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About Linguica

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    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  2. I have absolutely no idea WTF happened. Using the default theme template suddenly started to make the server give some sort of internal error. So I copied the theme into a new theme and made THAT the default and now it seems to work again. I love being an amateur webmaster, it's always a new adventure.
  3. I figure I should address this given that I own the site, etc. I have been on something of a sabbatical in recent months (not covid, just usual stuff) so I have not been following recent developments but the lack of a clearly delineated set of rules has been a long standing insistence of mine. I have been on the internet long enough to know that trying to craft a complete set of rules of what is and is not allowed is generally a fool's errand as people inevitably find ways to game the system or do things that are technically allowed but are clearly antisocial. To that end the forum rules have at my insistence remained a sort of amorphous "don't be antisocial" rule. A clearly expressed and maintained analogue (although I'm not hereby endorsing it) is the Contributor Covenant. We may or may not need to adopt an actual literal set of rules in the future but at the moment it is intentionally quite vague.
  4. Nope. I can only imagine I deleted it from my web space for some reason I can't fathom. The hex edit is clearly a plain old 404 link. From looking at the link I literally pasted in the simple Python code I used to generate the colormap so I don't think it's a huge loss.
  5. For what it's worth, I made this for doom_txt several years ago.
  6. Does @Hyena really hate you?

    (From Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid)


  7. If all WADs are canon (according to the popular fan theory), then if someone makes a WAD of the once again mortal Doomslayer turned Doomguy, explicitly set post TAG2 coming out of the sarcophagus, then by definition it immediately becomes canon?
  8. FYI: if you want to farm Doom Levels, get to the final boss and then exit to the main menu and reload the final boss encounter (from the main menu for me it's down-down-enter-enter-enter-up-enter). Every time the fight starts you gain another Doom Level. You can use the console and the disconnect or leavegame command to instantly kick yourself out to the main menu after, sadly I can't find any way to reload the level with a console command.
  9. Uhhh he realized he wanted to be the one to do it. Or whatever.
  10. I imagine you have seen https://readonlymemory.vg/a-brief-history-of-speedrunning/ but I will paste a relevant section: As for visualizations, Google Groups is about the only thing still around that still has conversations from that time period. Here is a post announcing the Doom Honorific Titles: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.games.doom/c/tlTGtnpCR1A/m/ENuiCMxGnoUJ although the presentation would have looked somewhat different as there were dedicated newsreader programs for reading and posting on Usenet.
  11. It would be neat if the functionality of this could be somehow combined with jmickle's old tool
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