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About TheeXile

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  1. Alright, since finishing my latest map, now comes the inevitable post-release blues (as I call them). This is the period where it finally sinks in how all the time and effort I put into something I enjoyed doing will amount to little more than someone's petty, short-lived amusement and their subjective notion of good or bad; both objects of little-to-no intrinsic value in the grand scheme of things. An unfortunate reminder through self-reflection that I try my best to avoid, lest all my creative desires plunge into the depths of an ever-encroaching dark, abyssal despair.

    (lol emo)

    Anyway, does anyone else get moods like these after finishing something? Or am I just steadily going insane?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Gokuma


      Lüt said:

      I wish I could tell you, but I've never finished anything :(

      Not even Stinkpants?

    3. GreyGhost


      Coopersville said:

      Just review it yourself and praise it

      Someone tried that a while back, I don't know how many severed fingers were offered as tribute before Bloodshedder was placated.

    4. Lich


      I know when I've finished Gorgoroth, I'll inevitably feel a little blue, but then I'll just start making another map to make myself feel better.

  2. Sup ya'll. First blog entry. Not sure of any brilliant ideas of what to do with it yet, though. I suppose posting it for the sake of having it should suffice for now, as a start. Usually I only come up with clever ideas until after I'm already in the position of needing them. It's stupid, but that's just the way I do things.

    Edit: Hey 5 edits later and I finally turned out something semi-meaningful to say. See what I mean? :P

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheeXile


      Grazza said:

      fraggle, before you start trying to act mega-cool-and-whatnot by using the newproject tag, make sure you check that the person doesn't have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of uses of the newproject tag that only succeeded in making the person using it look like a complete moron, because they did have something to show.


    3. GreyGhost


      The newprojecttag is a Doomworld meme - I'm waiting my turn to use it.

      Soft words and a big stick have more impact than soft words alone - find out who's carrying the big sticks.

    4. Creaphis


      Grazza said:

      fraggle, before you start trying to act mega-cool-and-whatnot by using the newproject tag, make sure you check that the person doesn't have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of uses of the newproject tag that only succeeded in making the person using it look like a complete moron, because they did have something to show.

      HAHAHAHA. We have come full circle.

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