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  • Zombie Doom Beta Released


    Remember Zombie Doom? One of the original victims to hard drive failure? Well, mewse has dug up a really old beta version of it and posted it. I tried it out with ZDoom, and it was quite a bit of fun... powerful weapons, lots of explosions, a flamethrower with enemies that catch on fire, blood splattering on walls, and progressively dismantled enemies (shooting zombies first blows off one arm, then the other, then tears them in half; sometimes their head will explode). Sucks that this thing never came to fruition.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Well, I won't comment on anything said earlier, but I'd just like to say that Edge rules. Hard. I had only played around a bit with DeHacked before, but now suddenly, my Doom has something like 24 weapons(the original included), all of them pretty different. The meaning of this post? Um... Edge is good? Okay, peace.

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    Guest Cory


    But look at it this way, Zombie Doom is now compatible between most of the source ports available, as well as original doom, so if someone likes Boom, they can use it, if someone likes Legacy, they can use it, if someone likes o.g. Doom, they cailla/4.0 (compat2C etc. If zombie doom (or anything else) was made for EDGE, then only people who like / can run Edge properly will be able to play it. That's all.. Nobody here is saying 'Edge is no good' - Hey, I'm sure everyone (including me) will play Qdoom and Covert Ops, but wether they continue to play with the edge engine after that is up to them. Don't think I'm biased, just because I'm a die-hard dehaX0r, nobody is more fed-up than me about it's limits. I'm up for anything new, but I, like some others, can't seem to get DD/edge to work as satisfactory on my system as Zdoom or Legacy.

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    Guest Fanatic


    For everyone that says "EDGE sucks" or similar, please do myself and the EDGE team a favor -tell us why!

    I would hope a lot of people will want to play QDOOM, and it *requires* the EDGE engine and it's incredible and unique features to be played. QDOOM will not work in any other engine, and actually all the unique data in QDOOM will cause some of the other engines to hard lock my system, like ZDOOM (I just wanted to see what it would look like in a non-EDGE engine).

    EDGE is good, very friggin good. It can do stuff no other engine can do that is based off the DOOM source, and is actually a whole lot easier to use and make complex events than Quake 2 -seriously. You will see it in QDOOM. I have some events that Quake 2 could not do without additional (and heavy) coding to the engine, and I'm not a coder, so it wouldn't happen. But with EDGE, I just use RTS and DDF to make incredible events, and all done in a simple text editor with a quasi-scripting language as easy as HTML.

    I can say with my experience and knowledge in using EDGE, Zombie Doom would be a whole lot better than using DeHackEd, even though it has some very cool stuff in it. I can imagine all the killer enhancements using DDF on Zombie Doom.

    But as I said, if you have a problem with EDGE, help us out and let us know what is wrong!

    Most all of the reported problems have been fixed and are ready in the next release.

    So if you got issues, so ME a favor, say it now before QDOOM is released!

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    Guest Anubis


    Fanatic, you are right. Edge is the best. I have done a lot of stuff in Edge, and Fanatic has helped me with a lot of stuff. I had a few problems, so I mailed him and he helped me. You're one of the good ones.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Yah, DDF is pretty amazing, & easy to use. I know nothing of dehacked or programming, & I easily made how many dm mods . . . Valkyrie, Demolition, BatBot DM, Bloodfoot, TF01 . . . using DDF, & it was all extremely easy & powerful. True, my interest in it has waned since the bot development has been put on indefinite hold, & how fun is a dm mod when you can't smack bots or people around? I remember hearing Cyb griping about his HL mod, & the dehacked limitations he was dealing with. I thought of how easy in DDF one could make a HL hornet gun weapon that spawned intelligent swarming projectiles that used the skullfly attack & then disappear. Does anyone remember the ghost launcher I made for Valkyrie? Or that scrotum crab in HL that spawns baby head crabs--that would be very easy to do in DDF, & without replacing any of the Doom monsters. I made a MIRV grenade (a la TFC) launcher that would explode & spawn bomblets, which then exploded seconds later. To have an engineer wrench that would have an attack of spawning an intelligent turret a la TFC would be easy. Or remember the deathball I made for BatBot DM, which could be banked off of walls to nail someone around a corner? Or the player footsteps, blue caco blood, & green baron blood I did for Bloodfoot? It was all so easy to do. And the whole dehacked "shell game" of shuffling around & replacing existing monster sprites & sounds etc. is such a drag. Have you ever looked at the Ace team's Batman TC wad? Excellent dehacked work, but what a freaking mess of renamed sprites & sounds! Those poor guys must have been going nuts trying to keep all that straight. I ported the weapons from that thing over to DDF, & finding all the sprites & sounds was like searching for a needle in a haystack. I remember seeing some people (like the Duke TC guy) trying to do DDF like they have to do dehacked by doing that renaming stuff, & I was like, "Dude, you don't have to mess with the existing resources. why not just name some new weapons, items, sprites & sounds etc. & just add them to what's already in there?" Granted, there are some times when you _do_ want things to replace the default doom stuff, like the dm mods I made, because then the new items will show up on existing maps. But what if you want to set up some kind of Quake vs. Doom vs. UT dm mod? Well, then you'll want to add to, rather than replace, the stuff in Doom2.wad. And that is very do-able when you're using DDF. Heck, when EDGE bots are back in development, I think I may just do some of that . . .Doom vs. Valkyrie vs. Demolition vs. BatBot vs. Zombie Doom vs. Quake vs. whatever else I feel like putting in there. -Capt.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Capt, I have some good news for you: EDGE's bot is under development since a few weeks. Right now I'm converting it to a true player (it's currently more of a monster with improved player-like AI) -Erik

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    Guest Anonymous User


    How the heck do you run Zombie Doom using ZDoom? I've tried everything I cant get it to work!!! Do you need a specific version of ZDoom or a ZDoom LAuncher or what? Somebody help me!!!!

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