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  1. You have point there. I was helping/talking with Karl about the lv01 in 4.97 video, and we were discussing about if the conditions should be discussed. However, the video was already lengthy enough, so Karl thought it is better to omit that part, and maybe explain it in another Doom related video. Lol, did you get the "not aged well" from that post?
  2. Heh, definitely didn't expect it to be beaten by you, but then I realized: maybe you have some history with this map, and seems like that the case. However, I disagree with the age thing. It won't slow you down in a long time. The world has changed quite a bit as far as I know due to computers and the internet. The traditional "you have to be under 25/30 yrs to be competitive" does not apply for "e-sports". There are people who are over 40, and run below 10 seconds in the 100m dash, hehe. Also, there are now digitalized tools to see one's progress. Like I know my reaction times at the age of 34 are still the same as at the age of 16. In the past, it was easier for people to use age as an excuse much more smoothly, because there were no evidence of their own record :---D And no, I am not saying the years won't slow one down ever. I've seen some 60+ years old play Playerunknown's battleground, and their reaction times seem to not slow down much, because the reaction times were at around 200 ms on 'normal reactionary stuff', not just some "reaction time test" bubble. The real problem what comes with age is that because the learning curve is exponential, it is the recent effort that dictates the 'current state'. You see these "young kids" blasting as fast, or if not even faster than you at the older age. The real strength is to throw in a lot of attempts, aka hard work (just do it), due to the exponential learning curvature, because there's actually not that much to learn. This leads to a shifted perspective, where one thinks he used to be faster/better, but now he is older, hence he must be slow(er)! The same thing tends to apply in real-life to many things, not just computer/digital games. The skill cap is the same, but the learning curve is so much faster in every field due to the advancements of technology. Even Hikaru Nakamura, the world's 2nd(?) best chess player, has changed/shifted his opinion towards a similar perspective. One thing is for certain: the learning curve is crazy fast everywhere nowadays compared to the past, and it is not slowing down. AI will help us to ramp up the learning even more.
  3. Better monitors, better computer mice, better source ports, more FPS experience, better tools, more videos to learn from hence faster learning curve, tricks and movement explained the way they actually are. Yeah, people are way better at playing, and spending more time than ever before. The skill ceiling has not grown that much, but has a bit, too. Some additional skills that are now present that were not really present in the past, so these increase the ceiling a bit: 1. Performing glides faster 2. Finding setups for tricks that are not feasible to 'eyeball' 3. Reaction times and the overall computer equipment has lowered the response times quite a bit, thus allowing gameplay to be a bit tighter.
  4. Map31 UV-Max in 1:59(.91) lv31m159.zip
  5. Surprising when they could be vastly different.
  6. "Kvothesixstring goes for normal exit but I think they qualify the same", what's the reasoning?
  7. I have personally never used spinners for speedrunning demos. I've used turn180 in Zdaemon though (Doom multiplayer port), where I do find quite a bit of use out of it. There are many situations where simply having a perfect turn180 helps you a lot. One obvious case is in deathmatch, where turning super fast to gain a tiny bit of time to mess up opponent's timing. In original Doom, one obvious case is actually Doom 1 E2M1 nomonsters/UV-speed/pacifist, where one can simply hit the turn180 key after picking the first key, blue key card, and get an easy perfect turn180. This turn is actually really difficult to optimize if you do the turn manually. It is so easy to lose surprising amount of time there. Like 0.14 seconds out of almost thin air. Also, the turn180 provides a lot of consistency which makes the turn trivial, instead of really difficult. Ridiculous. I know there are other maps (pretty much all the maps to be honest), where I could use the turn180 key to make turns a lot more consistent and _precise_. The interesting thing about the turn180 bind is that you can use it for turns that are not 180 degrees. For example, you can use it for turns around 180°+-45° and be faster, as you can combine your manual turn with the turn180. It makes some turns a lot more consistent with some gained time. I have not used the turn180 in the past because I've always thought it is only for the keyboarders AND for the 'meme maps', where people just seem to be fine to use it. So a case by case ruling. Because the game is supposed to be fun, and spamming turn180 in a meme map can be quite hilarious. Now, if the turn180 is allowed everywhere, we WILL be seeing it a lot in the coming speedruns of all categories. Now do we want such a viewing experience, where the runner may unexpectedly make a turn180? The turn180 is really tough to follow from others' perspective, for the runner it isn't that bad to follow, but unexpecting viewer will be like "what happened, I blinked and where did the guy warp to?". I've seen this happen many times online. If the turn180 is disallowed, almost nothing actually changes, because the turn180 is still rarely used to gain any significant advantage, except maybe in some meme maps where you gotta spin 180 every frame, but those maps (or complevels?) can be ruled differently. I am sorry but who are you exactly? I don't think I've seen you ever engage with speedrunning or send any demos. This sentence alone is one of the biggest bullshit statements I've seen in many years. I don't mean to be rude, but the sentence just blew my mind how uneducated it is. I read your other comments and it seems like you do not have any clue about speedrunning. It is just that you are super clueless, and doing harm to the thread by derailing it a shitton. I will read your reply, if you have one, but I won't reply to you anymore to avoid further derailing. And please understand, I don't try to be mean.
  8. Really nice run, congrats. Don't worry too much about runs getting beaten, I'm sure you've learned something out of the run even if one day it gets beaten by someone... and maybe by then you are even better runner so the times will be easier to get.
  9. lv02m100.zip some tips in this demo.
  10. E1M7 UV-max in 2:14 E1M7 UV-Respawn in 2:05 e1m7m214.zip e1m7r205.zip
  11. Hello,

    I see you're doing UV Max D2ALL of Doom 2. Good luck :) I have an idea that could save time on The Chasm: while standing on the top platform behind the invuln, fire a rocket at the southeast corner of the green pillar by the backpack. The rocket splash wakes up the caco early and you don't have to wait for him to come up when you're standing on the backpack ledge. The same trick works for both cacos by the plasma rifle (shooting at the southeast corner wakes up both, shooting at a single side can wake up one), but I'm not sure this can save time. I have never seen anyone do this, and you might finish your D2ALL before I can become skilled enough to put this trick in a TAS UV-MAX of The Chasm.

    1. Looper


      Heh, thanks for the idea. I will definitely see if I can use it.

  12. It's very nice demo... so is the rumoured Adam H's 46.00 made around 2000-2004, hitting exit switch slow, losing couple frames.
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