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About doomedout

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    I want Gatewatcher's manbabies
    Forum Regular

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  1. Is it just me or have all the interesting members suddenly disappear? The new threads aren't anywhere near the quality of the old ones...


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sharessa


      What great fortune?

    3. Lüt


      doomedout said:

      Is it just me or have all the interesting members suddenly disappear? The new threads aren't anywhere near the quality of the old ones...

      You're one to talk, Mr. Registered 05-02

    4. toxicfluff


      Scuba Steve said:


      Heh, that was a wonderfully eloquent response. Forget words, sometimes all it takes is a visual representation of a marine fucking a demon to express absolutely everything that needs to be said. Good shot :)

  2. Just saw this movie, and one word describes it best...mindblowing. I've never seen a movie which captivated my attention with more intensity, or provoked so many raw emotions...

    A must see! Even the music is the best I've heard in any movie ever! -reznor with violins >)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Julian


      Fredrik said:

      As it seems, this topic turned out to be about whether posts should be blogged. Damn thread derailers :P

      Damn spammers :P

    3. Fredrik


      The Merovingian said:

      Damn spammers :P

      No postcount here :P

    4. doomedout
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