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  • You Can Never Go Back


    PlanetQuake has a one-page editorial up entitled "You Can Never Go Back" dealing with expectations for the new Doom game. Even though it is written by and for Quake players, it does have some interesting points. Thanks Mike Killpack.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I could make a long two-page article about how much I wanna hit the author of this editorial (Plummer)...

    Saying that it will fail is just bogus, we don't know anything about the game yet and I think it can very well be possible to recreate the magic of the original DooM.

    Also saying that DooM does nothing more than take up space on a hard drive and that DooM players have grown up. Obviously the author has never seen Doomworld or maybe any other doom site. Many people still make levels and play DooM.

    I don't believe that this author has anything interesting to say about DooM because the article, to me, seems unfairly biased against DooM or he is simple "uninformed" or just has no interest.

    I only have one more thing to say about this author: "Open Ass, Remove Head!"

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    to the ignorant assholes on Quake news sites. Their only interest is to promote their own game(s) (i.e. Quake) and disparage those of us who still play the classics. GameSpy seems to be particularly bad at this ...

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    Arioch: saying that Quake players are ignorant assholes who only promote their own game and disparage those of us playing the classics is basically making yourself into an ignorant asshole who only promotes his own game and disparage those who play the newer games.

    mewse/aurikan: It appears that the guy who wrote this article goes to Waterloo :)

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    Guest Wyvern


    I sent a rebuttal to him the instant I read the article. I hope he actually posts it, because his "tough" questions were pretty easily answered. :)

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    Ling: I think Arioch was implying that the news guys for Quake sites are biased towards new games and not Doom, which THIS PARTICULAR GUY clearly shows...However

    Arioch: There are many guys on Planet Quake who think of doom as a classic and even play it sometimes

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    Call this guy ignorant all you want, but there's one thing he said that makes an eternity of sense.

    The next Doom could be a perfect remake of its older siblings; providing game play above and beyond the originals and the same "Deathmatch sweat"(tm). However, classics by definition have been placed upon a pedestal and are not removed. The new game may live up to the old Doom but it could never live up to the memories of the old Doom.

    I think I could argue that largely what he is saying is true. However, I still am going to hope for the best. The new doom can be everything that's expected, however unlikely, and I'm sure the people working on it are trying very hard to accomplish just that.

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    Some people could argue for ages that Quake III doesn't live up to the first two games, or that Quake II doesn't live up to Quake.

    Many people think Quake doesn't live up to Doom II, and when Doom II was relesed, many were let down by IT.

    Not me, of course! @)

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    void anonymous_user(const char* article)
    printf("nDoom rocks!n");

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    I said "ignorant assholes on Quake news sites." I'm not saying everybody on Quake news sites are ignorant assholes. :)

    Hopefully that clears up some confusion.

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