language for creating DOOM maps.

    It is a VERY good idea, but it will probably take some time to learn the language. I will definately try it.

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    This is a revolutionary new editor. When you've mastered this you can do incredible things (probably). Although I do worry about people writing algorithms for slopes composed of 1-thick sectors...

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    what exactly is going wrong? what error message do you get?

    Remember, you need to have the SDK or JRE set up as per the instructions (java in your path, classpath set up etc.)

    Also note java is case sensitive, so you need
    to type (if you're not using the .bat file :)

    java MainFrame


    jre MainFrame

    exactly, while in the "src" directory from the zip.

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    Btw, for those who are having troubles getting Java to work: I did try compiling it to an exe instead, but that would have required an additional 10 meg download of dlls (the vcafe runtime), so that would not actually have improved the situation. Atleast the JDK/JRE is also useful for other things, and many people have it already installed.

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    Guest Mizzory


    I downloaded jre, then installed it, then restarted.
    I edited wadc.bat file:

    cd src
    jre MainFrame

    Class not found: Mainframe

    is this supposed to happen?

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    Guest Fanatic


    It's case sensitive. Use MainFrame, not Mainframe, make sure you are moving to the src directory.

    You can also open a DOS prompt in the src directory, and type:

    jre MainFrame

    I'm using regular java, so I used the batch file provided with WADC as is with no problems.

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    Guest Fanatic


    Wait, you did that. heh

    I don't know what's wrong then.

    Maybe the wrong jre version?

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    Well, someone once made a level for Quake I using Notepad...

    It actually was used in a really crap Quake Movie by Inhabitant.

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    Mizzory, you said this:

    cd src
    jre MainFrame

    Class not found: Mainframe

    you said you inputted "jre MainFrame" and it said "class not found: Mainframe". MainFrame is different than Mainframe which is different than mainframe which is differant than MAINFRAME.

    Which one did you try? When it says "class not found" it means that it can't find the MainFrame.class file, so make sure you're in the right directory when you input your command.

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    Guest Mizzory


    It was: java MainFrame
    all I did was adjust the java-jre.
    and it is latest version of jre cuz I just downloaded it from the url in the readme file.
    I tried different things, it didn't work.

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    Guest space-dog


    I get the same thing, i also tried using jrew which doesn't even give an error message, it just finishes like it's supposed to do nothing

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    If you got the case right, then you have what works for other people. All I can think of is that you somehow have the JDK/JRE installed wrong.

    Last thing I would try is, cd to the "src" directory manually using the command line, then:

    jre -cp c:dir_where_you_put_wadcsrc MainFrame

    the -cp tells java/jre where to look for classes, just incase your installation got this wrong. Normally it should look in the current dir however.

    You could also add " -verbose " directly after jre, this will tell you wether maybe it fails to load a class MainFrame depends on, rather than MainFrame.class itself.

    As to java, it is a great language if you want something done quickly. I got the core of WadC (i.e. language parsing, evaluating, doom level building, drawing and saving, basically everything besides the recently added features) done in 2 evenings, try that in C++.

    But yes, it is a shame that installing a java app is so messy, and I see currently no way to make that easier (there are no really good exe compilers that I am aware of).

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    dunno why it removed the backslashes from my post, but you get the idea (i.e. -cp the path to the src directory).

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    Guest Mizzory


    NOOOO!!! I wanted to use wadc for a long time! can you make a c(++)/vb version? why don't you upload a compiled version, I don't care about the 10mb worth of dlls, most likely I have all of them, if I don't I will download them.

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    Guest space-dog


    Thanks, that last one worked, but kids be sure to leave a space between src and MainFrame

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    Hmmm rewriting all of WadC in C++ or VB just because you can't get Java to run... that sounds a liiittle out of proportion.

    Sorry, it seems everyone manages to get it running, I am afraid you will just have to go find out why you can't run java programs (check the net, carefully read the readme that comes with the JDK/JRE etc.)

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    Guest Mizzory


    hmm, I will just uninstall jre and install jdk, that should work.

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    Guest Mizzory


    Just Compile it and upload it, if jdk has everything needed to run it then fine then.

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