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About Aldaraia

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    Surprisingly good mapset. Despite my initial expectations, the severely limit texture choices weren't much of a bother for most of the levels. There are times where the minimalist textures almost fade away from oversaturation, leaving you with a heightened focus on gameplay aspects (all which are great). Some maps are maddening, others - masterpieces. I wasn't expecting a space battle emulation in MAP14 though.
  1. Just wanted to say your avatar is fucking cool. Babylon 5 is an awesome show. I still haven't finished it, I'm yet to start season 4, but the first 3 have been thrilling, so far.

    1. Aldaraia


      It's one of the more underrated sci-fi shows out there for sure, it sure deserved more spinoffs and expansions to the universe than what it got. What I find so great about it asides from the plotline is just how well-developed the alien races are, with most of them bringing their own distinct flavors of intrigue to the storyline. The Vorlons are obviously my favorite, though I wish there was more exposition regarding their race and technology, but then again - part of their appeal is derived from their deeply enigmatic nature. Seasons 2-3-4 are the best ones, though S5 is certainly no waste of time.


      BTW, if you haven't seen it already, make sure to watch Farscape.

  2. Aldaraia

    Brutalist Doom

    Perfect as an appetizer before reading Orwell's '1984'.
  3. Aldaraia

    The Rebirth

    Real solid megawad that promises an arcade-like experience. Levels don't drag on like in some megawads, thoughtful level design and great gameplay. 5/5
    This is WHORRIBLE.
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