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About IRod54

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  1. This is a pretty nice new take on the original Doom levels using Doom 2 resources, some areas though where texture misalignments need to be corrected, start of Map 8 has an HOM at the start, monster closets need monsters in them, but other than that good work with this
  2. I expected that my megawad would not receive recognition but I had fun creating it nonetheless, again congrats to all who had their projects awarded, there were many great levelsets put out this year that I enjoyed playing
  3. Much love to all these amazing projects that were honored and those who made them!
  4. So awful, he was a pioneer in this community, all my condolences
  5. More bug fixes, I keep trying to replace the file that’s already there but I keep getting rejected basically
  6. Since Im having trouble uploading the version with fixed bugs to idgames here it is https://www.mediafire.com/file/h2cgwc40reswbtp/jth2.wad/file
  7. I changed things up a bit there to where now there are some areas to take cover behind and now a hidden invisibility is included
  8. Im way better now than then when it comes to mapping
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