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About fraggle

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    Hyper Moderator
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. I wrote this writeup on the Doom rendering engine a few days ago, it details how all the various parts of the rendering engine work together.

    Writing it was actually an educational experience. I had to read through the source to clarify several things which I didnt understand and I've ended up understanding it better than I ever did before.

    Anyway, I hope people find it informative and perhaps helpful. There only seem to be a few people that I've heard of who totally understand how everything works in the Doom engine.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Julian


      Julian said:

      [...] I'm almost certain the structure is changed into a y-oriented one and rendered horizontally on screen. [...]

      I repeat : yeah to me! :P
      Time to update this little text of yourse I guess. ;)

    3. fraggle


      Julian said:

      I repeat : yeah to me! :P
      Time to update this little text of yourse I guess. ;)

      Well, technically we're both right. My writeup is supposed to be a fairly high level description of the engine, so describing visplanes as built from of vertical strips seems a better point of view. I'll certainly add a note in about it though.

    4. Draconio


      Julian said:

      Time to update this little text of yourse I guess. ;)

      Goatse and impse are bad enough, but yourse is downright disgusting.

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