The time has come to finish the Doom The Way id Did experience by going through the second part of the "outtakes" wad The Lost Episodes. Two sets of maps with classic fun and one more set full of boss runs await us, making for a total of three episodes to be conquered in style by our horde of seasoned TNS marines. Pro tip: Bring your radsuits!
Skill: Ultra Violence
IWAD: doom.wad
PWADs: dtwid-le, dtwid-le_v10_zdfix_r2, tskins1e, miekskins-r3, tns74
Maps: e4m1-e4m8, e5m1-e5m9, e5m0, e6m1-e6m9
Lives: 1
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The Australasian session starts at 20:00 AEST (that's 10:00 GMT) on NzDoom
The Euro session starts at 20:00 GMT (that's 15:00 EST) on [L@P]
The US session starts at 20:00 EST (that's 01:00 GMT) on Dwango United
In other news: Want to take part in a light-hearted, relaxed, duel mini-league? Check out and see what's hot. Guaranteed fun for any skill level, we promise a chilled out new school setup with some extra surprises in the works. Read the simple rules and register now! Send Evolution a PM and he'll approve you. Join the #zml channel in ZDaemon Launcher Chat for more info. Also check out WNF featuring Deathball mod and ZDS featuring Wrecker mod this week. Get Zdaemon and join in.
ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #74 - Doom The Way id Did: The Lost Episodes (Part 2)
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