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About fraggle

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    Hyper Moderator
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. It's now been over 10 years since this thread when I set up my SLIGE MegaWAD generator to make Woolie Wool look silly. With some occasional downtime the generator has been diligently creating a new 32-level MegaWAD every day since then. My current estimate is that it's generated over 3,800 MegaWADs containing over 121,000 levels. Does this make me the most prolific author of published Doom levels ever?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fraggle


      I'm not sure I've even configured the MegaWAD's SLIGE config properly to be honest. Probably could get something much nicer if I put some effort into it.

    3. darknation


      10 years more! 10 years more!

    4. Csonicgo


      fraggle said:

      I'm not sure I've even configured the MegaWAD's SLIGE config properly to be honest. Probably could get something much nicer if I put some effort into it.

      I have a floppy disk in my drawer full of slige configs. I should drag it out and lend you the configs. Be warned, after 8 or so config themes, slige starts to wig out on parsing them.

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