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About NaturalTvventy

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  1. I've played the first couple of maps of SIGIL, and as much I'm a fanboy of Romero (he's probably my favorite mapper), the two maps have felt quite lackluster. I found them derivative of the first SIGIL, without anything new or interesting to add to the party. I'm a big fan of the first SIGIL and I could tell a lot of work and creativity went into each of its maps. The SIGIL II maps I've played just seem to consist of copy/pasted elements from Sigil without as much thought or play testing. Repeated aspects include: Pentagrams everywhere Find the evil eye to continue Red rock texture Bases surrounded by lava with a cyberdemon roaming around Glowing red cracks in the floor and ceiling Narrow platforming with monsters shooting at you Low health and ammo Pick up a thing and the wall next to you opens with monsters All of these aspects were interesting in the first SIGIL, but they feel much more stale, bland, and lazy here, with poorer execution. The first map I found myself pistoling cacodemons from the start. For the platform section you didn't even need to raise the platforms, so finding the evil eyes didn't really accomplish anything. The roaming cyber was fairly ineffective because you were usually above it so its rockets would hit walls right in front of it. There are pinkies who do nothing because they can't reach you, and a final fight where the barons which you don't have ammo for are behind a door they can't pass through. The second map seemed even worse. Pick up a thing, open a wall, repeat. It was rather bland looking and the roaming cyber was even less effective than the map 1 cyber. I found he got stuck in the trees near him. The central fight was weak, with monsters teleporting in but an easy time backtracking up the stairs which the monsters themselves cannot traverse. Then there's a caco fight which poses no threat and then a baron who you don't have the ammo for but which also doesn't pose a threat. There's a hidden soul sphere around a corner through lava. You can sometimes walk on the tiny METAL ledge to prevent damage on the structure's perimeter and sometimes you can't. SIGIL II's semi-official placement as e6 makes me want a new theme but SIGIL II is really just recycled semi-official e5 SIGIL. I'll keep playing but I hope Romero's next project is more inspired than what I've seen of SIGIL II so far.
  2. I'm maybe 2/3rds of the way done with the map. If I could stick with BOOM format that would be awesome.
  3. Hi everyone, I've successfully converted my current project over to UDMF. Prior the map was in BOOM format. I'm sure there will be some broken triggers, but I feel I'll be able to manage all except one. I made use of BOOM's somewhat obscure light fade in/fade out with door special. I described playing with the special here: How does one go about replicating this special in UDMF? Thanks in advance.
  4. Only a few more eons to go! I'm just now looking up how to convert it to UDMF in fact due to sidedef overload. Darn my love of BOOM format.
  5. It's funny - this is the second time someone's asked me this this week! Type IDCLIP. Then you can walk through walls and sector height isn't an issue. But in all seriousness, it's inaccessible. This section of e3m7 is copy/pasted from the first map of my first release, The Beginning of the End part 1, aka end1.wad. In the original this armor is accessible, but not in NEIS.
  6. Nice! 2 hours! What inspired you to take on the run?
  7. Screenshot_Doom_20230706_104400.png.15b81e0886b41da475ccc0833d88fc8c.png

    1. Catpho


      More heads rolling than the French Revolution.

  8. Castle DOOM's grounds are overgrown with spiked weeds. The cursed plants require strong tools to slash them back. Even then they shoot back within seconds. Use extreme caution or risk getting tangled and trapped. Around the weeds, deadly toxic fumes bellow out of cavities.
  9. Switch textures don't animate when they also have a switch texture assigned as upper/lower. I always wondered why this switch in NEIS e4m1 didn't animate... Now I know!
  10. GZDoom is getting really advanced.
  11. Screenshot_Doom_20230619_095637.png.6dcaaf2927a62b878355e4e8681b7d08.png

    1. Omniarch


      These screens are so very enticing. I cannot wait to delve into depths of Castle DOOM!

    2. Breezeep


      I see you, Romero. Can't fool me.

  12. A fortune in treasure is buried deep in the darkest recesses of Castle DOOM.
  13. I did enjoy that, thanks. Please enjoy this scene of floating in space in End2.wad.
  14. Amazing detective work! Now do the same for my countless other assets going into my new work which I've carelessly gathered without making note of source ;)
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