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About traversd

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  1. and if there are multiple teleport destinations found, chooses a random one :)
  2. You can save some lines by using the boom elevator (down to lowest or next floor) specials for monster closets. Saves having to build in a door to hide the closet. Not 100 lines specific but using some angled lines (instead of 90 degree corners) can help with areas feeling short on detailed geometry etc, and using things like tech lamps, columns etc can help with detail in place of detailed geometry as well. Enjoy the process :)
  3. Hey thanks for the feedback, super glad that you enjoyed them. I saw the demos you posted as well - very clever. Can't say I thought about those aspects. The irony of this set is I thought a series of smaller maps would be quicker to make and release (looks at date of first post and winces). Instead I sweated over whether a vertex should have 6 linedefs coming off it or 5, can I make do without a rectangle here and where can I put a transfer heights reference sector for liquids :) Oh well, fun was had making these, good to hear fun was had playing them as well.
  4. Finally published to Id Games - huge thanks to Biodegradable, Clippy and GarrettChan for feedback, Alfonzo and Tarnsman for level contributions, and Jimmy for music. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bytesize
  5. Would be cool to animate the skin texture inside the crate and have it move a little.
  6. Thanks @GarrettChan I'll go away and do some homework on these to hopefully improve as many of the aspects you have mentioned as possible :) Clippy is at Map05 so I've suggested they wait until I complete a v1.2 with most of the above homework implemented. The Arch-vile placement is certainly a mechanism used in the later maps to replace monster closets given the limit on geometry. Every triangle used to hold monsters is a lost triangle to the map itself ;) With Map06 and Map10 I had to use thing decorations to help create off-map monster closets. But yes, not much chill in the maps because of this approach. Unless I've added one and forgot - yes, I've purposely left backpacks out of the set so that whilst giving the player lots of ammo its not all picked up at the start of a map - but I do concede it has the other impact of sometimes wasting a large ammo pickup. I went with small cell packs in Map07 for that reason but dotting the landscape with single rockets felt a bit silly :) My sincere thanks again! Travers
  7. Thanks @Clippy and @GarrettChan I've made a bunch of notes from your videos for updates to some maps - I've clearly under cooked map05 D: Thanks again for the feedback :) Travers
  8. Yikes - 4 years goes rather fast. I've come back to this finally and finished up with 12 maps in total, skill settings, some Jimmy tunes and a laughable attempt at a Titlepic replacement. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qigkba2fgg9elxw/BYTESIZE_v1.1.zip?dl=1
  9. It might only minimise the issue, but maybe try putting a non-scrolling sector between each scrolling sector such that the amount of time the objects are considered on both sectors is reduced?
  10. The triangle sectors contain the light level/texture/type you want to transfer but are not tagged to scroll like the surrounding sector to avoid the additive effect. The highlighted linedefs have the actions to perform the transfers.
  11. If you are looking to use the linedefs that border each sector in the arrangements on the right of your screenshot to make a pattern of light changes, you can possibly make all of the sectors a single sector with linedefs inside it so the scrolling action is only applied once. If you are need to activate floor texture changes etc then a single large sector like on the left of your screen shot and small enclosed sectors within it, with the necessary floor can be used for the script action.
  12. If you apply friction to the conveyor as well that should prevent the player from moving much at all and being taken on the conveyor path until they leave the conveyor sector and friction returns to normal.
  13. Nice! Any chance of? a proper voodoo doll thing that activates all specials like a player but also obeys skill and gametype flags level exit specials that go to the map coded by the tag (101=e1m1 1=map01) random teleport destination chosen if multiple destination things exist in the same tagged sector a "Sector Group" flag to stop movement of all sectors with the same tag if one of the sectors movement is blocked (to allow for multi sector lifts/elevators)
  14. D'oh, plus they drop clips. Sprite reducing suggestions are replace some sets of 9 SS with 2-3 Revs or 1 AV? Also an earlier version of the map had the final cyber teleport from the exit room platform to the general play area which may reduce the change of it specifically disappearing whilst being in that single location? (sorry!)
  15. WTH. How have I not realised this awful pattern sooner? #rehash











    1. rodster


      I didn't understand, but I like the pictures, because it looks like the spidermind is going to fall/roll into the square holes :)

    2. esselfortium


      I think I would be pretty freaked out in real life if I saw this many giant spiders angrily crawling out of holes, but these pictures make me chuckle :)


      It's funny to only notice something like this 20 years on. I like the mega-effort moving trapdoor one from 1994tu.

    3. Captain Ventris

      Captain Ventris

      A monster...basement?

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