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  1. Super Skelemania. It's a mini-metroidvania designed for speedrunning.
  2. I wanted to do pool rooms in vanilla but thought the interconnected layout would be too challenging to plan on a 2D engine. If anything E3M7 and TNT MAP29 do have something resembling pool rooms.
  3. New Doom games are always welcome. They only need to drop the boring action-adventure map format from the last two games and replace it with more compact, interactive and unpredictable map design.
  4. Nobody has 100%'d Ultimate Doom because of the unreachable secrets and Doom 2 (SP) because of the two computer area maps in the same map.
  5. This but I always heard it coming from its mouth.
  6. There was this Doom episode speed run video where the demo played on the upper slope isometric perspective but can't find it anymore. It was uploaded 5+ years ago.
  7. I like this. Playing the map game right now. There should be an automap themed one.
  8. How about Heretic episode 3? That's technically underwater.
  9. They're hidden deep behind their pronounced brow ridges.
  10. Autumn. This may be an odd pick since it used to be my favorite season for a long time. I still like September when the weather gets colder and the environment more colorful but from mid-October the air becomes dank. It gets repetitive with the long nights.
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