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About neubejiita

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  1. In the Doom 2 lore, how did they get to Earth in the first place?
  2. If the hellish invasion of Earth happened in real life, but with the Doom 2 monsters, would we be winning instead of being overrun? I mean if they went up against Islamic extremists who do not fear death, they would have quite a fight. But America has countless big guns like Barret rifles and large-bore elephant guns, so we would be set to win against the hellish hordes. Cybderdemons are bigger targets for mortars and large artillery. But is it a bleak or a positive thing to be invaded by brainless monsters that just keep charging ignoring the incoming fire? How would this really go in different countries?
  3. I got it to work. This looks good. https://streamable.com/38lzbi Sector range is 100 - 167.
  4. I have a setup like this with a lot of sectors in a pie graph-like setup and I want to give unique sector tags to each one, what is the fastest way to do this? I thought Ultimate Doom Builder would have a tool for that.
  5. IDK if that is possible with Gzdoom. I would love to implement that. #Update Updated the PC with a massive retro PC case.
  6. Intel i9. 128 GiB of RAM. 2000 TB SSD. Windows 10.
  7. Some nice WFALL textures. These are unused ID textures. Source: https://tcrf.net/File:Doom2-wfall.png
  8. But I like the indoor areas, maybe I am better at that than giant outdoor areas.
  9. I have created another Doom map, this time for Ultimate Doom E3M1. This map is focused more on action rather than huge empty areas, this should be a fun map to play. This map requires Boom to work, this is less open but still fun, the navigation is more clear and there is more verticality in the last areas of the map when it transitions from tech base to hell. Download: https://securitronlinux.com/doomstuff/helix.zip
  10. In UDB on Ubuntu, you can switch to the 3D view, but switching back does not work.
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